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Re: Can it be done? YES IT CAN!!! so i did some googling on computer games on cromebook turns out new cromebooks come loaded with linux just had to turn it on and download linux 64 version from enormous elk.
June 30, 2021, 05:09:08 AM
Re: [3.70b] Loop Snares Getting Disassembled It is intended that big animals may now trigger traps while moving through them.  So and elk crossing your loop snare may very well trigger it.

What we have to tune is that domestic animals don't trigger your traps - which is likely the case here.

Also, previously wild animals didn't enter trap tiles which didn't affect to them so you could use loop snares as quite effective barricade. That is history now, animals can pass traps that don't affect to them, and as mentioned above also possibly trigger them on their way.

July 04, 2021, 12:02:26 PM
Raiders of the lost ark Attacked a Njerpez village and killed one of their guys. Took the body and the spoils across the lake. This is what I found when I came back. Reminded me of the Raiders of the lost ark scene. Beautiful, just beautiful...

July 08, 2021, 10:26:48 PM
Re: Hunting gripe Honestly, I don't think active hunting is that bad. But the caveat here is that you are somewhat "forced" (quotes are emphasized) to build your character in a certain way. You need fast character with high eyesight with bow or spear skill high, good endurance. Which makes sense, these are fundamental for hunting in wild. I tried to tackle this with trying out some crossbow builds with a Driik character, but creating a Kaumo is way easier. You don't need to push it too much, I honestly left some game after I missed the first shot. If I am in a thick forest, I look to hit them on the first shot otherwise tracking them is not my priority unless I need the meat or the skin badly.

One thing that irritated me when I was active hunting, was the damage. It always felt like my grandmaster bowman was just not able to get a critical hit on a game, I always resorted to endurance hunting because the arrow did almost no damage, but looking at the game as a whole, masterwork bow and arrow needs an edge so that they are a lot more preferable. I realized that my initial reaction to the problem was stemming from the fact that my hunting tactic almost completely revolves around getting the first hit. So damage annoyed me more than it should because I relied on it too much. In a similar manner, I think depending on a single style often results in frustration.

As for the graphical limitations, I think the game would benefit greatly from a widescreen support. This is no easy task by any means but I think it would greatly improve player's time spent in a thick forest or searching for arrows. There are some graphical edits you can make to get tracks and arrows stand out more but these are rather "hacks" more than anything. But don't let this make your game experience worse for you. If you find yourself squinting way too much and you get eye fatigue, why not do the graphical mods. It is not multiplayer, you are not taking away anyone else's game experience, so why not.

August 08, 2021, 01:53:54 PM
Towards the stable with functional bowstrings and fascinating quick-bows There hasn't been serious showstoppers with 3.70 beta, so in addition to fixing the remaining bugs I've been relieved enough to also continue working on the few features that didn't quite make their way into first beta releases. So when the stable version comes, it's won't only stabilize the newly added goodies but also adds some new stuff to explore. For example craftable, breakable bowstrings as a separate functional part of a bow.
Yes, that's where the textilecraft additions will bring us now.

Bowstrings will be featured as a craftable item of their own, and they wear out in use and thus need to be replaced every now and then. Bowstrings are made out of multiple strands of yarn twisted together, but also thin cordage can be used for a makeshift bowstring. It's faster to make a bowstring from a cord and the required length is also far lesser, but bowstrings made out of cords are also always of lesser quality.
     Good quality bowstring can last up to thousand of shots or so. The lower the quality the faster the bowstring is prone to break. When the bowstring breaks a message is displayed and the bow gets described as "bow with no string". Naturally you can't shoot with such a bow anymore until a new bowstring is added.

Another bow related addition is a spruce quick-bow - a new type of craftable bow. Spruce quick-bow is the most simple and quick to make type of a bow. It's made out of a single branch that is cut from a standing spruce tree. It goes without saying that this type of bow is not a high performance weapon, but it is efficient enough for hunting squirrels and other small game. This type of bow is strongly based in history, specifically that of the Saami hunters, and it is a fascinating method to make a bow quickly out in the wilderness. You can see me making a spruce quick-bow in the nearby woods in this video (on my traditional archery related YouTube channel):
Heh. It's surely different to craft these things with lines of codes in the digital realm than with an axe in the northern wilderness, but it's nice to master the both ways :)

And there's even more features still pending to be added for the stable release. Stay tuned.

August 23, 2021, 10:09:28 AM
RIP, Bul My oldest character, Bul, died today. 1699 days...bah!

I saw a dead elk out in a frozen lake. After testing the ice near the shore for safety, I walked out to it. It was fresh! So, I skinned it for a Fine pelt. I was a bit fatigued but then went ahead with butchering. At 118 cuts, it seems I was too exhausted to continue... and THEN the ice broke under me. Too fatigued to move, I could not crawl out of the water. I dropped everything, but, alas, fatigue was still over 100. Died a frozen, watery death.

(yes, I ignored the fact that the elk had broken the ice and died. I got what I

September 09, 2021, 10:28:48 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Abi is struggling quite badly.

He started Hurt, Helpless And Afraid at the beginning of summer, some two in-game months ago now. He found himself perhaps a day's walk to the west of Reemi with his right arm torn to shreds. He crafted himself a fishing rod, which caught a grand total of two roaches (which were promptly used for bait and lost). He had better lack with trapping, catching a small animal perhaps every 3 or 4 days. He kept going on sheer willpower and crowberries. Eventually the hunger became too much and he ate some wavy grass leaves, which turned out to be wolf pipe; he did not fully recover from the poisoning yet.

Abi's misfortunes are partly my own fault though. For this game I decided to stay in the zoomed in map all the time, except if I walk above the tree line. I can only zoom out when I'm standing on mountains, hills, lichenous pine forest, or cliffs. So the usual strategy of spotting big game from a distance was out of the question, and building a trap fence with only a wooden shovel and a stone axe takes absolute ages. Needless to say, I did not do any trade yet; in fact I have so few tradable goods that I did not even bother searching for villages yet. I specifically wanted to play a forager character, and well, I got exactly what I said I wanted...

But the best thing is this: as you can see in the screenshot, Abi's misery is finally about to end!

September 21, 2021, 11:37:58 AM
Wrapping it up for a stable release Seems like all the most critical bugs have been fixed by now and 3.70 beta has been around for such a good while that we don't expect any nasty surprises anymore. So wrapping things up for 3.70 stable starts now, and the release is expected early this month.

The few latest additions to 3.70 that were finally accomplished are craftable cords and ropes from yarn, and whole lotta new character portraits.
Just a little more work and patience is needed and then it's out.

October 01, 2021, 01:53:25 PM
Re: Turning a forest tile into a clear ground by chopping down all trees
is it possible to change tile type by chopping down all trees?

I want my field tile to be looked as a field in zoom-out view
I have not tried this myself but I read a post on this forums - someone reported that they did exactly that and the tile did indeed change.

Edit: Found it! Here is the post and @Labtop 215 's contribution to UrW science:

October 05, 2021, 04:59:20 PM
Version 3.70 (stable) released on Steam, Itch, and for lifetimers We're happy to announce that version 3.70 has reached the stable stage and is now released and available on Steam, Itch.Io and Lifetimers will find the release at the designated forum section.

If you were playing 3.70 beta versions, you should know that there's also new content added since the last beta. And if you weren't playing beta versions at all, then prepare to discover a lot. But first a little look at the key features with a few screenshots.

Key features of version 3.70

The key features of version 3.70 version deal with the moon and the moonlight, fibre processing with new textilecraft skill, snow penalty for all the creatures and snow crust, lots of new character portraits, tying equipment adjustments and additions, crafting fishing rods and hooks and usage of baits, option for metric units, and so on. The list of additions and fixes is long and you can find the full changelog at the bottom of this post.

Trudging through the deep snow the escaping elk tires itself easily while the hunter gliding with skis on snow crust travels easily.

There are lots of new character portraits added, and also an option to ask whereabouts of village water supply.

The autumn nights are already dark, but during full moon there's enough light for example to go fishing - with self-made fishing rod and hooks, that is.

Textilecraft in action. We have a new batch of harvested nettles retting in the water, and prepare to spin some yarn from earlier extracted nettle fibres.

Version 3.70 changelogs

First, here's changelog since the latest 3.70 beta version - new content to be aware of for those who have already been playing the beta versions.

3.70 (stable) changelog - new content since 3.70-beta 3

- added: whole lotta new portraits, and specific portait categories for old men and sages

A good bunch of new portraits have been added for kids, female and male characters. There are also two new portrait categories specifically for old men and sages. Portraits in these categories are exclusive for those type of NPCs and can't be associated with other NPCs nor chosen as a player character portrait.
MIGRATION NOTICE: NPCs generated in the previous versions continue to appear with their previously generated portraits.

- added: bowstrings as a separate functional part of a bow

Bowstrings are now featured as a craftable item of their own. Bowstrings wear out in use and thus need to be replaced every now and then. Crafting any bow now requires also a bowstring item, so you need to have a bowstring ready in order to make a functional bow.

* crafting a bowstring

Bowstrings can be crafted from [M]ake-menu under [W]eapons category. Bowstrings are made out of multiple strands of yarn twisted together, but also thin cordage can be used for a makeshift bowstring. Upon crafting a bowstring you can select the material, yarn or cord, to be used.
It's faster to make a bowstring from a cord and the required length is also far lesser, but bowstrings made out of cords are also always of lesser quality. Your textilecraft skill determines the success of making a bowstring. Due to item usage complexity bowstring crafting is hard-coded and not to be found in editable diy_*.txt file.

* bowstring breakage and replacement

Good quality bowstring can last up to thousand of shots or so. The lower the quality the faster the bowstring is prone to break. When the bowstring breaks a message is displayed and the bow gets described as "bow with no string". Naturally you can't shoot with such a bow anymore until a new bowstring is added.
You can check out condition of a bowstring in strung bows with inventory command. Upon selecting a bow to examine you will see how the bowstring looks like.
You can add a new bowstring to a bow with no string with [a]pply command. First apply the bowstring, and then select a bow to be strung with the string.

- added: [a]pply command can be used to remove hook from a fishing rod or to unstring a bow

Sometimes you want to remove the old fishhook or bowstring at will and it can be done with [a]pply command.
To remove a hook from a fishing rod [a]pply the fishing rod on dry land. The reason for doing it on dry land is that otherwise the fishing attempt will be initiated.
To remove a bowstring from a strung bow just [a]pply the bow anytime.
If you try to attach a fishhook or bowstring to fishing rod or bow that already carries those item parts you'll be notified of these new removal mechanics.

- added: spruce quick-bow - a simple craftable makeshift bow

Spruce quick-bow is the most simple and quick to make type of a bow. It's made out of a single branch that is cut from a standing spruce tree. It goes without saying that this type of bow is not a high performance weapon, but it is efficient enough for hunting squirrels and other small game.
Spruce quick-bow can be crafted from [M]ake menu "Weapons"-category. There's also SPRUCE QUICK-BOW game encyclopedia [F1] entry available for more information.

- removed: primitive bow and juniper bow - newly introduced spruce quick-bow replaces these.

- adjusted: villagers reclaiming heavy loads

Previously villagers would crowd endlessly around items they wanted to reclaim and restock if the load of whole stack was too heavy to pick up. Now they try to pick up such loads in smaller stacks, and if that should fail also they will eventually give up.

- added: craftable cords and ropes from yarn

You can now craft cords and ropes from yarn. These options can be fround from [M]ake menu under [T]ying equipment category.

- adjusted: cord and rope crafting requirements and applicable skill

Crafting any cord or rope now also requires a branch which is used as an aid for twisting the strands firmly together. The applicable skill for crafting yarn based cords and ropes is now textilecraft.

- changed: generic "cord" item name and quality

The generic craftable makeshift "cord" item which is made out of strips of clothing is now called "cloth cord" and its finished quality always remains on inferior side.

- updated: game encyclopedia [F1] entry for CORD and ROPE

- adjusted: "Set a net" now shows only tools in "Fishing" menu

- modding add: 'first word' value for [naming:] tag

Using 'first word' with [naming:] tag will get value of the first word of selected material/item name.
For example, material requirement and naming such as:
{Cord} [remove] [name:%s product] [naming:first word]
would result in finished item called 'yarn product' if 'yarn cord' was selected as the material, or 'linen product' if 'linen cord' was selected. And so on.

- adjusted: fatigue accumulation when moving by watercraft

Type of the vessel and implement used to move it now matters to how fatiguing it is to move by watercraft. In general it is more strenuous to move by raft than by punt. The implement used to move the vessel also matters. Shoving the watercraft ahead with sesta takes more effort than paddling.

- adjusted: companions pay more attention to closing doors

Companions now always try to close the doors they pass. This is to avoid them letting domestic animals, or warmth, to escape from your settlements.

- fixed: possibility of NPC portrait being the same as player character's portrait
- fixed: carried load unit (lb/kg) in statistics window not changing if system of measurement was changed during the gameplay
- fixed: sneaking while skiing on snow crust didn't reduce the speed
- fixed: dried cuts as fishing baits got used up in one single fishing attempt
- fixed: [nominlen] crafting tag not calculating tying equipment stacks properly
- fixed: NPC's excess bartered good might be distributed also to the village animals
- fixed: auto-shortening of tying equipment in crafting recipes not always reducing the weight accordingly
- fixed: boy NPC weights generated wrong and too low
- fixed: plants not burning in fire

Version 3.70 major changelog - since the first beta release

To view all the new content in version 3.70 the full changelog is here:


Cheers, and happy adventures!

October 09, 2021, 09:47:24 PM