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Re: Find quest location Intersetingly, I missed the shelter and just walked passed it, but when I zoomed out again, it was on the zoomed out map as if I built it myself, and easely enough to find. :)
November 23, 2018, 11:15:51 PM
Life hurts You know what... During the past two decades it hasn't been too many times that I have been on a sick leave, or unable to work on the game due to medical condition, wounds or injuries. But now a week ago I fractured my shoulder when falling of the horse during horseback archery training. Doctors orders are to wear arm sling for the next two weeks. After that a new x-ray will reveal how the recovery goes. Luckily no operation was needed. I just have to rest and wait, and so do you. So, I'll enter on a sick leave now and report back after two weeks.

I am mostly unable to answer to emails or at forums, but we'll try to handle the urgent cases somehow.     
Not to worry, I will survive. Game development and archery endeavours to be continued when the doc says so.

My current wounds and injuries screen looks like this  ;)

December 01, 2018, 06:15:00 PM
Re: [Buoidda's mod] Obtaining blood from animals... ideas? This does indeed work - if anybody else wants to use Buoidda's mod in the current version, just replace "elk carcass", "reindeer carcass", etc with {* carcass *}  tags. It also works for the processes to extract guts, backstraps, etc.
December 19, 2018, 12:49:01 AM
Re: Man, I hate wolves!

Privateer- I'd bet that I've seen that episode. It used to be on every weekend when I was a kid. Yeah, I'm that old...heh

December 19, 2018, 02:57:50 PM
Season's recovery greetings There went the winter solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, and we're heading towards the increasing daylight. I've also got my fractured shoulder off the sling by now, but the recovery continues. All the movements are painful, and I'm increasing the range of motion bit by bit. The official sick leave has been extended until January 2019, and my absence from the forums continues.
But you'll be fine, and I'll be back eventually. Thanks for all the warm words and understanding and wishes.

Winter Sale is going on at Steam so once again it's good time to grab UnReal World for yourself, or gift a friend into the Far North.

And lastly, huge big seasons greetings to each and everyone of you, from the tiny dev and the winter tree. Merry whatever, fellow adventurers!

December 24, 2018, 12:34:53 PM
Allow dogs to fetch prey floating on water I was gathering herbs and hunting on a remote lake, shot down a few birds over water, and as I waded in to pick them up and eventually started getting cold, I started thinking it would be useful to have a command for dogs to fetch prey floating on water. The dog would pick up the bird, come back and then drop it near the owner. Of course, if the dog was hungry, it would eat the bird instead. That might be expandable to other small prey as well - for example, you set your dogs on a hare, they hunt it down, kill it and then bring the carcass to you. The latter would be a bonus, but the former would be really useful especially in early spring/late autumn, when the waters are too cold to wade in yourself just to fetch a bird for a couple of cuts of meat, and you don't have a boat or raft handy.
December 29, 2018, 11:54:40 AM
Re: Allow dogs to fetch prey floating on water Don't know how historical it is, but it's a great idea. Maybe you could buy trained and untrained dogs for this. And trained dogs would be more expensive. Maybe add a training system for the players in the future and when the option to sell animals becomes available, you have another way to earn a living.
December 29, 2018, 04:25:24 PM
Re: But that villager died Been 3+ years here, and still no one wants to go hunting with me "until we see Tauno who went with you".   I brought Tauno's lifeless body to the village back when he met his end, so everyone definitely saw him...  Perhaps it's Driik sarcasm in action.
January 08, 2019, 04:57:01 AM
Medieval food Maybe not exactly the period the game covers but I have found this videos regarding medieval food and are quite interesting.

Something interesting mentioned in the first video is that salted and dried food had to be boiled at least twice before being edible, that's something that could be implemented in the game. Right now we are mostly chewing that hard leather at least in the vanilla game.

Something else to keep in mind is butchering an animal at the start of winter. The cold stops it from rotting and you have fresh food the whole winter. I had never thought about that.

January 22, 2019, 01:55:43 AM
2019, here we come, slowly but steadily. The time has come for me to start reaching back into the development chambers after the sick leave. My fractured shoulder is still far from fully healed, but computer work seems doable, so here we come development year 2019. Slowly but steadily that is, as the priority remains in exercising the injured arm a lot to increase mobility - rather than to get it stiff from the office work.

Oh boy, little did I know how slowly fractured shoulders heal. In the original injury topic somebody made a remark that this might be my hardcore first hand research on injuries and recovery. :) Well, yes, going through this actually got me thinking of going through game's recovery rules in case of fractured joints. I've been of the arm sling for five weeks now but it will still take months before I can shoot a bow again, and raising the injured arm above the shoulder level is a feat I have been doing reliably only for a week or two. And there's no way I can do it with carrying load of more than few pounds, so any hard work that requires both arms is out of the question.  It also takes time to learn to move the arm 'normally' again, as the early pain didn't allow all the proper muscles to be used with some arm trajectories. It is easy to understand how easily deformed body postures are born.

But here I am, dedicated to work on the arm and the game as much as possible during the 2019.
I've gone through the swamp of e-mails lately and hopefully answered to everything urgent - but if you miss a reply, please do re-send your e-mail.
Getting back on the track with the forums will take a bit longer, but soon enough you can expect replies to pop up here and there.

Luckily my physiotherapist has also given me permission to ski, just guaranteed that I do not fall on the injured arm in any circumstances.
2019, here we come.

January 28, 2019, 06:49:56 PM