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Re: Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics
Couple questions.. Like; What?    and Are? and You thinking?  ???  (Intended as humor)

Seriously though, will prepare times be modified? Being home for 16 days straight, to tend the kitchen is way to familiar :D :D

No changes to preparation times. You don't have to stay home, just warm up the fireplace on daily basis and mind your business the rest of the day.
Or heat up the room to greater extent every other day and you're good to go as well.

To answer the first questions I guess I was thinking the smoking process has been too easy and gamey for all too long.  :D

May 19, 2020, 08:08:13 PM
Re: New to the game, mods? Sorry guys but you are wrong. Life without chickens is not life...  ;D
May 21, 2020, 10:57:49 AM
Re: Decapitations and dismembering? I don't think I've ever gotten a full decapitation or severed a limb, and I've been playing since... 3.13 patch 2?
June 04, 2020, 07:46:24 PM
Re: Loss of ownership of dogs and cows? Still running 3.40, and this save is from 3.40. No, there have been no crashes or uncontrolled closures.
June 07, 2020, 11:04:29 PM
Re: Loading a save game uses a tick of time Yes it does, and this is intentional for the reasons PALU guessed - to encourage playing the real threatening situations through.
It's confusing to spot at first but now you all (reading this) know. Been like that for 26 years, and I can recall only very few remarks of it. We'll keep this trademark continuing. :)

June 15, 2020, 07:10:11 PM
Why does the stupid throwaway characters live the longest? Hey all,

Anyone else find this?

You create a character carefully, choosing a play style, a back story, desires and personality. You research the perfect Finnish name... And go into the world and.... Died at 16 winters old, having spent 30 days of adventuring life. Lucky Robbers or bear or wolf...

Meanwhile Potaaaaaaaato man is currently random build and living his best life of 3 years+.


June 16, 2020, 11:24:16 AM
Re: Need some help with Unreal World please
How exactly does tracking work? Should I keep using it everywhere on the zoomed out map to find animals? Or does it only works on the zoomed in map? And in the zoomed in map it only works above tracks I'm already seeing?

I'm folowing the basic quest to learn how to play and I'm stuck in the part about creating a raft. I don't have any rope/cords, I know how to make cords from leather, but the problem is, I can only find squirrels and it takes forever to make 1 cord from their leathers. Am I doing something wrong in this game?

 Tracking 'can' rarely notify of tracks on a travel map tile (zoomed out), Tracks need to be underfoot to be 'read' on local map (zoomed in).
You can take off a piece of clothing, and cut some cords from the item. cords can be cut from fur, leather and cloth.

Cord no longer works as rope unfortunately.  Depending on the time of year, you can go up to a birch tree and select Peel Bark.  This will get you a lump of birch-bark, that you can use to create a birch bark rope.  This birch bark rope can be used to create a raft.

June 17, 2020, 11:27:01 PM
Re: Reversing permadeath caused by my fat fingers?
I'm afraid that unless;
You made a backup copy of the save folder, OR
You have regular backups of your system, OR
Have some windows features which allow un-deletion from the disks meta data.

The character is lost.

Thanks. Yes I believed so anyway. I had thought about backing up the character file manually a few days ago (I've done it years ago once with another character) but didn't, and I only regularly back up essential PC folders.

I don't like to back characters up because it's a temptation to avoid that bitter permadeath. I guess it's good actually that gone means gone.

I've downloaded File Scavenger to see if I can find the deleted folder, it will run now for an hour or so to check the 'C' drive. Might as well.

Meantime I';m running up a new character!

June 22, 2020, 05:53:51 AM
Data Visualization for Skills and Stats Hey community. Since i like the game, wanted to start a new Character and also liked to dabble a bit around graph databases, i did some Visualization of the Stat and Skill relationships. See attachments.

Tell me if you like it and if i should do more. :)

All Skills and Stats:

Hunting relevant Skills and Stats:

Hunting relevant Skills and Stats with Knife and Axe:

June 25, 2020, 09:56:58 PM
Born in a barn, were ya? Please, teach my Companions to CLOSE THE DOOR behind them.  :P
July 09, 2020, 07:04:20 AM