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Re: "The Challenge" Trying it out for the 1st time. Random tribe is Drik, which means I have almost no skills at all. I managed to get ONE skill up to 50% with a creation point-

Threw rocks at a hare and some birds, all to no avail. A stone knife allows for fire and branches, and three found slender trees permit me to make a shelter, which takes me SIX HOURS to complete...bah! I just de-construct and carry the spruce twigs and the slender tree trunks with me when I leave.

Fed on lingonberries, 'sweet' berries, and 'nice' grass for 3 days. Even when I eat my fill of berries I'm told it leaves me unable to quench thirst, which was at least not yet fatal.  Found a lake on day 4. The area immediately taunted me with a doe and fawn. Didn't even try because I can't be away from fire long enough to chase them. I did brain a squirrel that wandered near. One cut and a ragged fur.

Even Neanderthals dressed better than me...

January 08, 2020, 10:52:51 PM
Re: How long in game? You can look at the first and last line of msglog.txt, for example my character Nousia:

Code: [Select]
first line:
(143270):1bg8:[#]{06DF0653}      | Zooming in ...
last line:
(008000):pcgb:[=]{06EA06A9}      | Your character has been saved.

"1bg8" and "pcgb" is the key here, the format is day-month-year-hour, and the numbers start using letters after 9, so I started the game on the 1st day of the bth month (11th = November = Dead month) of the gth year (16th - the character is 16 years old) at 8am, and now it is the pth day (9+16 = 25th day of the cth month (12th = December) of the same year, and it is b o'clock (11am).

My character Pekka started on the first of April (swidden) year 16
Code: [Select]
(143270):14g8:[#]{06700281}      | Zooming in ...
And now it is the 17th of November (dead) of the same year
Code: [Select]
(008000):hbga:[=]{06080060}      | Your character has been saved.

January 19, 2020, 09:51:30 AM
Start-of-the-year post 2020, here we go! I hope everyone is doing alright.
For me, the last year started with a broken shoulder and the winter was pretty much over before I recovered up to healthy coding condition. This year starts better, with no serious injuries, and wrestling with bugs reported during my lengthened holiday season has been going on for a good while.
   The winter hasn't been much of a winter, though. We barely have snow, it's been a very few minus degree periods during the midwinter and the thin ice cover on the lakes lakes keep thawing and freezing. I've longed to go for skiing the whole winter, but that hasn't been possible. Bummer.
   But here we go, starting up a new year of game development. Minor bugfix updates to be expected first. Stay tuned.
And if you're up to sharing your own start of the year feelings feel free to drop a few lines. Cheers!

January 27, 2020, 08:30:41 PM
Re: Start-of-the-year post   We're having a similar winter here in Michigan. It didn't really freeze until well into December and we're still having most days with high temperatures above freezing and nightly lows only just below freezing. Not much snow either.
  I'm working on clearing the invasive Asian Bittersweet vines from my property... a Herculean job I can only do in the winter because I seem to be allergic to them during the growing seasons.
  Oh, and your Ugri Archer videos inspired me to take up archery starting about 3 months ago! Using my father's bow made for him in the 1950's which is still in very good condition. I'm really enjoying target shooting in my barn, which is a 17 yard distance, and I manage to average 60-70% hits on a letter-size paper, shooting 48 arrows 2-4 times per week.
  Would it be a bother if I emailed you occasionally about archery?

January 28, 2020, 01:33:13 AM
[WIP] Night's GFX Overhaul Started doing a GFX overhaul, just thought I'd share a screenshot of my progress (maybe more later) and get some feedback ^^.

January 29, 2020, 10:59:29 AM
Re: [3.61, Windows] Mod file reading, minor bug

That's not a valid item name. It needs to be letters only.

This should be specified somewhere on actual usable characters, as I am able to use () within the name, and probably other characters. I guess this really just depends on the complexity of the games interpreter for mod files, users could always give improper input given the interpreter.

In all modding it's best to follow common sense and examples found in game content ie. if item names in the game seem to consist of letters it's best to continue the tradition.
Well, I don't even know exactly what special characters may pass the checks and what may not as the string handling is very complex internally.

I noticed that the modding documentation is, perhaps lacking organization or completeness. Is there anyway we could acquire more precise documentation on syntax & data specifications? As such, I will continue to produce/experiment and document myself, but I know that you would ultimately have the best way of providing the particulars.

If its a lack of man power, maybe a new team member would be beneficial in providing better organization of the wiki & other areas that could use work, especially if it's someone as passionate and knowledgeable about the culture as you and Erkka are. I don't know how your business model looks, but it may be something to consider if its a plausible addition.

It's lacking organization but I believe everything is documented in news.txt. Just search keyword "modding" and additions and changes are listed.
I believe UnReal World Wiki is quite nicely up to date with modding info, and those who are interested in organized modding guide can contribute there. It's community thing anyway, and marvelous things have happened and will happen there when the man and woman power of the players is directed in there.
It's often mistakenly thought that devs lead or keep the Wikis organized. No. It's yours, dear players. The first Wiki appeared completely without my supervision, and for the current one I only installed the required software to allow magic to happen.

February 04, 2020, 04:52:25 PM
Re: Various questions from a new player Likewise, if roleplaying and had only visited that village rarely enough to be a stranger to them, I would use the shelter. If well known to the villagers, I would use the common building.
February 12, 2020, 11:04:04 PM
Re: Green squares in sprites on MacOS Looks to be an issue with the gfx files background color not getting set to transparent when read.
February 17, 2020, 03:48:48 PM
Re: Please add the ability to dig a water well Just be careful not to dig too close to the sea
February 27, 2020, 08:53:22 PM
The Kalevala Day and 10,000 days of digital Finnish culture in UnReal World Today, February 28th, Finland celebrates Kalevala Day and the Day of Finnish Culture in honor of The Kalevala - a 19th century work of epic poetry regarded as our national epic. That's something to celebrate, but we've got some more for you on this special day...

In early 2020 we received an interesting e-mail from a player (Cheers, Travis!) sending congratulations on a milestone: UnReal World had lasted 10,000 days in the real world.
This was calculated from the date stamp in executable file of version 1.00b distribution archive. We don't even remember the exact release date, but it was summer of 1992. So the continuing lifespan of the game is at least 10,000 days - and well, it's quite something.

Needless to say, The Kalevala and UnReal World go well together. It is not so much about direct influence as a book, but the game draws inspiration from the same pool of oral tradition, folklore and mythology of our ancestors. Of this content some is rooted in ancient unrecorded history dating back thousands of years, and some is closer to Iron Age - where the game takes place. So let this day be a celebration of The Kalevala, but also 10,000 days of digital Finnish Culture in the form of UnReal World.

10,000 days...

10,000 days is a long time. Lines of source code in the game now sports somewhere around 140,000.
On average that makes:
14 lines of code per day
for 10,000 days.

Changelogs for version releases contain around 15000 lines of text, so that makes:
1,5 lines of changelog entries per day
for these 10,000 days.

...and continuing

That's just some numbers to give an idea of the long history, which is continuing as we speak. It seems to be 9 days since the last here at the forums.
So on average there should be around 126 new lines of code and 13,5 lines of changelog entries written.
We haven't checked but we are continuing.

Would you buy an old but continuously developed fenno-ugric roguelike from these guys?

From the left: Sami (creator) and Erkka (co-designer) of UnReal World

We wish you happy Kalevala Day and the Day of (digital) Finnish Culture.
Let's continue.

February 28, 2020, 07:40:40 PM