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Re: Smoking time That 3-4 days is "hot curing" smoking which is far more recent method than what was in use at the time of the game. I dearly wouldn't count on preservation of few months with that, unless it dried up to "beef jerky" fashion.

What we refer to, is explained by Ilmar Talve in "Finnish Folk Culture" simply as:
"The meat was smoked in the sauna, to begin with at a low temperature for 1-2 weeks ('cold-curing'), after which it was kept at a high temperature for 2-3 days to make sure it war properly done."

June 14, 2019, 12:27:40 PM
Re: First Mod: Seafood Thank you once again for a great mod run37!
Since I use this quite alot in my collection of mods, I decided to give the graphics another overhaul, if anyone would fancy that. Now there is a clear distinction between the objects in the water and after you have "picked" them and drops them at the ground, and the models have been adjusted a bit. I have however edited a little in the mod, so everything spawns in water and not on the shore, since that would probably make the graphics worse.

June 26, 2019, 05:07:08 AM
Cheat Engine Update I'm not sure if this is the right subforum; apologies if not.

I've been away from the game for a while (last posted for 3.30, I think). I've updated the cheat engine file with some things that were missing from the other 3.52 file I found.  (also attached here)

* Starting Skill Points
* Starting Map Location (if you want to pinpoint your starting location)
* Character name, title, gender, portrait, culture
* Attributes of course
* Skills of course
* Thirst, Nutrition, Fullness, Vigour, Fatigue, Body Temperature, Carry Weight, Weight, Injury %
* Inventory Quantities (need at least one of the item in your inventory first)

Unfortunately I was unable to determine the new method by which known rituals are stored. It was changed significantly. Somewhere between 3.30 and now.

June 26, 2019, 06:04:23 PM
Summer Sale, Summer opportunities I'm a bit late to announce this but it is live now: Steam Summer Sale, and you can get UnReal World  for discounted price until 9th of July.

I want to bring this to your attention because it is likely that when next version is released the interval between Steam version and standalone (donation-based, free-of-charge) installers will be significantly longer. This is because the donation-based distribution has been receiving very marginal and insufficient support for years already, and I have to reason things out how to balance with the current distribution models. I'll be happy to answer possibly puzzled questions of relatively recent of near-future intending donors but that will have to await until next week - but don't hesitate to even e-mail if you feel like it.

Why this announcement is late then, is because while the sale was launching I was busy attending to 'science-art-forest' themed seminar and workshops at Koli in eastern Finland - a location famous of its hills and cliffs which are well-known national sceneries of Finland. 
In addition to presentation about working with the game I also performed an archery demonstration in the most awesome location I have ever shot a bow.
Summer is full of opportunities. Let's not hesitate. Cheers!

Archery demonstration, shooting with Japanese bow.

Giving a presentation about UnReal World and the related stuff..

The highest summit of Koli; "Ukko-Koli"

June 29, 2019, 07:39:39 PM
Re: Summer Sale, Summer opportunities
Hi Sami,
How lifetimers subscription will be managed regarding this?



Same as always; lifetimers for get everything ie. every version, on any platform or distribution channel, free of charge for ever (ie. lifetime of the game.)

July 03, 2019, 07:15:18 PM
Messing with measures So, the length property has been added for tying equipment, and I've been working on to update item conversions and crafting requirements to accept this brand new addition.
Adding measure of length is a perfect example of seemingly simple, yet fundamental addition which extends all around the code and has brought up numerous related features.
Here's where we are at now with tying equipment additions, and now I hope to be able to catch up with more NPC stuff - where I was before getting entwined by ropes and cords.

 - added: measure of length for tying equipment

         Appropriate items, such as ropes, now have a length property. The unit of length we use
         is foot (ft), and should an item have a length property it is displayed both in inventory menu
         and when looking at items on the ground. This addition foremostly affects to crafting material
         requirements which can now be length based.

  - added: new crafting category under [M]ake menu: "Tying quipment"

         This category contains the usual ropes and cords, which are now removed from their previous
         location in "Utility articles".

 - added: Join and shorten options to manipulate tying equipment lengths

         Under "Tying equipment" category within [M]ake menu there are options for joining and shorterning
         ropes and cords as sometimes specific length is desired. You may not want to spend full length
         rope on something that requires only a short piece, or you may need to join cords together to
         come up with long enough string for a specific craft.

 - changed: tying equipment requirements in crafting are now length based

         Instead of requiring certain number of cords and ropes all the tying equipment requirements
         are now length based.

 - reasoned: required tying equipment types in some crafting recipes

         For example:
         When making arrows, previously you could use any "tying equipment" in the process - including
         ropes. Now arrow making requires "cord", a little finer and more specific tying equipment.

 - added: tying equipment used in cookery do not disappear in the process anymore

         You can pick your ropes and cords back after the smoking and drying processes are done.   

These are future additions, not yet functional in current version 3.52.

July 10, 2019, 01:40:01 PM
Re: Precautions against accidental fire setting I'm baffled! Did you stack the bow with the arrows you used for a fire?
July 17, 2019, 12:54:39 PM
Re: Summer Sale, Summer opportunities
Just a note on distribution: i actually bought the game on Steam in stead of donating because it was easier for me, but i still prefer to use the free version from the website. That's because the Steam version (on Linux at least) only works when you launch it via Steam. I actually had quite the annoyance when i tried to play URW on an airplane, and Steam refused to start (even in offline mode) because it couldn't connect to the internet. The version of the game downloaded via steam would not start on its own.

Hmm. All the Steam purchased versions should launch completely without Steam too. That's how we want it to be, there are no checks in game to Steam being active or not. 
You should be able to start Linux binary just like that from the game's folder.

July 29, 2019, 12:20:43 PM
Choosing target for attack if they're occupying a single tile ...because now there can be multiple creatures in one tile, I had split my dog's skull in half instead of finishing off the fallen reindeer. Luckily she got better.  ;)

This has also been a problem when attacking a njerp village - there was a pile of unconscious fallen men, and I could only attack the one standing on top of them all.

A simple menu: "Attack which target?" please!

August 19, 2019, 11:03:55 PM
Re: Desire for more Back in the day, when we wanted to mod a game from its very core - which of course wasn't the term used - or we did create that game by ourselves, more or less from the scratch. :)

Changing the essence is not modding anymore, in my books at least. Our primary mission is to develop this unique iron-age game, and not all-purpose modding script language - so what you'll be able to do with UrW modding is foremostly expanding and tuning the existing.

September 01, 2019, 05:56:01 PM