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Rules of engagement for adventurers in the wild Hi everybody,

I would like to propose a set of simple rules for making the interaction between the player and adventurers or hunters found in the wild more realistic and less prone to exploitation. Sami has said that next version is all about NPCs, so I wonder if there is still time for a simple fix regarding this aspect of NPC-player interaction.

As you know, when the player stumbles upon a pacific NPC in the wild, said NPC basically acts as if nothing interesting is happening. A completetely unknown person appears from nowhere, pointing a broadhead arrow to the NPC head. Nobody says anything, not even "hello?" or "hi, I'm gonna murder you while you are all alone here!". The NPC walks around, bored, looking at the trees, turns his back to the player and bang!, free equipment/clothing and food. Not that realistic. Luckily it is easy to remedy, in my opinion.

Two basic considerations:

First, if the NPC sees the player for the first time, the NPC should be able to react.

Second, that first-time reaction should depend on the distance from the player. If the distance is outside the "personal space" of the NPC, the NPC talks, asking if the player is friend or foe. If the player is inside the "personal space" of the NPC, it will assume aggressive intent, and the NPC will attack at once.

If the player said "I'm a friend", can he treacherously attack later? I'll say either no, or give the player such bad karma that is almost suicidal. I prefer that the player be prohibited from attacking, so he can't exploit, again, a naive NPC.

The player still has the advantage here, as he can still zoom in with weapons ready and at range while the NPC won't have his weapons at the ready, and has the option of stalking the NPC and shoot it with impunity. But once discovered, it is either challenged about his intentions by the NPC (if far) or directly attacked if too near.

The logic is pretty simple. In pseudo-pseudo-pseudo code: ;)

if (player_not_detected)
      do nothing
      if (distance > NPC_personal_space)
         NPC asks if player is friend or foe
                if (answer is foe) NPC attacks; else nobody can attack,
         NPC attacks

As you can see, it is nothing particularly complicated and solves the naive adventurer NPC exploit.

What do you think?





May 06, 2019, 10:24:51 PM
Re: No f*cking way i would play.

There's so little details in your post that it's impossible to say anything. Screenshots showing the actual situation, and penalties, and distance would help to analyze.
(And they're not buckler though, but roundshields.)
Sorry, this time i didn't make a backup.

But before death i tried to cheat all skills=100 and dexterity at 18, then 36 and then 80. And didn''t evade enemy arrows.
Something strange?

Evade from what distance, with what penalties, how many battle rounds were inspected, what were the game messages?
No, with this little details I can't say if there's anything strange there. Except that putting dexterity (or any attribute) above it's natural level may have game math go wonky with unimaginable results.

People often mistakenly think that in UnReal World 100% skill level and 18 attribute level means success everytime within every deed you may try.
This isn't the case. An ultimate never failing warrior kind of thinking isn't our cup of tea.

I'm happy to investigate many cases like this in more detail IF the details are given. Savegame is often enough, as there are the logs and the situation to be seen.

May 07, 2019, 10:37:26 AM
Re: Roast cooking for NPCs, and also as companion command
Moreover, roast cooking is also added as a new companion command. Unlike player character, companions don't leave the meat by the fire and pick it up when it's done, but they stay put by the fire while roasting is being done. Companions roast ten pieces of meat at a time, and if not given another order they try to keep on cooking until everything is roasted.

These are future additions - not yet functional in current version 3.52.

That is awesome!  Can a similar dynamic be added to NPC commands for smoking, drying, or salting meat?  If they have in their possession cords, a knife, and/or salt, can that be added to their repertoire of commands?

Those are more complex cookery deeds, and not coming this time. Basically everything can be done, but unfortunately the time is limited and masses of other features are shouting and waving "please add me, please add me." ;)

May 07, 2019, 10:39:52 AM
Re: Fix Robbers This will be taken care of in the next release.

The fights which deal with special consequences for the player character's party upon defeat will continue on their own until the true result is resolved for all the participants.
This includes both fighting the robbers, as well as some village fights where villagers choose to deal with the nuisances with non-fatal manners.

May 08, 2019, 11:26:07 AM
Couple of suggestions Hello aventurers! I've been playing the game for quite some time now and i can't help but think about things that could get a little better , even if the game is already god-like when it comes to wilderness simulation in my opinion. So if you guys don't mind id like to do some suggestions not to complain, but only to enjoy the game even more!

First thing i think would be cool is snowy trees when its winter   :D would be even more beautifull.
Also what could be interesting (and i don't know if its already in place) is the weight gain/loss, i don't think i ever lost weight.
And a interactive survivor icon would be quite nice aswell , even though i know its probably hard to do.
Like the the guy could get fat or skinny. But yeah since they spend most theire days chopping huge amounts of trees down i guess nobody really gets fat lol.
I also saw the new thing with different animal colors and stuff and i gotta say it looks pretty!
One last thing i can think about right now is a new Npc , fishersman's , which could be encountered in the wild , on a punt or setting nets maybe or just by the river side.

Anyways i hope this was helpfull if i think of some more i will post in the comments!
Thank you for the great game

May 10, 2019, 11:36:53 PM
Re: Couple of suggestions Also i would like to suggest Thunder storms! Would be nice to have a sound effect and stuff and occasional lightning strikes
May 13, 2019, 09:39:36 AM
Re: Working with tree nails
Pretty cool video!  Thanks!
I guess it would be possible to bore out holes for wooden nails using a knife... is that meant to be the idea?  or is it more like tenon joints?  Perhaps an expert on Finnish/Scandinavian woodworking could clarify.  Or one of the developers.

Knife cut holes tend to be very sloped as most knives go from a sharp point to whatever width. Actually making a drill or auger takes about a simliar amount of metal but rather than putting a knife handle on it you extend it as a wood rod farther back. Then this rod  you connect to a cross bar to generate the turning force.

Found out about that research the BAC items for Medieval Drill and Auger.

From the BAC discussion with weblinks:

// Auger
// Used to pre-drill holes before using nails
// or wooden pegs. Expected only for large construction
// or joining thick pieces like in boat building
// Differs from drill in that the auger makes finger or thumb
// diameter holes such as for structural wooden pegs
// A carving axe or knife would would do in for most boards
// if you can access both sides. If the board is already in
// place you might use an auger to drill from the open side
// all the way across and then into the other wood.
// Presented as one recipe
// Weblinks:

.Crossbar Auger. "Sesta" [effort: 3] [phys:arms,hands] *CARPENTRY*  /6h/
{*billet} (2) [ground] [remove] '+for rod length'
{*steel billet} (1) [ground] [remove] '+cutting end'
{*billet} (1) [ground] [remove] '+for reinforcement band'
{*forge*}          [noquality]      'Forge or furnace'
{Charcoal}    (8)    [remove] [noquality] [ground]
{Bellows} [ground]
{*anvil*}      [ground]   'Anvil nearby'
{*hammer}                  'Hammer'
{Staff} (1)       [remove] [noquality]   '+shaft, crossbar and swivel head'
{Axe} <Carving axe> '+cut staff, shape wood'
{Knife} <Draw knife>        '+for fine shaping'
{Whetstone}           [noquality]   '+for final sharpening'
[PRICE: 80]
//Price is mostly for the iron

// Medieval Bow drill
// For making tiny holes in hard or thick objects.
// Example holes in steel plates to make lamellar
// or pilot holes for nails in thick objects.
// Differs from auger in that this drill makes tiny holes
// Possible addition for a pump cord drill
// it would use 1 iron billet for rod and 1 steel billet cutter
// also use a {*cord} and {Staff} mabye {Block}
// Makes thin holes like pre-drills for long iron nails
// possible use in clinkered punt
// Weblink
// Note: the name Medieval Drill is used so that it doesn't
// get picked up in *bow *cord or other recipes

.Medieval drill. "Sesta" [effort: 3] [phys:arms,hands] *CARPENTRY*  /4h/
{Wooden stake} (1) '+for central shaft'
{Block of wood} (1) '+for flywheel'
{*iron billet} [remove] [ground] '+for drill shaft'
{*steel billet} [remove] [ground] '+for drill cutting head'
{*cord} [remove] '+for the twisting string'
{Branch} {1} [noquality] '+for bow holding string'
{*forge*}          [noquality]      'Forge or furnace'
{Charcoal}    (4)    [remove] [noquality] [ground]
{Bellows} [ground]
{*anvil*}      [ground]   'Anvil nearby'
{*hammer}                  'Hammer'
{Axe} <Carving axe> '+cut staff, shape wood'
{Knife} <Small knife>        '+for fine shaping'
{Whetstone}           [noquality]   '+for final sharpening'
[PRICE: 60]
[PRICE: 50]
//Price is mostly for the iron

May 17, 2019, 02:43:16 AM
NPC hunters gone wild I've had amusing and laborous times with testing and tweaking how NPCs now behave in the wild with their newly added wits for example to actively hunt and process the downed animals. New blocks of AI always make things a bit crazy at first as unimaginable and unpredictable conditions harness the power of new algorithms.

I've witnessed NPC hunter running after a squirrel swinging a sword, and exhausting himself by circling around the tree with no better understanding of the target being out of his reach. After awhile my character decided to help the guy out and shot the squirrel down for him, after which he correctly proceeded to butcher and skin the carcass. Without manners of saying a proper thanks, though.

Another NPC came (or was actually forced to by the means of black debug magic) hunting at the site where I had just lost one of my party members. After he had succesfully shot the hare he was after he proceeded to approach the corpse of my passed companion. My character and his dog watched in confusion this guy just stand on the corpse with no intention to move anywhere. Later on I found out that the crazy NPC hunter had an unbearable craving to skin and cut the corpse of my dead companion, but the moral restrictions came in between and he ended up in endless "Should I? No, you must not." limbo.

On a brighter side of incidents I traded a loop snare from a wandering woodsman for a fresh salmon. Soon after, the woodsman decided to light a fire and roast the salmon. A simple little thing but it made a nice difference.

All in all, NPCs in the wild seem a bit more intelligent, but also bit more crazy at the moment. Craziness is surely refreshing, but tweaking and testing still need to be continued.

May 22, 2019, 05:11:50 PM
Re: NPC hunters gone wild
Which brings up the question of stealing prey? How will a non party hunter react to me butchering his prey? Until Sami teaches them manners are they all going to be bird thiefs? On a side note that would be cool if one did steal and I could cast a spell some old man me to make them reveal themselves.

Currently they won't react at all to their preys getting stealed, and yes, they could also start butchering player characters prey.
Additions like this bring in many ifs and wild variables, and that flood of ideas as well.

Historically the downed prey was marked owned by cutting (a certain) piece of its carcass. Whoever did it first, the prey was his, even though he hadn't actually downed it.
This is because sometimes two people might have hunted for example the same elk for a long time, and whose arrow was the fatal in the end, couldn't be easily resolved.
So, whoever was the first to cut the carcass became its rightful owner. So maybe we'll apply this kind hunter ethics as well. If you get to cut NPC downed animal first, they give it to you, if you cut whats theirs they'll probably get angry. And vice versa.

May 23, 2019, 05:35:45 PM
Re: NPC hunters gone wild Sounds like a nice piece of ownership logic.
May 24, 2019, 12:12:38 AM