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Re: Version 3.80 (beta) released Maybe not bricks, but wattle and daub was surely a thing?  Maybe a fence, water, some dung, and some dried nettles could make a weatherproof but not large inquisitive animal proof wall?
April 27, 2023, 10:55:20 PM
Re: Having trouble with trapping. You always have a shot... but you have to take it well to survive.

I was starving and freezing but I got lucky, an elk in a snowstorm with just a rock.  Read about it here:

So keep trying.  If you die, follow my hunter's guide with your next Finn, and you should find things much less frustrating  8)

April 28, 2023, 12:43:51 AM
Re: Has persistence hunting been made more difficult? I hardly ever run.  Hunt in open terrain, pine mire and open mire.  Don't zoom in to stalk the prey, usually the best shot you will get is if you bump them on the overland map.  Have javelins or a bow and arrow readied at all times.  If you miss your first shot, you may be better waiting a while for the animal to calm down, then hunt it on the overland map again.

When an animal is fatigued, you've got this.  They will flee again with a last burst of energy, but follow them and you'll find them breathless and ready for the kill.  Be single-minded, be persistent.

If your walking speed is below 6 km/h, it maybe best to stick to trapping, fishing or farming.  Not every man is capable of running down an elk.  Play to your strengths!

April 30, 2023, 02:14:16 AM
Re: Three years in the Unreal World Now in dead month, four and a half months on from my hermithood.  Winter is closing in, but I have made a fine woodsman's axe, a fine broad axe, a carving axe and a shovel.  I have built a trap fence, and am clad in furs that thanks to my new iron tools are decent rather than rough.

I spent too much time on making iron tools though, and so I now find myself without a cabin and I am going to need one very badly before long.  My main problem has been food, at one point I was starving when I spotted a bear.  I had on me three javelins and a handaxe.  It took a while to stalk, as it had gone into a spruce mire.  I kept at it, being desperate for food.  Only one of my javelins scored a hit, and then the bear was on me, a large female.  I hit her with my axe, and she smacked me right in the plums.  I hit her again, crippling her, then backed away while I tried not to puke or blub.  She stayed between me and my thrown javelins, and in the end I finished it the hard way.  A fine bearskin to make clothes for winter!

My big regret is not having harvested more nettles; I have enough for some yarn but I think I should have got more, enough to make some undies at least.  As I am avoiding all human contact, my only clothing options are fur and leather.  Going to be a bloody cold winter.


May 01, 2023, 02:09:09 AM
Re: [3.72] Community Bod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and More! I suggest that the first post should include a link to Buoidda's original crafts mod, with a caveat that some things have been changed since back then.  The reason is that while recent changes have been well documented in the changelog, a lot of the basic stuff remains as Buoidda designed it and there is a lot of still very relevant information to be found there.  Linky:

May 01, 2023, 01:40:50 PM
Re: The UrW Anti-RSI Campaign group. ARSI, for short. Another suggestion; making a hole in the ice is something I hardly ever do consecutively, so it would save a few keystrokes if it was removed as a [r] repeat action. 
May 01, 2023, 06:10:58 PM
Re: Has persistence hunting been made more difficult? If you want a great hunter, have a read of the guide:

May 01, 2023, 06:58:25 PM
Re: Item Qualities on Transport Items I think it only matter for trade values.  I still like to make them at least decent quality when I can though, for RP and OCD purposes!
May 01, 2023, 07:00:20 PM
Re: [3.72] Community Bod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and More! Yes, I know the history of the mod and revere Rain as much as anyone!

I meant that Buoidda's first post on the thread that I linked to gave me a lot of useful information on many of the items that can be made.  New users might also find it helpful.

May 01, 2023, 07:22:01 PM
Re: Item Qualities on Transport Items Find some open or pine mire and ski back and forth on the zoomed in map.  This quickly raises skill by 3% per day.

It doesn't hurt to hide while you do it, to train up stealth too.  Stealth seems to raise faster if there is something to hide from, a trapped bird is handy here.

May 02, 2023, 06:38:08 PM