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Dropping everything when wielding paddle or ski stick I reckon paddle and ski stick are among the most wielded/unwielded items in the game and it wouldn't hurt to streamline their use.

QoL: when on a watercraft and dropping everything (to set a net), one shouldn't drop the paddle if it's wielded. Same should be with ski stick when skiing.

I would classify these both as (poor) weapons since on top of inventory they are much faster to find.
QoL: paddle is quite a formidable ad-hoc weapon - i want to finish off those squirrels with it rather that kicking and punching

it tried to mod the latter, but only succeeded with ski stick

January 08, 2021, 09:02:38 PM
Re: Sami's Bouncing arrows got revisited. Sami's bouncing arrows

January 11, 2021, 05:48:34 AM
Re: "Magic" audio trigger I vaguely remember "(tree) bark" barking at me whenever walked over, but that was fixed years (decades?) ago.
January 11, 2021, 06:34:13 PM
Re: "Magic" audio trigger Oh now I'm overwhelmed with poetic nostalgy.

Code: [Select]
I wish I could go spelunking.
Fall through a hole in the cave floor,
try to find stairs up in complete darkness,
stumble through yet another hole, even deeper...
and hear a growl echo in the pitch--

January 11, 2021, 07:49:40 PM
Re: how do i hang a bear skull up? So... a human?  I reported a real bot literally a few seconds before reading this :D It's removed already.

Welcome to the forums, Varmin.  :)

January 12, 2021, 08:37:43 PM
Re: Cave Dwelling Question no. add a door and a fireplace and you're good to smoke  8)

do not build on "surface of the earth" or you'll destroy the natural light near the entrance of the cave

January 13, 2021, 05:33:38 PM
Re: Cave Dwelling Question Built ceiling/floor will illuminate the square so near the SotE square no change. Deeper the inside squares will be lit. I don't know if the actual graphic is different at all.
January 13, 2021, 07:03:25 PM
scrapped modding idea - silversmithing I got all hyped up reading about Oil of vitriol - the medieval name for sulphuric acid - which is used in gold- and silversmithing.

It can be made by pyrolysis (dry distillation - like charcoal) of vitriols - certain metallic salts that can occur in old mines for example.

So I made this blue vitriol graphic that was supposed to spawn very rarely inside Urw caves.

The thought was then to process it to oil of vitriol which would be fundamental in allowing to craft precious metals.

But - I couldn't mod it to appear (only) inside caves. So I decided to scrap the idea for now. Here's the graphic I already made for blue vitriol - just in case someone gets a spark for making semiprecious stone mod or smth. I was thinking about it but lacking this mysterious poison my enthusiasm vaned. Maybe later. Need to do more reseach.

Here's the code I got to work. ("Cave" and "Cave_floor" don't seem to work)

Code: [Select]
.Blue vitriol.      (4)  [root]
[NAME:Blue vitriol]
[REGION:northern southern western eastern]


January 16, 2021, 07:38:22 PM
Re: [3.62] Container content ownership does not change in trade
(although if I saw someone moving goods into their own containers I'd assume they were trying to steal it...).

(That's how goods were purchased well into the 20th century in the west* and in some places even today.)

Interesting, (with couple of decades of intermittent Urw-ism,) it never occurred to me to even try this. I'm gonna carve some cups and go shopping now.

*lazy broad-brushing here

January 17, 2021, 06:27:19 AM
Kotas for Northern tribes' overmap village tile I'm colour blind and I have a serious difficulty spotting villages in the North, when they are surrounded by forest. There are no clearings around. I have to usually check the map to find the general area I'm supposed to look. (I used my "color blind pal"-app to tell what colour the little houses were. It tells the roofs are orange.)

Suggestion: Change Northern tribes' village graphic to gray kotas instead of houses.

January 23, 2021, 07:45:30 AM