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Re: Humane and Proper Butchering? Blunt trauma to the skull works well with the right weapon: mace or stone axe for example. Masterwork mace is a real killer.

With blades I'd try neck. Neck and thorax hits often lead to serious bleeding and loss of consciousness / death. This does affect skin quality a bit, sadly. But with good enough hideworking skill, the larger animals such as ram will yield decent or even fine skins even if the carcass is "harmed".

For role-play / rl simulation, I'd do both. First knock it out / then cut carotid arteries (neck veins). Once the poor unconscious thing is bleeding, you can wait a bit to see if it dies. If not, only then cut again.

I usually just pound the skull though. But it does need the right weapon. Here's a sad story from one of my suggestions:

I know I asked to buff them up, but please don't make the head any harder.

Spoiler: Story of a particularly hard-headed elk • show

That sums up to 27 solid hits to the skull with the blunt end of a woodman's axe.  ;D

December 26, 2020, 12:32:29 PM
Re: More usefulness for curing I've heard of the method too. @JP_Finn be sure to link any finds in the offtopic board and tag me. There's actually a suitable topic already in which to reply: Fur, leather and tanning resources

It's not necessary, nor possible, nor good gaming experience (in my opinion) to have all the possibilities in there, but rather to feature the typical and characteristic ways that deliver the experience we like to deliver. I kind of always trust quality over quantity.

Those words resonate strongly in my modding endeavours as well as professional life. Well said.

December 27, 2020, 09:17:26 AM
Re: Island challenge stories In celebration of my latest and laborious new mod release, I generated this new character, Lemet. I actually managed to get reasonably low speed and eyesight (for a seal-triber) without rerolls. Using @Night's magnificent start location selector, I'm trying a completely different place than usual.

I'm using my craft mod (2.3) and therefore I can start making a stone axe pretty soon, but let's see... The best new trees grow on the other side of the world. Also swimming to the mainland shouldn't prove a problem, should I survive to the summer. I think I've done enough swimming for a while anyway.

Spoiler: show

The skills are modded in ini_skills.txt. I didn't like the zero skill types because some skills are just horrible to try to raise later in game (especially carpentry).

December 27, 2020, 12:20:11 PM
more sea-ness of the sea: ambient message when entering an area next to the sea - when entering from mainland to coast: a short message like "a salty gale greets you" (I know the sea isn't especially salty, but something like this to note the presence of the sea would make a really nice ambient element, especially if approaching in zoomed-in map and the sea isn't yet seen)
(would probably need a cooldown not to spam all the time when on the coast: maybe retriggered only when inland)

December 28, 2020, 11:44:28 AM
Seal hunting tactics Another post led me to think I should share some of my experience in hunting seals of the Unreal world [3.63].

  • Seals have a place on land/ice/skerry they favor, often returning to it. This changes from time to time. Bothering the seal may lead to this too.
  • Set heavy deadfall traps on favored spots. They do not respond to bait.
  • Shelters work as effective blinds. Stand and wait behind a row of shelters on a favored beach. A seal might just wander next to you.
  • Darkness works pretty much the same way. Stand and wait in an area you know has been recently visited by a seal.
  • They are pretty slow on land. Try running up to them or at least close enough to score a hit with a missile.
  • You can also try running along a beach/edge of ice favored by seals when visibility is very low.
  • Once wounded, above tactics become even easier.
  • Counter-intuitively, it is worth targeting the legs in melee just as with other animals too.
  • If a seal escapes bleeding, it may die out at sea. The carcass will not sink. Try to have a watercraft ready to scout.
  • Exploitish tactic: zoom out near a favored spot. Zoom in later and a seal might be very close.

Things than haven't worked for me:
  • Only shooting at them beyond escape range takes a lot of arrows, patience, hits and skill. I did this before, but above ways are more efficient. It might be worthwile to get first couple of hits this way, though. Target body or just maybe the head. Especially in summer when there is no darkness. EDIT: It's still very usable in the right situation: read about @Dr.Hossa's bay-herding tactic below.
  • Many know the iconic image of an inuk waiting by a breathing hole, harpoon in hand. I've tried this - and would love for it to work - but haven't yet had a seal dive up from a hole next to me. EDIT: Also this has been touched in our discussion.

Please tell the community about your experiences in hunting seals.

December 29, 2020, 04:12:08 PM
Re: Seal hunting tactics I get it, it's kind of inverse version of herding an (invisible) elk to a corner on land. That's clever @Dr.Hossa. I'll be sure to add that to my repertoire.

Also, good, you pointed out something I neglected to specify: of course with missile weapons it's best to target the body (or the head, if you're feeling lucky).

I meant to target legs only while in melee, preferably with blunt weapons (not only to preserve hide, but to cause crush injuries in legs). They are terrible dodgers and they tend to fall down (roll on their back? cringe in agony? lift their head at you and make sealish war-cry?), giving you another go at pounding it's skull into a jelly*. I'll just quote @Dungeon Smash:

...Aiming for the legs/flippers seems to be a good way to keep it from getting away, then once it's mostly immobilized you can attack the skull...

My characters almost exclusively use blunt end of stone axe until they get a mace (EDIT: or a grainflail). The bigger spears do a lot of damage so at least one thrust should be ok without excessive damage to the hide. With a spear in melee I'd consider targeting vitals, not legs.

If you have a marooned character who doesn't have a raft and a paddle ready, mind that deep puncture wounds are more likely to cause serious bleeding which often leads to the critter dying offshore where you can't reach it. That's a reason to favor melee in certain circumstances.

The "baying(?)" method described by Dr. Hossa's sounds like a good way to keep the animal where you want it. If lacking/running out of missiles, I'm guessing it could still be used to herd the seal on a beach with more cover, even a premade row of shelters. What do you reckon, @Dr.Hossa?

Like doc said above, these are some tricks of the trade we have caught on the way. I don't think there are best methods, just different tactics. Choice of tactic depends on context (my and Matt Easton's favourite word). A blizzard-weathered ol' seal hunter will have tried them all (or maybe have some of them in the toolbox in the original wrapper, because the perfect opportunity never presented itself) Blah blah blah...

* Reference to another roguelike! I will give a crumpled parchment to first one that can tell.

December 30, 2020, 07:06:28 PM
Re: Seal hunting tactics Yes if it's right next to water, I might go for the head too (but you still get another turn if it falls down). Further away, legs. But again, depends on context. There are no absolutes even though the small amount of words we have to restrain ourselves to use might seem so at times.  :P I have usually a poor skill in the stone axe I'm using, so I'm weighing that too. It's easier to hit the legs than a moving head.

The amount of injuries is also something to consider: if it's pretty injured already and might pass out even for a second from the next melee hit: consider targeting body since it is easiest to hit.

Such a good discussion!  :)

December 31, 2020, 07:03:08 AM
Re: Harvesting(edited:boiled down to harvesting, ignore redundant leather discus.) I also tend to roam around in vacuum-cleaner mode (funny I thought of the word even before finding it in yours, @Dr.Hossa), thus upholding that roguelike tradition.

My camp consists of dispersed piles of sorted goods (junk).

So yes, I too would very much like to see quick-key for toggling vacuum mode on and off (used when entering camp).


January 02, 2021, 04:43:02 PM
Re: Harvesting(edited:boiled down to harvesting, ignore redundant leather discus.)
I too enjoy raking the woods. Perhaps auto-pickup could be enabled by wielding a rake.

I should know better not to mix politics in, but this is so funny I can't resist. (English-spoken clip of a Finnish satire on contemporary matters, like raking the woods) ;D

Send him to Finland! (Trigger warning: mr. Trump)

January 03, 2021, 06:22:35 AM
get lost ...that's what I'd like to be able to do in this game.

But even if I toggle out the cultural regions, but my characters GPS navigator is way too sophisticated on the mainscreen (see picture).

I tried playing with a piece of post-it note on top of it. It became bothersome after a while, covering inventory screen etc.

So: please hide the location help when cultural regions are toggled off.

January 03, 2021, 06:16:06 PM