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Creator of DF compliments Sami & Co. and UrW This interview happened 5 year ago, but is new to me because I'm just learning Dwarf Fortress.

Tarn Adams seems like a pretty cool guy and has a life goal similar to Sami's, so it was neat to hear him acknowledge UnReal World and Sami & his helpers in this interview... listen to the first 2 1/2 minutes at least:

March 25, 2019, 04:25:46 AM
Instakill Bull Elk I'm just sharing with the community.

Never thought it was possible to instakill one bull elk lol  ;D
First time I one shoot an animal!

I was using a javelin! Yes! a javelin! I'm 70% skill with spears and I was like 2-3tiles (don't know how diagonal tiles count).

When I saw the Elk going to the woods I tried to sneak past it so I could lure him to the bog, where it is easier to follow it. After a few sneak walks I have found the Elk very close to me! Then I order my companion to attack and threw a jav on it!! Bang! Istakill! :D

So excited lol

imgur with stats (I don't know how much in number are those yellow bars)

April 10, 2019, 09:17:52 PM
Re: New furniture item: "Chest" for storing things The BAC mod has this built in.
April 26, 2019, 07:02:41 PM
Re: No f*cking way i would play.

There's so little details in your post that it's impossible to say anything. Screenshots showing the actual situation, and penalties, and distance would help to analyze.
(And they're not buckler though, but roundshields.)
Sorry, this time i didn't make a backup.

But before death i tried to cheat all skills=100 and dexterity at 18, then 36 and then 80. And didn''t evade enemy arrows.
Something strange?

Evade from what distance, with what penalties, how many battle rounds were inspected, what were the game messages?
No, with this little details I can't say if there's anything strange there. Except that putting dexterity (or any attribute) above it's natural level may have game math go wonky with unimaginable results.

People often mistakenly think that in UnReal World 100% skill level and 18 attribute level means success everytime within every deed you may try.
This isn't the case. An ultimate never failing warrior kind of thinking isn't our cup of tea.

I'm happy to investigate many cases like this in more detail IF the details are given. Savegame is often enough, as there are the logs and the situation to be seen.

May 07, 2019, 10:37:26 AM
Re: Exploit - overloaded traders Hm, that may cause a problem, since jewelry is expensive and hides are heavy (and heavier than armor and weapons as well, value wise). To buy some of the more expensive things I've had to resort to moving up to the trader, cow of burden in tow, offload a sizable part of the cow's inventory onto my character, rooting it in place, and then trade a large pile of (piles of) hides for a couple of trinkets. Unless care is taken, there's a risk traders won't be able to sell their expensive stuff because they can't carry the payment in the only currency they accept, perhaps with the exception of superior hides, but you don't get those that often even with top skill and tools.
May 08, 2019, 11:49:06 PM
Re: Rye and Barley are not good crop? I use the Njerpezit Cooking mod to get some variation and "better" cooking options, in particular the pot prepared food that combine multiple ingredients to fill a pot completely, allowing you to cook less often. Combining items also means you can get some high nutrient food (meat) together with lower quality ones to end up with a good total amount. The Goulash also used a limited amount of flour, which means you don't have to grid flour as often (and, as a result, don't have to use as much flour in total). The mod also contains a number of nicer bread options. If I remember correctly, the flatbread one simply uses more ingredients, resulting in more bread per baking session.

Unfortunately, the UrW nutrition model means using ingredients such as mushrooms and berries are loss activities. I'm not sure if you're going to starve to death trying to live only on berries (and they'll go out of season eventually anyway), but you sure get gradually hungrier and hungrier even with a constantly full belly because of the low nutrient concentration (an occasional addition of the meat from e.g. a bird can keep you going, though).

May 27, 2019, 08:54:34 PM
Re: Rye and Barley are not good crop? I do get what you are saying - but I think it's a part of the charm. It's nutritious and the yield of a medium sized field should get you through a winter easily. As for the labor, I often make it a winter job grinding out flour next to a warm fire as the freezing winds and snow roam outside of the hut. As PALU said, using various mods with cooking recipes makes it more fun by far (from my perspective) by for example using crops for making beer or new sorts of bread.
May 28, 2019, 04:13:02 PM
Iron age shield made from bark discovered in England There has been a very significant find of martial a shield made from bark, rather than metal or timber as previously known examples from the period. The find is dated to the early iron age (~350-250BC) in England, used by Celtic warriors. This is especially rare and significant because a material like bark doesn't normally survive the centuries. I have no idea whether something like this would have been used in Finland, but of interest to people here nonetheless I'm sure.

The discovery reveals that the ancient Britons used the same lightweight shield-making material used at least in more recent centuries by Aboriginal Australian warriors.

It is likely that the Leicestershire shield was actually used in at least one battle. It has two probable spear impact marks and two probable blade marks, potentially made by metal swords.

Each blade impact mark gives a fascinating clue as to the defensive properties of bark shields.

Read more
Crusades fighters ‘had families with locals and recruited offspring’
Bark is more resilient than metal or wood – so sword blows (and arrows) tend to fully or partially rebound off them.

In the case of the blows which caused the blade impact marks on the Leicestershire shield, the blade had quite literally bounced off and back onto the surface, thus producing parallel five centimetre long repeat impact marks, just a few millimetres apart.

It demonstrates the almost rubber-like deflective nature of the shield’s bark composition.

But to make the bark behave in that extremely effective way, the shield’s Iron Age makers had to employ some very sophisticated manufacturing techniques, researchers have discovered.

First, they had dried the bark in such a way as to give it an inbuilt rubber-like weapon-deflecting “bounce” capacity.

They achieved this by inducing tension in the bark, as it dried, by deliberately bending it in the opposite direction to its natural tree-surface curve.

This enabled the inner face of the bark to become the outer impact-absorbing “business” face of the shield.

It is this deliberate curve-reversal-induced tension which gave the shield its protective qualities – and it was the ultra-lightweight nature of bark (as opposed to metal or ordinary timber) which would almost certainly have allowed the warriors to fight more agilely and for longer.

May 30, 2019, 07:14:46 PM
Re: Can i die of old age? No You are young forever.
May 30, 2019, 10:37:18 PM
Re: Rye and Barley are not good crop? I would also like to recommend the Njerpez cooking mod, if you feel that rye and barley are not worthwhile in the basic game.  It adds so many fun and "flavorful" options.  I think it really increases enjoyment of the game.
June 04, 2019, 11:34:40 PM