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Re: Primitive survival gear & strategies Regarding "eating dirt"... it brought to mind the scene in the Holy Grail...

"Oh! There is some lovely filth down here!"  ;D  ???

Most of your suggestions have been posed before and I'm sure Sami & Erkka have considered
them as far as what fits into their vision of UnReal Iron-Age Finland.

November 18, 2017, 05:22:58 PM
Spirits, spells, short movies, short of time, and the diminishing year Today I came to a realization that the absolutely last thing to do for the upcoming version is to finalize the spirit of the forest related quest, and the many spells that were brought into existence because of this very spirit. The reality check came upon me shortly after browsing books for spells to receive bear hunting aids from the spirits when asleep. Shortly after thinking that dreams and premonitions would be now natural to feature with the other upcoming spell improvements. Shortly after noticing myself to follow a pattern where I add a new big to-do right after the existing list of to-dos before release grows down in size to a reasonable length. This has been a familiar and overly ambitious pattern in case of the version in development. Now as the end of the calendar year is drawing nearer and the holiday season approaches, it's better to start wrap things up for test builds and then consider how far a beta release possibility might be.

There's also been this certain short movie occupying our time. A short movie we shot in autumn 2016, and which has been cooking slowly in post-production ever since. But now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm confirmed to say that a brand new Enormous Elk short movie will still be released this very year. Like the upcoming version, this short movie is also the most ambitious of them all. We had a short post about it at the old forums, with a coffee break pic from the filming location. Now let's repost it here.
All in all, despite of breaks, all kinds of stuff is coming up. Peace and patience to all of you.

November 20, 2017, 04:15:03 PM
Re: Kotas You can build a kota as big as you want if you build a lot of frames and have enough fur/hides for walls/flooring.

In my diagram, I put a box around the tiles representing the dimensions of a one-square interior kota and x is the tile you build the frame on. I colored the floor sections in grey and walls in orange. You'll need to build your frames apart by 1 or 2 tiles depending on the dimensions you want and all you need to do is build walls at the outside edges of the frames. I remember seeing somebody's picture of their livestock kota fence on one of the pages on the old forum's What's Going On In Your Unreal World? thread. It's a really good idea because predators can't break kota walls.
Edit: This is the post I was thinking:

November 25, 2017, 03:20:57 AM
Re: Kotas You can actually build a larger kota but it requires the construction and deconstrution of several different frames to get the outer walls and floors in place.  The key is putting doors at the corner junctions where you normally wouldn't be able to build a straight kota wall:

I guess you might be able to expand the kota beyond the 9x9 for exterior size in one dimension and connect the wall sections with doors instead of a corner construction.

November 26, 2017, 02:32:06 AM
Re: Kotas Hey, someone took inspiration from my fortress!  ;D

For regular kota, you can have a 5x5 layout: the frame in the very centre, a 1-tile walkway around that, and a layer of wall/door on the outside.

For oversized kota buildings, think of it as very slowly painting your kota into existence from one side to the other. Plan out the trail your frame will go to build your kota and build the floors and walls around and behind (but not in front! frames can't go on floors) the frame, moving it one square away each time. You will always end up with one ground space when your kota is done.

For walls, you can go two ways about it. Contiguous walls (like in the old post) take more time, but are prettier. You'll build 3 wall sections every time you lay a frame. Don't build corner walls and move the frame just enough to continue the wall with another 3 walls. Repeat as needed.
If you don't care about aesthetics, you can build the corner walls and save time on assembling/disassembling the frame.

Whatever you do to get your oversized kota, there's one thing to remember: never build a wall next to a frame unless you want the frame to stay.

Edit: Pictures!

These are the standard kota layouts. You'll probably never see #3 in villages.

This is how to build a 7x7 kota (5x5 floor space). Lighter blue and yellow are where you will build walls and floors relative to where the frame (dark green) currently is; dark blue and yellow are previously-built walls and floors. The thin lines are the floor coverage of the framework.

This is how to build a kota wall:

November 29, 2017, 03:25:08 PM
Releases, anniversaries, sales, and season's archery greetings Very exciting times are at hand...

We've reached beta stage with the upcoming version 3.50. Test builds have been compiled and tested to some extent, and we are ready to move onto releasing the first 3.50 beta version. This will first take place on Steam, and for lifetimers at the forums - and is to be followed with the standalone release on the homepage later on.

By the way, did you know that this year is 100th anniversary of Finland's independence?
Doesn't matter if you didn't, but it's a big year for the country and it all culminates on 6th of December - for that is the independence day of Finland.

On that very day we are celebrating Indie-dependence day for it's been 25 years of playable UnReal World releases.
In other words, the game has been out there for 1/4  of its development nation's official existence. It's either an old game, or a young nation ;)

We try to aim Steam/Lifetimer release of 3.50 beta to take place on 6th - the big indiedependency day.
Because of the anniversary Steam has also agreed to grant a special sale period for a bunch of finnish games. Before the sale is going on we can't exactly say when it starts or ends, but you should know UnReal World is available for a little cheaper price. It's probably our biggest price cut ever to be seen, so if you want to celebrate with us or finally get that Steam copy, the opportunity is around the corner.

And then, it's time fore season's archery greetings...
Over the years people have regularly hinted that could I start up on somekind of bushcraft video channel or so. Now Erkka occasionally drops videos related on variety of trad. chores, and at Enormous Elk videos we sometimes cover as well, but to me the dearest thing to showcase and talk about would be archery. So I'm trying to establish traditional archery channel, hopefully getting it going next year. History and archery, crafts and shoots, books and bows and techniques, and all that. Channel draft is available for early subscriptions:

Now it's three night until the big indiedependency day. Stay tuned.

December 03, 2017, 03:09:34 PM
Special Steam Sale & Special Greetings A special sale for a bunch of finnish games on Steam has started. This is to celebrate the centenary of Finland's independence and will last until 8th of December.

This 100th year of Finland's independence culminates on 6th of December, for that is our official independence day. During this anniversary period we are also celebrating the extraordinary Indie-dependence days for it's been 25 years of playable UnReal World releases. In other words, the game has been out there for 1/4 of its development nation's official existence. We celebrate with the sales, new video greetings and finally the release of 3.50 beta version on 6th.

You can find your way on our Steam page here, and lifetimers also will find the new video greetings at the forums lifetime membership section.

Otherwise we want to stay thanks, cheers, and respect to you all!

From left to right; Erkka (co-designer), and Sami (creator) shake hands for it's the special Indie-dependence day. 1/4 centenary of playable UnReal World releases, and full centenary of Finland's independence.

December 05, 2017, 07:10:19 PM
Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority Let's have a poll, just for the sake of poll.
December 18, 2017, 09:28:04 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority While I usually don't vote the middle choice in polls because the vote doesn't sway it one way or another, this time I did. Here is the reason: Sami has been developing the game very nicely for a quarter-century and I'm constantly impressed with each new version.

Implementing spouses sounds like a massive task that includes many other game developments, the biggest of which, IMHO, is an A.I. that can play like a complex bot in order to make a believable spouse. Because a spouse that behaves like village NPCs wouldn't really be worth it.

Keep up the good work with your own priorities, Sami :-)

December 19, 2017, 01:41:05 AM
3.50 (beta 2) released for everyone All the best to everyone for 2018!
We'll hereby start the year with release of 3.50 beta version for everyone.
You can grab it at homepage downloads section.
For those interested in venturing into the far north on Steam, notice that the x-mas there still continues, and you can find your way there from the above download page as well.

January 01, 2018, 08:32:18 PM