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Re: Wild Animals in Villages I've had a few encounters with wild animals in villages, including bears, wolves, elk and reindeer that were just chilling in town when I arrived, as well as a Njerp that came into town and was promptly beaten to death by the villagers. I've also seen a couple of times when a wolf pack has invaded a town, and it wasn't pretty.

My character had travelled down to visit the Reemi for trading, along with his pack of dogs, and I noticed as we entered one particular town to spend the night that there were wolves all around this village. The village had a large pen of pigs on one edge, and the wolves seemed very interested but kept running away whenever I got near. I spent a couple hours trying to hunt a few down at range, but they were very wary and moved out to the trees (the village was surrounded by fields on all sides). Finally I went to sleep, only to be awakened by the sounds of battle and squealing pigs - looking out of the cabin, I saw there were now wolves *everywhere*, all throughout the village. The pigs were mostly dead and the villagers were chasing wolves left and right through town. I of course jumped into the fray with my dogs and managed to save the last surviving pig, though a wolf tore out the throat of one of my dogs in the process, and then helped the villagers fight the rest of the pack. It was a total bloodbath - the ground was littered with dead wolves and torn villagers, and with a couple of villagers shooting randomly into the fight at the unconscious wolves in the midst of their kin, I moved to the edge of the village and picked off the last fleeing wolves there.

In the end, I don't know how many villagers were killed - I counted at least nine dead (several with arrows stuck in them) and eight dead wolves, plus six or seven dead pigs in the pen (and my poor dog). A good number of villagers were left, but only two children had survived the attack, both terribly wounded with one collapsed and unable to walk near the edge of the village and the other barely able to move. In the spirit of good neighbourliness, I skinned and butchered all the pigs and wolves and cooked up the meat for the villagers (the hides I kept for myself), and then went back to bed. In the morning, I went to work on my stack of hides that were tanning beside the village well and found the grisly sight of one of the wounded boys floating dead in the well. It seems he had fallen through the thin ice over it and drowned. The other boy was still lying alive but grievously wounded at the edge of the village, where he remains to this day, three years later in-world. I still bring him food and presents now and then. He tells me things are going pretty good.

Another wolf-in-village encounter I came upon shortly after the fact was when I was raiding Njerp villages - I'd seen wolves in the general area while I was scoping the village out the night before the raid but mostly ignored them. When I attacked the next day, there was a surprising number of pre-wounded Njerps and the fight was over pretty quickly. When I went into the emptied village to gather my spoils, I found a single dead Njerp maiden surrounded by a pile of five dead wolves. There was one seriously wounded wolf still alive, which I killed as well, and then I skinned and butchered the lot. Now that I think of it, most of my wolf pelts came from wolves attacking villages.

I've also had a couple of bear encounters in villages. The most notable was with a newer character - an escaped slave who had finally, after much hard work and deprivation, saved up enough to buy her first cow. I set out to the next village with my cow loaded up with what trade goods I had left, as well as with my faithful dog Kalerva, and on the way happened across a reindeer herd and killed one. Such good luck! We reached the village, noting some bear tracks in the area, and set to roasting reindeer meat, leaving the cow and dog tied up by the well with the tanning reindeer hide. Part way through, Kalerva started barking up a storm and on going outside I saw a bear charging at my newly purchased cow - I quickly intercepted, setting the dog loose, and the bear ran off with Kalerva hot in pursuit.

When Kalerva didn't come back, I tried to call for him and... had no option to call my dog. Following the bear tracks away from the village, I soon found the shredded partially eaten remains of Kalerva, with the bear sleeping peacefully a few metres away. Furious, I went back to the village, used my reindeer meat to hire a woodsman to hunt bear with me, and the two of us went out (leaving the cow tethered in the village, obviously) and slew that dog-eating bear. Skinned and butchered the carcass and returned to the village loaded up with bear meat. Went to roast the bear meat. Heard pained bellowing outside and came out to find *another* bear standing over my freshly torn apart cow. So, off we went again, this time to kill the cow-eating bear, which we did. Skinned and butchered the second bear, skinned and butchered the cow, and then used the masses of bear and cow meat (*cough*and a little dog meat*cough*) to buy a new dog and cow, which I have vowed will *never* be left tethered to a tree on her own!

Finally, in a more peaceful incident, recently my character walked into town and found an entire herd of reindeer hanging out there. I chased them for a little bit but then left them in peace in the village fields. The villagers didn't seem to mind them munching their way through the crops.

September 20, 2017, 12:12:43 AM
NPCs Felling Trees Something said in another thread by PALU reminded me of an old question I never entirely figured out. PALU mentioned that Njerpez fell trees (which I wasn't sure of, but suspected). I had a trap fence become a bit of a rough neighbourhood after I heard trees being cut down, and then had 3 Njerps show up. I was never sure if they were the ones cutting the trees, but now I assume they were.

I know that foreign traders fell trees. Do any other NPCs do it (Robbers, random adventurers, villagers etc.)? Also, why do they fell trees? Does something cause it to happen? Are they trying to accomplish something?

September 26, 2017, 11:41:08 PM
Disease, pests, and the joy of cats Yesterday, my cat returned with the 5th gift this week. This time, he had actually bothered killing it, making it much easier for me to rid him of his triumph.

As I did, he just lay down on the sofa, unbothered by his prey being removed. His diligence is surprising, but not uncommon for cats. This time though, it made me think.
"Go to hell, you feline bastard." I thought.

It also made me think of nature, which led to Unrealworld eventually.

Now, what did this long and pointless story about my cat have to do with the suggestion?

Nothing at all. Or at least very little...

Dogs are so far the only pet you can own in Unrealworld, and it is more or less only good for hunting game and njerpez.
Since diseases/illnesses are planned, I think it would be fitting to also add another pet.

Illnesses could be caught through human interaction, or be spread via some kind of pathogen. This would mean you could get bitten by rats in your sleep, and that would have a chance of making you ill. Rats could also chew on your smoked njerpez reindeer as well, of course.

These ilnesses would be connected to herblore (understanding which herbs help which symptoms), that would help you find possible cures/ailments that might help.
Shamans can help, but you shouldn't place all your eggs in one basket, so shamans might fail in treating you, making herblore a more viable skill to focus on.

(Herblore might need some kind of name change if this happens, though.)

Cats would be the way to prevent pests from pestering you. They would be a low-maintinence (no need to feed), but very expensive/rare to buy. Possible only avaliable from foreign merchants or something along those lines. Cats would be a luxury for sure, and nothing a poor hermit usualy can afford. But there's always murdering and stealing.

To avoid slowing down the game too much/ crowding the world beyond capacity, pests might not need to be actual animals, just a state of a tile. Much like snow, it can have different levels of pests around it:

Pest-free (need several cats)
Bugs (lowest you can get with one cat)
Rodents and bugs (the normal state)
A lot of pests (unusually high)
Pests everywhere (dangerously high)

The more people-the more pests.

Note: I might be WAY off historically. Please correct me if I am.

October 02, 2017, 10:58:13 PM
Re: Wild Animals in Villages To add to the insanity of this current cursed village. I was chasing a Njerpez around the island for a bit... not really attacking, just watching him run for kicks. He got a bunch of distance so I went somewhere else. I wandered back to the village, and when I zoomed in, low and behold! The njerpez was asleep in their main cabin. He woke up when I arrived and tried to run away... the villagers never cared. I unleashed my hounds and killed him in the village. No one lifted a hand to help me.

So, Atwood... I think you are right. Unless something is actively hostile, villagers just don't care. It makes me wonder what set off all the other Njerps who had wandered in... maybe they saw old men and thought it would be an easy kill or something.

October 03, 2017, 05:47:40 AM
Re: Disease, pests, and the joy of cats Pff, please. I'm just gonna keep my cat inside and use it as a mobile heat source.  ;D
October 03, 2017, 02:53:22 PM
Re: Wild Animals in Villages Wolf AI seems to be deliberately designed to be creepy.  I woke up one morning to find my shelter completely surrounded by wolf tracks.  It had explored the whole area while I slept, then quietly slunk away before morning, not having touched a thing.  Freaked out, I surrounded my shelter with fences and traps.

Do you like my wolf fur boots?  They're new.

October 15, 2017, 12:28:02 AM
Re: Forget seals, anyone know good strategies for hunting beavers?
I vaguely remember starting a topic in the old forums requesting a water trap for beavers.

That would be great. It would be nice if "animals signs" gets added one day too. For this particular topic, beaver lodges. In the winter, it was somewhat easy to hunt beavers (given the right tools), simply by drilling into the lodge and hauling them out.

October 17, 2017, 05:28:06 AM
expansion on the planned animal husbandry so, reading the planned features list i noticed "animal husbandry".

first up, i can hardly wait for it. the new types of gameplay that could come from this is already filling my mind with joy.

but one little thing could make it go way further. not only being able to buy an animal, but being able to sell it.

but why?

simple, if i can breed animals i could survive off those, trough slaughtering them and trading their meats/furs/leather. but if i could sell the living animals it would make breeding them an even more viable source of income, maybe even good enough to replace njerp slaying.
of course, breeding animals requires large amounts of food/farming, so it won't be easy or quick to set up an animal breeding center, but it would make it pay off in the end.

so to recap, can we also get the ability to sell live animals?

November 04, 2017, 06:22:52 PM
The Water Folk Quest Anyone have any suggestions for finding a suitable island/rock/whatever for the Water Folk quest?  I have spent hours of real life time searching huge lakes, and the closest I've gotten are some one-tile islands that are part of a mire instead of the lake, and one rock that was too steep to climb.

Currently, I'm running around the outer rim of lakes, either during full winter (on the ice) or during the spring/summer (in a punt).  Please tell me there's a better way to do this?

November 07, 2017, 10:02:04 AM
Re: The Water Folk Quest fords in rivers are good and often have single tile rocks. mark them with a note on the f6 map. i mark them anyway because they are the first place you can cross a river when the river freezes but the ice is too fragile in other parts of the river, but in winter they're indistinguishable if you dont have them marked.

keep an eye out for them in other places in the course of your regular activities and mark them when you find one, then when you get the quest you can pick whichever is closest.

ice doesn't seem to work, though, needs to be surrounded by water. i tried breaking the ice in a circle around the tile but it didn't seem to work.

November 07, 2017, 12:26:23 PM