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Re: Vagabonds A vagabond is just a human who doesn't belong to any tribe. There are vagabond villages outside of tribal territory, for instance, and vagabonds can have any of the professions that tribe members can have.
Vagabonds can be recruited as companions just the same as tribal ones, and vagabond adventurers are just the same as tribal ones.
Vagabond robbers are just as much a pest as tribal robbers.

Thus, murdering vagabonds just because they don't belong to any tribe is akin to murdering members of other tribes because they don't belong to your own (or murdering members of a particular tribe because of some reason).

The only possible difference is that I see more vagabond woodsmen, hunters, and adventurers traveling around that I do tribal ones, but on the other hand, my characters settle outside of tribal territory.

Thus, I greet vagabonds (some of them can also provide a quest, although that quest isn't exclusive to vagabonds) and theoretically trade with them (in theory, as I don't have any need to trade). Of course any "adventurer" seen on the map can turn out to be robbers of any tribe, including the vagabond "tribe", so you need to take care with those.

June 05, 2018, 08:33:30 PM
building roads ok, first up, beware, roads can burn. do not use them on a farm field. i learned this the hard way.

so, a few mods add roads that you can make.

did anyone every actually build a road to another village? my own homestead is about the same distance from the next village as they are spread from each other. about 10 tiles or some. did anyone ever actually do that distance? so far i've managed to do a whole tile in my spare time, took a quarter year to do, at this rate, a single road to a single village would take me about 4 ingame years.

i'm building it anyway, it's a visual que that tells me the way, is that the only usefull aspect they have or do they reduce travel time to? and if i build one, does it show on the world map like it does with the existing roads? does it also increase potential of visitors, considering i just had to fight off 4 robbers, this is a concern...

June 25, 2018, 02:50:10 AM
Inviting foreign trader to another location The idea is to inviting the foreign trader to a better location for trading.

1) when meeting a foreign trader in spruce mire during winter time is a nightmare to trade. Its easily miss some of the trader in that wilderness.
2) sometimes you meet a trader that carry masterwork equipment that you been looking a while but turn out you do not carry any fur since you are out on hunting trip.
3) You dont carry very valueable fur all the time since the you might get mug by robbers

1) Inviting the traders to a nearby pine/open mire to conduct business.
2) Inviting the traders to your nearby settlement to trade.

The decision to accept your invite will depend on
1) Distant to the invite location
2) Your reputation, whether you have frequent trade  previously, or kill and rob traders  8)
3) The invite location must be friendly or neutral zone. No njer, robber or hostile creature present.
4) The traders own time to live on the map. They will get despawn when the timer expired.

I believe that businessman aka foreign trader will be businessman whatever civilisation age they happen to be.
They will go anywhere for profit/trade unless that somewhere is well known for robbery, murder...

June 28, 2018, 08:41:52 AM
Rare random dead bodies

Just saw the movie Alpha today. At one point he found a dead hunter and got a few useful things. he could have also stripped the clothing too.

It occurred to me that it could be a possible, though rare, encounter to find a dead person in Unreal World. Someone dead from the cold, a sickness got them, starved to death, bleed to death, ate the wrong mushroom and so forth. Our own avatars do die at times. It could be possible to come across a dead person with a few useful things.

It would need to be rare and limited in items to avoid unbalancing the game. For some the "naked and afraid" type play it would be a major find.

August 19, 2018, 02:43:22 AM
Re: Rare random dead bodies I find dead people far too often. They're villagers who drowned in the village ponds...

If you were to find dead people in the wild (where you missed the case of messing with the wrong bear), you'd have to incredibly lucky to find the body at the very beginning of the game, when you need the items, unless the world is littered with dead bodies all over the place (or the game games bodies in for new character to stumble upon).
Basically, you'd most likely stumble upon dead bodies when you don't have much use for their gear, as you already have several Njerps under your belt, so it would be a feature that mostly would be of limited value for the off chance that someone gets incredibly lucky early on.

August 19, 2018, 09:58:16 AM
How do I Mod? I am not tech savy. How do I download and install a mod. Please bear in mind that I will need a lots of explanation. I know nothing about mod and codes
August 29, 2018, 04:58:18 PM