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Use quest markers to indicate locations asked about If it's easy to implement, using quest area rings to indicate approximately where villages, caves, and lakes asked about are would be rather helpful. If so, the areas would be automatically removed when the feature is seen by the character.
If you're told about a feature again the basic implementation would just keep the original indication, while an enhanced version would add something along the lines of "(you feel you have heard about this <feature> before.)".

December 20, 2017, 06:11:09 PM
Re: Old mods I've tried to package it up in the zip linked to here:

Edit: I just found that the antler comb recipe has to be changed to take "elk antler" rather than "stag antler" with 3.50b2 (That recipe is found in diy_p_Buiodda's boneworking.txt).

December 25, 2017, 08:53:46 PM
Re: Marrige What's wrong with Sami's poll?

You ought to provide a very clear and specific description of the reason you consider the game's creator's poll to be so poorly constructed that we should bother with you poll.

Or haven't you seen the poll (and the discussion thread that led Sami to start the poll in the first place)?

December 25, 2017, 09:29:50 PM
Re: Can i smoke meat on a village? I've never done it but other people have, so that should work. I assume it's too warm to dry the meat (you can dry meat using a shelter, so it doesn't have to be a "real" building)?
December 28, 2017, 03:29:45 PM
Re: Textiles and Scissors It's a known exploit ("known" in the sense that it's been mentioned at least once on the old board).

Another related exploit of the UrW logic is that anything produced from a single type of source materials can result in products of the higher quality(+1)  if you mix any amount of higher quality into it (if you also have a lower quality involved (-1) the amount of the higher quality input has to be at least marginally larger than the lower one). Thus, one harsh elk skin plus a decent willow grouse leather can yield decent quality cords, provided you select the willow grouse leather first and then "fill it out" with the harsh elk skin. You can even start with <0.1 lbs of the higher quality material. Using hides and leather is the most common case, but you can do the same in other cases as well.

If you've got multiple materials in the recipe the rules are different and not fully identified.

December 28, 2017, 03:45:10 PM
Re: Can i smoke meat on a village?
I've never done it but other people have, so that should work. I assume it's too warm to dry the meat (you can dry meat using a shelter, so it doesn't have to be a "real" building)?

It is too cold to dry the meat... well, thank you, i'm going to smoke the meat.
It can't be too cold to dry meat, but it can be too warm. If the temperature is too cold for your character to stand outdoors to hang up the meat (it's can be difficult to get hold of socks and mittens) you can light a small fire beside you. As far as I've seen it will provide an acceptable temperature from the ashes/embers.
Also, if it's too cold to work outside the meat won't spoil, so you won't be in a great hurry to prepare it.

December 28, 2017, 05:19:16 PM
Re: Trainers I like the idea of being able to get some help with improving skills (my current character would certainly benefit from any and all combat training). Balancing this may be tricky, though.
- In addition to a higher cost for higher level training higher levels of training should probably require higher levels of trust, so you'd have to build up a reputation with the potential trainers (and/or their villages) for them to accept to train you. That would prevent you from just traveling around the world to seek out the masters to gain mastery in a comparatively short time. Instead, you'd have to spend a considerable amount of time while concentrating on only a few skills (the ones available in your vicinity).
- Training would also need a cool down similar to the quest intervals, where the cool down period is used to practice what's being taught.
- Training quest rewards should be more valuable than trainer training, though, and one way to achieve that would be to allow trainers to train you only up to the level below their own, so grand mastery would require quest rewards and/or actual practice.
- Offering trainer services might be made into a new quest reward.
- Trainers should probably be identified through talking to villagers, as everyone skilled in a trade isn't necessarily interested in or capable of training others. It could even be done such that villages would only reveal trainers and offer training to people they have a sufficiently good relation with, so you couldn't just travel around to locate all the trainers and then set up a training resettlement strategy, but would have to resettle first and then find out what becomes available over time.

December 29, 2017, 11:35:56 AM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers Ritual skills are indeed learned through quests, but the quest givers need not be sages. Many quests have a random type of reward, where a new ritual is one possibility, but the rate at which you get new rituals is rather slow, so not getting any for half a year doesn't sound off (I think my character has gotten 3, including a "fixed" one when the character has been deemed ready, in a bit over 1 year).

The current system of pleasing the spirits seem to be in the need of balancing, as you can't sacrifice fast enough (due to the rate limitation) to keep them from hating you unless you essentially cease to catch small game. I'm not sure about fishing (haven't done enough to get any data), but it seems all general sacrifices go into a single pool shared between at least catching game, fish, and a summoning that requires a sacrifice. I'm not sure if cutting down trees count as well, but suspect it does, but eventually you're probably finished with your building projects.

December 29, 2017, 08:14:14 PM
Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers Quests ought to appear a fair bit more often than a few times a year, as JEB Davis said, but ritual resulting ones are rarer.
Note, however, that quests are not generated as a result of your visiting villages, but rather happen on their own, allowing you to encountering them when visiting villages. This means that your closest village might not have a quest, but the next one over might.
Also there are "private" quests that are offered to you only if you talk to the quest giver: the other villagers don't know about the quest, so they can't direct you to the quest giver.

I tend to try to visit the closest village around once every 3-4 weeks, and if I don't find a visit on the first visit I'll return home, and then make sure to try to talk to everyone the next time. If I don't get a quest then either I try to check the other nearby villages. However, with previous characters I've instead had one or more "visiting circles" where I visit a sequence of villages on every outing (my last character went to 3 villages in one direction and 1 in another, alternating between the circuits. It depends on what's reasonable/convenient with respect to where your character has settled. I prefer to have circuits that can be completed in one day.

December 29, 2017, 11:09:42 PM
[Fixed - persists in 3.50b2] Triggered but erect traps. Bug? 3.50 beta (not sure if it's 1 or 2)

I've had one light lever trap and one bear trap getting triggered but remaining erect (i.e. the "weight" not fallen down). In the case of the bear trap I found a rotten elk carcass two tiles away from the trap (obscured by a tree), and naturally assume the elk had been mortally wounded by the trap, escaped, but died from its injuries shortly afterwards. Since the trap was still erect it took a long time to notice it had actually been triggered, as the red active trap indication is hard to see when it's dark.

It can be noted that I've definitely had animals escape from bear traps (a bear and a reindeer), but in both of those cases the traps had collapsed as expected. Since I haven't encountered escaping victims in prior versions (except for Njerps), I find that a very nice improvement.

I don't have any save of these erect triggered traps, though.

January 02, 2018, 09:30:45 AM