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Re: No Finnish version? Ooh that would be fun. I don't know very much finnish but I enjoy the few words that i have picked up through the game, like metsä, taival, virta
February 06, 2020, 09:03:48 AM
Re: [3.60 stable linux] Everlasting dog bone Some more info about this: all bones below a certain size are everlasting. dogs, badgers, hares, foxes, their bones last forever. elks, forest reindeer, humans, their bones get eaten up.
February 12, 2020, 05:09:01 PM
Re: Sage questions... Each of your wounds has a colour associated with it, about how fast the wound will heal. Dark red wounds will heal very slowly, dark green will heal quickly. When you get sage healing, it changes the colour associated with the wound by a little bit, but there is a limit to how much better the sage can make it, and it is different for different injuries. For example with frostbite, the best you can do on your own is yellow, but the sage can make it olive green. You'll really notice the sage's help if you get poisoned. If you visit a sage immediately after getting deathly poisoned (it'll say deathly poisoned, not just poisoned), you can survive 1/3 of the time by getting the sage to heal you until the colour stops changing. You'll have to stay in the village for a few days and get multiple healings per day.

I haven't tried it, but flatbread is probably sufficient, since it's the only kind of bread you can make without modding.

Don't know about the spear, but I guess it would be calculated as decent because that's what it was worth when you gave it to him. One way to test this would be to wait until the last day, give him a spear, see if he is happy to keep stuff, then get into a fight in which his spear degrades (this might take a few companions to arrange), and then see if he is still happy.

Only the act of blocking reduces the weapon's rating. Animals can't block, they can only dodge so no matter how you use your weapon against animals, it won't degrade. If your dodge skill is lower than your weapon skill and you are getting injured, it is worth it to block instead of dodging. Better to ruin your weapon than to lose your life. Metal weapons degrade too, but more slowly. A handaxe can do a lot of damage against a wooden club, so your club will degrade quickly. I think wood can't degrade metal at all, but metal can degrade metal.

February 14, 2020, 07:41:30 AM
Re: Well This is a great suggestion. They're really hard to find especially in winter when the ice blends in with the snow. Whenever I visit a village in summer I put little branches in a circle around the well so that i can find it later.
February 21, 2020, 11:49:17 PM
Re: Traps setup I also don't know the exact answer to your question, but I know that when you zoom into a tile, it loads a 3x3 region of tiles with your current tile at the center of that, so i'd expect you could surround your home at least 128 paces away with traps if you wanted to.

This is a low estimate, I expect you'd still get some traps activity even if you had them farther out.

February 22, 2020, 08:24:02 PM
Re: Is it viable to use a pack of dogs for taking down Njerpez and robbers? dogs autoheal but if they're bleeding you can and should do F7 to stop them from bleeding out, as soon as you've dealt with the combat situation enough to keep from getting inerrupted
February 23, 2020, 07:58:41 AM
Re: Njerpez War Camps wow, i haven't seen one of those in years. where are you located? if you're in no man's land, what territories are you near?
February 26, 2020, 10:56:08 PM
Re: Please add the ability to dig a water well Just be careful not to dig too close to the sea
February 27, 2020, 08:53:22 PM
Re: Please add the ability to dig a water well one of the mods i have installed (nydzx i think) has this in biy_sufficiency.txt

Code: [Select]
.Water. "Well" *BUILDING* -L- [effort:3] [phys:arms,stance,one-armed] /8h/
{Shovel} <Shovel>
{Stone} (50) [remove] [ground] '+for walls'
{Rock} (30) [remove] [ground] '+for gravel packing'
{Wooden Tub} [remove] '+for bailing water'
{Rope} [remove]

February 28, 2020, 12:58:33 AM
Re: Various questions from a new player For that quest I start one tree and get it almost all the way done and then i do other stuff around the village until it rains.
February 28, 2020, 09:22:00 PM