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Re: Torch with no light?
I though that lit torches made fire starting almost automatic? This is the mechanic I was looking to use.

   - Shane

Version: 3.30
Released: Feb-24-2016
- added: carrying lit torch or having a fire in adjacent tile helps to build a fire

January 26, 2019, 06:30:41 AM
Re: Modding in valuable metals (Gold, Silver, Copper) for trade. I think that some tools might have to be made out of iron for a few reasons. One of the "advantages" of iron is that it has a higher melting point, so you can use it for tools that will be handling high temperatures (tongs, perhaps?). That might not be the most relevant point, but iron is also harder, so it might also be better for things like the pliers you mentioned. I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make, though.

Stuff like anvils are almost surely best made out of iron, no? I figure that hammering iron in a copper or bronze anvil might eventually deform it and diminish its quality, but again I'm not really a blacksmith.

Is the iron shape representing the "strip of metal" mentioned in the docs? I was imagining a "shape" as a square, but I guess it could be anything depending on what a recipe needs. It might only be important to determine the weight, either of the shape itself or what the spindle requires.

If we want to have the Pull board degrade, we could make it use up something like #0.01# (or any appropriate amount for the effect we want) per Wire made. This way you would eventually have to make a new one, since repairing is not an option.

As for the naming, I suggest making the ingredient-dependent product's recipes called .Metal X. to standardize it. Stuff made of iron could keep their own recipes if practical and if there's enough space, though that might not be the case, if only to use more fuel.

I think the Pull board is supposed to be made of iron, though. That document mentions "iron plates" a few times, even from the Viking times. I'm, again, not sure if a bronze draw-plate would be capable of making iron wire, but it very well could since it'd still require quite the pull of a wire to crack a copper or bronze plate, no?

Just realized an issue on the first proposed .Pull Board. recipe. To make the auger and drill you need iron. So that .Pull Board. would only be fine for iron wire. If you wanted a bronze-only workshop the pull correction would have to be done differently.

I'm not sure what the Spindle is supposed to represent here, but I figure this could be solved with something like:

.Metal shape.
{* of pure*} [name:Shape of %s]

.Metal spindle.
{Shape of *} [name:Spindle of %s] '+a chunking starter'
{* pliers} '+to twist tighter'
{* hammer}  '+hammer twist'

.Metal wire.
{Spindle of *} [name:%s wire]
{Pull board} '+smoothing holes'
{Iron pliers} '+for gripping'

And voilá! This will work for any metal, but might not accurately represent iron's need for charcoal or other metal's lack of need for it.

Edit: that last name tag might be [name:Wire of %s] if we want to re-use the wire's material in other recipes' products

I guess there could also be the method of hammering the metals into wire, with a skill penalty making it lower quality, though the longer time and effort to do it should suffice.

January 27, 2019, 04:38:25 AM
Permanent partner I wish I could make permanent companion. I would not think that most npc would be interested in doing so. Also I don't want a servant but a partner. I imagine a give and take relationship through intermittent quests like I wish to see my family, or I want to spend the day fishing, I like that Njerp's spear can I have it? With the consequences being some like "That's fine that you do not want to return to my home I'll go alone. I hope our paths cross again someday friend"
January 27, 2019, 08:30:10 PM
Bait not req for fishing? Really? 1) Are fishing rods in iron age historically accurate? What kind of string did they use? Would visible string still result in successful enticement of fish?

2) why issit bait is not req to catch fish when using fishing rod?

3) using nets w/o bait shld result in lower yields...

4) using branches and twigs, we shld be able to make primitive coned shaped fish traps. This is a simple low cost way to do passive fishing, should make it easier to survive the early game. Its relatively straightforward and only req hands to weave. Of course, bait such as berries must be used.

February 02, 2019, 06:34:13 AM
Re: Bait not req for fishing? Really? I could believe that finding bait was part of fishing skill. I always assumed that we were using a lure or lures provided by the fishing pole. And as to the line in the real world it depends on the fish type and how it felt that day. Pike are known to be very uncaring about line visibility. You could probably catch one on a rope. No nets do not need bait they are most likely gill nets. Fish attempt to swim through and get tangled, usually by their gills. That's why we find them dead after two days. Think of it like a bunch of trap fences and pit traps, but for fish
February 02, 2019, 07:26:53 PM
Re: Could whistling arrows prove a good addition to ranged hunting ?
As Sami explains in the video, the particular design of whistling arrowhead he's demonstrating creates a sound that is reminescent of a falcon or other bird of prey's cry or chirp. Birds hunted by these species often have a tendency to seek cover if they hear these sounds. I suppose it's because many small bird of prey species, falcons included, are notoriously fast flyers. It might be a better survival strategy to ground yourself and hide, rather than trying to outfly them.

I don't have referenfe books at hand, but based on my memory: a whistling arrow works with aquatic birds, when the flock is flying above a body of water. The arrow is shot so that it flies above the flock of birds - they hear the whistling sound above them, take it as a sign of danger, and seek cover by diving into the water below them. Then the hunter readies ordinary hunting arrows, waits for the birds to surface one after one, trying to hit them the very moment when they surface - that often is the moment when they don't move for a second, and we all know that hitting a stationary target is far more easier than trying to down a flying bird.

February 03, 2019, 07:41:17 PM
Re: Modding in valuable metals (Gold, Silver, Copper) for trade. Sorry for disappearing, but I'm dealing with some stuff in real life and I'm barely getting out of bed. I'll try to follow up when I have the energy for it!
February 03, 2019, 08:56:39 PM
Re: Working with tree nails Pretty cool video!  Thanks!

I always wondered how URW characters managed to put together things like tables and chairs without the use of nails, using only axe and knife...
I guess it would be possible to bore out holes for wooden nails using a knife... is that meant to be the idea?  or is it more like tenon joints?  Perhaps an expert on Finnish/Scandinavian woodworking could clarify.  Or one of the developers.

February 09, 2019, 05:29:16 PM
Re: Flora Spoilage Thanks for the answer Brygun, and for giving me an extra pair of eyes on checking on the matter. I've come to the exact same conclusion. But yes, it seems we just have to quickly process the plants by cookery to make them unable to spoil  :)
February 10, 2019, 08:05:49 PM
Re: Bait not req for fishing? Really? I'm happy to consider the baiting process to be abstracted by the Fishing skill. I don't know about traditional Finnish fishing, but in other places, including Stone Age cultures like in Polynesia (where metals were not available at all), artificial lures are used more often than bait. Something else that is common is not to use a hook (though hooks are common) but instead something called a 'gorge', which is a rod (of bone or wood, normally) which acts as a lure, and is rigged such that when you pull on the line it turns so that it sticks crosswise in the fish's throat. So, it's a combination of a lure and way to physically catch the fish.

 Since fishing rods can only be gained by trade, I'm happy to think of it not just being the rod, but also the tackle.

February 15, 2019, 02:10:02 PM