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Re: Capture dog in the wild? Just found a dog in one of my deadfall bear traps, with a fire and fox bones next to it. Seems like an NPC hunter found a fox in my fox trap that was in the same place; cooked it; while he was doing that his dog got entrapped; and then he took off, leaving his dog in the trap! Nice guy. (I set the dog loose).
December 15, 2021, 06:44:16 AM
Season's Greetings The midwinter and holiday season is at hand!
It is time to send you our warmest Season's Greetings with a few moody photos from this very day.
Thank you for 2021 to those who already roam the UnReal World, and welcome into the Far North, all you new adventurers.

We have just passed the Winter Solstice on northern hemisphere, and the amount of daylight now slowly starts increasing. Otherwise the winter in Eastern Finland continues in decent -20 degrees celsius temperatures with delightful amount of snow. Sami (UnReal World creator) heads towards the real world in horizon.

Merry Christmas, Tree. This mighty spruce grows beside the village road, not very far from the development chambers.

Now let's survive the midwinter, and see you again in 2022!

December 22, 2021, 04:22:44 PM
Re: Punts on Dogs (or other pack animals)
Dogs in game ;D

December 24, 2021, 09:38:52 PM
The 30th jubileum, 47th birthday, and sort of a year off This year, in 2022, we are celebrating the 30th Jubileum of UnReal World.
The game was first released in the summer of 1992, so the 30-year milestone will be reached this summer.
Now what will this special year of celebration bring upon us, and the game?

When it comes to coding and development, I will be taking it real easy. It is likely that we'll see some updates to the game, but mostly I'll be devoting my time for variety of other things. So I'll kind of celebrate the 30 years of development by taking a year off from the usual coding flurry. This also allows me to better contemplate on the future of the game as there some challenging overhauls in our sight. One is moving to higher resolution and modern aspect ratio. The year is early, and these thoughts are scattered, so more news on this front will follow later on. But yes, it is truly so that I will take a year off from the usual, practical, hands-on development. Planning, brainstorming and a little something easy paced remains, though.

Nevertheless, during this year of celebration we will be bringing you some recreational content from the North, out and away from the development chambers. What it will be exactly remains to be seen, but I'm sure this year off will bring along many occasions, incidents, experiments or artistic projects to share or publish.  There are some ideas bubbling under already.

On this thursday, 27th of January, it will be my 47th birthday. I started working on UnReal World at the age of 15 and two years later,  at the age of 17, the first version was released to the public. Now the 30th Jubileum, or 47th birthday, may feel like an occasion to offer me a drink or something, and for that purpose I quickly created "buy me a coffee" page.
It's a simple support channel I've been asked to allow even earlier.  Now it's up and will remain so at least for this year.  I'll reserve the right to decide the drink to buy with your support :) , but big cheers anyway!
(And surely the regular donations page also works for gifting some squirrel hides.)

So these are the news to start this year with.  Feel free to comment or ask if something comes to your mind.

Sami (UnReal World creator)

The developer is currently out the office ...

He's skiing in the woods following two elks...

He will be back occasionally and eventually.

January 24, 2022, 03:01:22 PM
Re: Switch keyboard shortcuts You actually can activate a confirmation message for hotkey-sleeping by changing an ini setting in the file urw_ini.txt under the game's main directory:
Code: [Select]
// Ask yes/no confirmation when you press a hotkey to sleep.

Roads are regarded as a liminal space, which gives rise to superstitions about such places being unrestful spots for sleeping.
Accordingly, the game discourages this behavior through flavor text (and maybe even some sort of consequence towards the player's standing with the spirits, though this isn't confirmed), but I can see why the message alluding to this cultural notion might come across as rather sus.

I also agree that something could be done about the long wait hotkeys. Two possible methods:
  • implement an additional confirmation setting for waiting (0,1,2: none; only [-]; both [-] and [alt] + [-])
  • change the shortcut to [shift] + [.] as an extension of passing one turn

May 07, 2022, 01:36:18 AM
Going with the flow Well, hi there everyone!
It's been a while, and time to cheer you up with a few pictures from the real world.
I visited Erkka the last weekend and we refreshed ourselves by going with the springtime flow.
The flow also lead us to playing and recording a piece of primitive music.
The song is well in the post-production phase in my devel... err... mixing chambers and will be released as a short music video showing more footage in the vein of these stills.
After a quite long pause in this kind of recreational primitive arts it was such a good flow that we found and followed.

May 12, 2022, 10:47:06 AM
Still forging the Blacksmith NPC code As announced earlier, we're working on a fundamental new addition of featuring blacksmith NPCs and possibility of ordering various iron goods from them.
Our hopes to have it all completed this month has proven slightly too optimistic, so the release will take place in April.
The good news is there's far more done, than still to be done. That is, if we manage to avoid time consuming sidetracking and spin-offing, as this is indeed an addition that can easily grow and expand with to-dos and ideas popping up here and there.

Let's continue with some dones and to-dos after a screenshot of a new NPC in town:

By now there's a solid groundwork done for the blacksmith NPCs;
- new NPCs tiles have been drawn
- blacksmith NPC generation is in effect
- blacksmith availability and their level of expertise among different cultures have been considered and in effect in the village generation
- chat options for talking about and ordering goods are set and working
- blacksmith item production works and ordered items get created
- chat options for asking about the ordered item and obtaining it when ready are working
- trading for the ordered item works

In a nutshell the process of ordering goods from a blacksmith goes like;
You talk with the blacksmith about the possible goods to order, and then confirm your choice.
Blacksmiths will give you an approximation of how long the item production will take, and you can ask about the remaining production time later on too.
When the item is ready you go to talk the blacksmith again and the trading for the item starts.

So you pay for the ordered goods when they are ready, not beforehand. This way you don't have to carry your wealth
around all the time, but can go fetch it when the time to trade for the ordered goods is at hand.
It's the usual trading system in use so you can try to offer offer whatever goods you want.
You can also ask beforehand what the blacksmith would like as a payment from your current inventory.

Time for another screenshot where some of these factors are seen in action;

Then, what still remains to be done is to;
- go through the item lists and consider what items blacksmith will produce, considering their culture and expertise.
- set production times, and few other variables, for the items they produce.
- check everything
- check everything again
- test everything
- repeat the previous
- fix, adjust and possibly rewrite something
- final adjustments
- release

Phew.... forging the forging code is a serious business, but we're getting there and it will be a blast!

Stay tuned.

March 28, 2023, 05:17:44 PM
Sami, Erkka and master Lassi Hey hey,

it's a special coding (and recreational) weekend going on together with Erkka (co-designer) at my place.
And it's no surprise that we've been working on a upcoming blacksmith code.
This kind of sessions are always very productive, and of the earlier mentioned still remaining NPC blacksmithing to-dos these two biggies are now done:
- go through the item lists and consider what items blacksmith will produce, considering their culture and expertise.
- set production times, and few other variables, for the items they produce.

We've done a lots of checks, tests, adjustments and minor additions too - and that continues.
The days have been sunny, so catching a fresh air between the coding sessions is also essential.

Erkka (co-designer) on the left, Sami (creator) on the right - thinking and wandering in the woods.

Of the newest spin-off features one to mention is that when you ask from villagers if there is a blacksmith around they will be proud to immediately mention if their blacksmith is a skilled one. Only the most skilled blacksmiths can make the most demanding items, such as a skramasaksis, kaumolais knives, swords or helmets.
Upon last night's playtesting session while looking for blacksmith at Koivula a certain villager told us about master Lassi being around.
His forging skills were indeed notable:

Stay tuned. The release with NPC blacksmiths is upon us this very month.

April 02, 2023, 11:54:00 AM
Re: Master Fisherman can't catch no fish!
I don't understand. Is it simply because I have no bait?

try bait, though it's still much harder to catch fish in the last version or so.

April 05, 2023, 02:01:26 AM
Bear matter (another longish post)   I've noticed how dangerous wolves are, and Njerps as well. Gladly It's been several characters with no robbers at sight, those are dangerous as well. And I'm proud to have taken my first bear down.
   In fact I've taken one down time before, but it doesn't count for me. The character has just been created and encountered a sleeping bear, after walking few miles. Approached with caution, step by step, till the Character was near enough to land an axe hit right over the skull, killing in instantly. That Character was abandoned pretty quickly. Because for me it was more like an experiment. I would never approach an sleeping bear, with little 16 years old in such a manner.

   Now what happent recently was different. I've accepted the quest to recover a valuable woodman's axe from a camp site. The man that asked me for that item was crippled, perhaps never beeing able to walk again. He told me that an agressive bear showed out of nowhere and attacked him. Eventhough he tried to disengage from the combat several times, he couldn't.
   I've succesfully recovered items from camps in similar quests. Stealth, plus patience, some tracking and hearing. I was able to get in, pick them up, and get out without facing the source of danger. Somehow this time, as I couldn't find the camp site, and the tracks of the bear seemed older and older while days and nights passed, the character began to lose the patience, skipped some stealth and kept covering more terrain. Almost considering to abandon the given task.
  Hearing the roar of the bear, as to notice it was rushing towards the Character was alarming. My heart raised. But I knew I had to be still, no keys pressed in the keyboard. I had to be thoughtful in that exact time. The bear came out when less expected, and it was agressive and... it was over me.
  What now?
  If I turn my back and run, well, that could go horribly wrong.
  So, I stand? I can't stand... I can't stand...
  Weapons: I've got Long bow, a set of knives and axes. My strongest hability is the axe. Woodman's axe proves to be a little unhandy in certain face-ups.
  I've got to make a desicion, the hand axe it will be. It is already in my hand.

  I'll run, but facing the animal.
  Get one back-step in, and it tries to bite me.
  So, bite will be met with sharp blow in the head.
  When the claws, I go for the arms, and blunt?
  Holly shit, the weapon is always "almost falling from my hands".
  Some F3 checkings now and then.
  Step back, counter-attack, step back, counter-attack.
  The beast have even another type of attack.
  And each time I have the innitiave, I'll take a step away.

   As the wounded person told me, trying to disengage wasn't possible. And this creature could end the life of the Character for sure.

   After some several actions taking place the bear suddently gets like normal, no agressive, it even seemed as it was going away.
   Another moment to get away of the keyboard and think.
   In one hand, the bear was a little bit tired and with some wounds or bruises...
   In the other hand, I was also injured and a bit tired as well...
   One part of me wanted to go for the kill, the other part wanted to not take the risk, just let the animal go.
   But for any outcome, I'd have to recover those fatigue points.
   Back to Walking, and [.] wait a turn - rest.
   The bear just jumped over the character. Oh-Oh-Oh.

The strategy used was new for me, and it worked. The character could get the skull high up there in a tree, and its skin to preserve near there.
I've been playing this game for years now. And after all these characters and all those hours in-game and several months in real life, I can now say I brought down my first bear.
It was challeging
  and I'm really glad about it.

April 06, 2023, 01:04:40 AM