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Who let the dogs into the wild... Dog related additions now continue with dog companions for wandering NPCs.

Wandering woodsmen and adventurers you may encounter in the wild can now occasionally have dog companions with them. And just like the dogs owned by player characters these will also protect their masters.

These are future features, not yet functional in current version 3.52.

March 30, 2019, 05:57:50 PM
I swear by shutters! For the first time ever, I was attacked by robbers at my cabin! Fortunately, on a whim I had built every wall with shutters, so, I actually saw these coming on the other side of my fence (I had built no traps!).

I rushed to my weapon stash (I was inside my cabin) and grabbed a lot of Fine Broadheads and ran back to the shutter. I managed to put 3 of them on the ground, though they were not dead yet. Then, I heard a door opening behind me! lol... I fired two more arrows and had to switch to my spear. My previous arrow work had badly injured the two inside and I finished them with my spear. Then I went outside and killed another lying on the ground. Circling the cabin, I found the last one and got a kill with a thrown javelin. I assume that there were only 4 because that's all I found.

What a great adventure! I have to ask, though, would my cabin have been robbed if I had not been home then? 

March 31, 2019, 04:35:38 AM
Re: Help plz! Stuck and going to die lol
Just roll with the situation, and like you already said, you've learned something and will know better next time.
Permadeath is, of course, one of the hallmarks of roguelike games!

Also, important is the realization that you caused this.  It sucks, but JEB Davis said it well.  It burns so much worse when it is a random Njerpez warrior that takes you out or an unexpected one-shot death.  This game has certainly taught me to fear combat and to make sure I am very prepared if I instigate anything.

March 31, 2019, 05:44:18 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? (On a daily routine training in my danger room)
arggghh MY BALLS!! That hurts! Deer,  Don't ever kick it.

April 01, 2019, 09:13:39 AM
New video greeting for supporters & lifetimers After a little hiatus with video works there's now a fresh video greeting available for those who choose to do donate, and naturally lifetime members can find it at the designated forums section.

It must be noted that during the last few years donations have dried out to great extent, whereas downloads of the free-of-charge (ie. donation-based) version have constantly kept increasing. This occasionally makes me wonder about reasonableness of continuing my share of donation-based model, including the video rewards. But nevertheless, the fresh video work is now there. The game is there. And we continue to offer you a freedom of choice to support or not.


April 06, 2019, 12:56:20 PM
Re: Time for some new paint on these walls... It's touched now.

April 10, 2019, 11:47:42 AM
Wits for wandering NPCs and companions - the future version focus Things have been cooking and development has evolved up to such an extent where a sneak peek of what to expect in the future is in place. We don't have a deadline for the upcoming release, it's a work in progress, but we do know what the core content will be about.

The core content of the next release will focus on NPCs. The most important additions will concern the wandering woodsmen you may meet in the wild and the companions you can hire for yourself. They'll be given a bit more wits, tasks, and meaning for their existence in the game world as follows.

Actively hunting wandering NPCs

NPCs who roam the woods can now actively hunt animals. They seek the game based on their cultural preferences, and within their hunting possibilities. The very act of NPCs hunting, or running after a game, is probably rarely witnessed by the player character but bones and remains found in the woods can now tell a story of another human hunter at the area.
   As we know, the hunts can end in unimaginable ways, so many different scenarios may arise from the NPCs now taking their chances with the wildlife - and occasionally maybe even the very same wildlife that you were after.

Witnessing an NPC hunting scene. Seal-tribe woodsman has been met in the wild, and he's busy trying to shoot down a squirrel.

New companions commands

Companion usefulness gets boosted with some new tasks they will be able to do on demand. Currently it's been added:

* butcher and skin a carcass
* make logs
* make boards

...and the list is likely to grow with a few more crucial tasks. There's a great level of complexity to make companions proceed these tasks with similar detail than the player character so tasks to be added are prioritized with the quality over quantity.

The list of companion commands so far:

As companion skills naturally affect to outcome of the tasks their expertise can be sometimes used to obtain higher quality goods than what the player characters could produce by themselves. We also need to add an chat option to ask NPCs about their general skills and expertise so you know what kind of craftsman you've hired.

The companion was commanded to butcher and skin one of the reindeers we managed to hunt down. We got meat now, and a fine reindeer skin, which is way better hideworking result than what Jurks could have done in his current condition.

Exciting times ahead.
The work continues, more is to follow.

These are future additions - not yet functional in current version 3.52.

April 21, 2019, 01:33:35 PM
Re: Wits for wandering NPCs and companions - the future version focus
This looks great, Sami!  I certainly like to see the emphasis on quality over quantity for the new features too.

Has your shoulder healed to the point of using your arm normally now?

See for yourself: :D

Fortunately it's healed very good. They say it takes a full year to see the final outcome, but I can use it pretty much normally already.
Few restrictions and lack of strength remain, but there's 7 months left to workout until the year of recovery is up.

April 21, 2019, 02:28:34 PM
Re: No f*cking way i would play. I have met Njerp good enough with shield to block all my arrows and javelins. Note that they can carry it in different modes (there are fours modes), with some not requiring much skill from them. I don't know what mode he used, but he probably couldn't see you while approaching, but able to block most if not all hits. If he could see, then you should try to attack his head, which is then unprotected by shield. If you attack "Body", then it can hit anywhere, but most probable parts are covered in most defending modes by shield.

Also there are not bucklers - these are big shields (they weight 6 lbs), so it's conceivable.

By the way, if you changed attributes to 18 it shouldn't affect anything, you should have changed bow skill to 100, and even then it would be affected by burden or fatigue. I suppose critical hits with bow skill at 100 could allow penetration (criticals are roughly 20% of tries), if lucky and you accidentally aimed at the part which is not protected.

April 28, 2019, 03:37:37 PM
Roast cooking for NPCs, and also as companion command As we continue with focus on NPCs, which becomes the core content of next release, they have now been given wits to actively roast raw meat or fish in their possession.
This feat is mostly witnessed by player character when meeting wandering NPCs who can now actively cook the meat of the animals they've hunted and butchered.
It now becomes an actual game created scene possibility to meet a wandering woodsman sitting by the fire and roasting the meat of hare he just happened to hunt down.

Moreover, roast cooking is also added as a new companion command. Unlike player character, companions don't leave the meat by the fire and pick it up when it's done, but they stay put by the fire while roasting is being done. Companions roast ten pieces of meat at a time, and if not given another order they try to keep on cooking until everything is roasted.

These are future additions - not yet functional in current version 3.52.

May 03, 2019, 12:44:45 PM