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Re: Lika's Story Using a crude javelin in a last ditch effort to get food, Lika managed to catch a Pike, of all things.  When you are starving, food can be akin to that of a religious experience.  Anyone who has experienced such troubles knows an event like this can bring you to tears.  Cosmically, Lika must acknowledge that this fish was given to him by the spirits themselves, as he had such a limited chance of survival without it.

Also, here's a picture of Lika I tried to draw, keyword is tried.  If he looks dark, foreboding, and edgy, that's not really my intention.  It still turned out that way.

May 11, 2020, 01:44:55 AM
Re: [Fixed - persists in 3.61] Tracks being modified by overlapping I'm sorry, Sami, but I can't find my way back to those tracks: all tracks I find now are either a day old or an hour fresh (and I did find the bull in a save I branched off when I encountered the fresh tracks). However, I saw the tracks switched from bull tracks to cow tracks as I loaded the save (where my character was standing on them).

I suspect the older tracks were stronger in that they were probably overlapping in the old state, so the new tracks would make fresh marks with an unclear direction on top of the old ones which already had an unclear direction. When it comes to strength, even bird tracks are capable of making you unable to determine the direction of an elk (or bull) you're tracking.

I'll keep my eyes open should I encounter the situation again.

May 13, 2020, 08:21:33 PM
Re: map not loading Thanks Sami, I sent you an email.  :)
June 05, 2020, 11:01:47 PM
Re: map not loading Hi Sami, I was able to open my saves on another (newer) Chromebook running Crouton! (EDIT: I simply installed the Linux version and am running it successfully, instead of trying to get Chromebook to run Crouton/Linux to run *Steam* to run URW.) Not sure if my former issue is still worth you looking into since my situation was so weird.

Happily playing now. p1m lives!

June 07, 2020, 08:17:05 PM
Re: A village but not a village? I have emailed you the file. They do get angry if I try to dismantle a building and reindeer cannot be leashed.

June 23, 2020, 08:47:45 PM
Re: Bloodscrapes disappeared on reloading Sent a set of Cornan save files

#16 is likely the most interesting for investigation. In case they help #15 and #17 are included.

July 03, 2020, 01:28:06 AM
Re: [3.63] Steam news text goes into underline mode Maybe Steam's own quality control kicked in.  ???

What I can access now looks fine now.

At the time I was on the download page and hit "view news".

Well, huzzah if the steam spirits have learned to look for these things.

July 11, 2020, 02:14:29 PM
Re: Off to holidays! Have fun and enjoy the summer. Hunt some beer,  play a dear  :-* Redaction footnote: not bears or a deer.
August 01, 2020, 11:21:06 PM
Re: Off to holidays! Have fun! don't get eaten by mosquitos
August 02, 2020, 03:19:55 PM
Re: Off to holidays! Have fun and happy summer from Northern Michigan!
August 04, 2020, 07:50:11 AM