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Re: Urw. Population
do all cultures have same number of villages or is it completly random. 

neither. Each culture has a different number of villages, and on each map generation the amount of villages is randomized between max and min values, which are different for each culture. So it is not completely random, but randomized within limits.

What comes to total number of NPCs generated, I really can't say. It is a long time since I coded the random world generator. Also, since the world generation is based on variables, and those variables can be adjusted from a version to another, it means that any number given might not be accurate for the future versions.

November 08, 2017, 07:50:24 PM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers I've seen swans very occasionally, and I'm not sure if that's only on the overland map. You can probably check the files to see if swans are tied to any particular region, although I don't think they are.

When it comes to trapping swans you have the problem that they probably can't be lured with bait, and I'm not sure which trap size they'd fall into, given that they're fairly large.

November 09, 2017, 01:23:35 PM
Re: Mik Mik renews his aquaintances in Antti's village, gives him the message, and shows the children the Njerpezit head he carries. He stays the night in one of their kotas, trading stories with the adventurers. He wakes well before dawn and makes cords & repairs his belt & arm guards with material from the Njerpezit's clothing while waiting for the others to wake.

Returning back towards Rautia's village with a message from Antti, Mik avoids a bear seen about 400 paces away. A sudden encounter with traders yields 14 fine arrows for fox & arctic fox furs. The message is delivered to Rautia and Mik heads back home with enough food to last a week.

Interesting how a short trip to a nearby village turns into quite an adventure. In the distance he sees the lake at Pain Summit... Arriving home, he is greeted by a hare in a snare and his shoe is it's last scare.

It's late afternoon, the Njerpezit head is placed as a warning, the tanning is started, the meat hung to dry, and it's time for sleep.

Next day is spent in weapons practice, finishing tanning the fine hare fur, and repairing his leather  clothing in preparation for tomorrow's trip south.

November 10, 2017, 01:24:52 PM
Re: Luckiest kill? One time, i chased an elk out onto the ice, where she fell through.  I stood on the solid ground nearby and was casually clubbing her to death.  as the elk became severely wounded, she turned to fight.  On her first strike, she somehow hit me in the eye with her hoof and i was killed in an instant.  still not sure how that could have physically happened irl
November 10, 2017, 05:21:58 PM
Re: Mik It takes an entire day to walk south to the shelter and the drying meat. About 500 paces away from the shelter Mik encounters a bear! Hiding, Mik tries to get a clear shot but the bear moves into the spruce trees. He stealthily tracks it for a while but can't see it, and then hears a "Roar!" and decides maybe today isn't a good day to be surprised by an angry bear in the close confines of the spruces.

After sneaking out of the bear's area, he continues to the shelter and finds fresh lynx tracks nearby. The meat is almost ready, so Mik waits with bow at the ready for the lynx to appear. The sun goes down and Mik sleeps "with one eye open" until morning and there are no new tracks nearby.

In the morning while doing some woodwork, the lynx appears. Mik grabs his bow and misses it with a broadhead arrow. He knocks another and pursues but can't get a close enough shot.

Mik passes the time making javelins and fishing with one of them, keeping an eye out. He spears a pike and roasts it. Now he collects the bounty of dried meat and offers the best cut to the spirits.

It's late afternoon and getting dark so the shelter will be home tonight.

November 12, 2017, 07:48:20 PM
Re: Value of things
I think that value of things is historical incorrect.
Furs should be not valuable at all as there was not much use of it (you dont make new clothes all the time) and fur trade was not so developed in that time.
Silver (rings,chains,bretcles) should be waaaaay more valuable given the fact that they are from silver and incredably rare (found only on foreigh traders).
Historicly siberian tribes did not value furs at all.

What do you think?

furs are not that valueable in the region itself, but because they are in high demand outside of the region. and if you can trade your fur for a good axe, why would you trow it out? it may be more valueable then the clothes you'd get from it.

there are also several mentions of the byzantines and abbasids being very intrested in northern furs, mostly for status. white fur was imported only and was a sign of your wealth.

November 13, 2017, 01:06:38 AM
Re: Generic chat thread Yes and it's doubly sad that most good faires only run for a month or two during the year :( I make sure to always bring a cookie with me to brighten my day while I'm there, and of course the mead/cider blend is fantastic, even if I only get to have a couple of mugs since I've made a deal with my girlfriend to be the designated sober driver.

My Halloween was quite eventful. My dog decided to try and swallow a piece of scrap leather that was about 15x5cm, and I only knew that because after a few hours of him making these strange hiccup/vomit motions and me loving on him because I thought he was sick, I heard him make the noise and then a chewing sound; so I reached into his mouth and pulled the piece of leather out of his throat. I had felt so bad for him that whole time he was acting strange, and all the while it was caused by his own buffoonery. I have no idea how he got the leather in the first place, but he's now prohibited from being anywhere near any unapproved leather goods.

November 13, 2017, 09:05:30 AM
Re: Mik With no further sign of the lynx, early morning sees Mik heading west with 15 pounds of dried reindeer, exploring until night falls. Nothing of note is seen and he spends the snowy night on a lonely hilltop next to a solitary birch.

November 14, 2017, 04:45:20 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I put these in IRC. i'll put them here too. Teppo is 18 years old (two game years)

November 15, 2017, 08:07:46 PM
Re: Mik On the trip back home, Mik sees a large glutton, but misses it with an arrow and it is too fast to chase.

Then he has a brief encounter with 5 or 6 wild sows, which scatter and run. Mik is more interested in getting home and really doesn't need more food anyway. Almost back home, with the sun going down, he surprises a small ermine and kills it with one lucky arrow.

Next morning, snow is falling thin upon the ground on the shore of Pain Summit. Hearing some commotion to the south, he finds 3 black grouse in his loop snares and retrieves them. He also has the ermine skin tanning and then works on some sword and mace practice.

Life is good now for Mik... with a dozen dozen dried meat cuts, plenty of goods and furs.

November 18, 2017, 05:26:12 PM