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Re: Craftable fishing nets and more Both net making and pausable crafting are great improvements.

The obvious follow on question is whether net maintenance is to be included as well. As far as I understand that's a rather significant active part of "passive" net fishing in the real world, and I assume the netting needle is the tool required to mend the nets, and it's already defined.
The game play reason for maintenance would be to counter the net quality degradation (rather than just a boring step to prepare a net for use again).

June 14, 2023, 08:06:34 AM
Re: Add recipe command [helpful10] etc A problem with your suggested optional tool support is that it focuses on quality but doesn't address time (except implicitly by lowering the rolls). I suspect trying to make a net without a netting needle would primarily increase the manufacturing time dramatically, but I'm not sure it has much effect on the quality.
June 18, 2023, 09:01:12 AM
Re: Sightings I can certainly imagine villagers readily sharing news of sightings of bears and wolves, as those are serious threats. Wolverines and lynx, on the other hand, might depend on the culture, with cultures focusing on livestock more interested in culling the threats to their animals, while hunting oriented cultures may be more interested in their valuable pelts.

I don't think they ought to share info about reindeer and elks with anyone other than people they consider to be their own.

June 23, 2023, 08:04:53 AM
Re: You Think You Might Hear Some Kind of Rustle There usually isn't anything there, but very occasionally there is. I guess it's an attempt to provide the experience of being alone with potentially hostile wildlife (or even worse, human life) that may show up at any time. You wake up at night for no discernible reason, but in a safe environment you can just say that it probably was nothing, or a car passing by, and go back to sleep.
June 25, 2023, 09:08:29 AM
Re: You Think You Might Hear Some Kind of Rustle Humans detect trap lines (and both robbers and Njerps are humans), so they can bypass and/or disable those. Humans do not detect isolated traps, though.
June 27, 2023, 08:35:36 AM
Re: What makes enemy fall unconscious? 1. It should be the same things that cause the PC to fall unconscious:
- Injuries
- Fatigue
- Blood loss
- Shock (I had one character that tended to faint when injured. The last time was a bite to the hand by a wolf, something the character never woke up from, presumably because the wolf wouldn't stop the assault at that point).

The two first factors add up in some manner, but while you're rendered immobile at 100% penalty, you don't fall unconscious at that threshold.

Blood loss also factors in together with the other factors in some manner (a character can faint due to blood loss but wake up still bleeding).

I don't know if head trauma provides an increased risk of unconsciousness.

2. Weapon skill affects the outcome of weapon attacks, so a higher skill should increase the chance of an attack resulting in a more serious injury. Attacking an unconscious creature with a melee attack results in a guaranteed hit, and the target doesn't exactly have a wealth of factors to reduce the damage roll.

July 18, 2023, 09:07:42 AM
Re: Shields vs projectiles vs dodging I believe this is the case. The shield position provides a defense for the parts covered, and this defense comes into effect if the missile's hit roll ends up on a covered part, so no shield skill check is made.
July 18, 2023, 09:11:59 AM
[Fixed - persists in 3.81] Enemy archers attack from beyond player visible range This is a borderline issue between bug and suggestion.

I went up against an enemy (njerp) archer for the first time in a long time (possibly 2-3 years), and while I have no problem with the removal of the cheesing ability to attack enemies from beyond their (fairly limited) maximum attack range, I think this has been carried too far, as I've been attacked from out of my (the player's) maximum visibility range when zoomed out to the maximum possible. While this probably is within the character's maximum view range (as counted in number of tiles), it's not within the maximum display range (with the possible exception of the very corners of the displayed area).

Now, it can be said that attacks from extreme range has a limited probability of hitting, and thus may actually be detrimental to an enemy with a limited amount of ammunition, but it still feels unfair to let the enemy attack from a range at which the game doesn't even allow me to try to fire back.

As an aside, the enemy can now fire your own arrows that injured them back at you, which is rather nasty, to the point that you may have to think carefully whether firing at them from a distance would actually be better than engaging an ammo depleted enemy in melee.

(If anyone is interested, my character did eventually manage to take out the enemy after suffering significant injuries).

July 22, 2023, 03:17:23 PM
Re: 3.80 (stable) Weird requested trade goods answer I managed to replicate the issue and sent a save to Sami. He's responded that he now understand exactly where the problem is and that it will be fixed, so there shouldn't be a need for others to send him any additional saves.
August 10, 2023, 12:23:14 AM
Re: Telling villagers about companion's death in order to be able to hire again I think context should matter.

If you accept a quest to hunt down robbers and you lose companions in that quest, villagers shouldn't refuse to join up for other types of missions because you're an untrustworthy murderer, unless none of them survived (survivors ought to be implicitly assumed to be able to confirm of your story through rumors, even if you don't have them with you at the time you visit that village again).

If, however, you hired someone for a hunting trip or to help out on your homestead, you should have to have a lot of explaining to do to get anyone to risk it with you again (if a robber band attacked you in your homestead and you can prove that, the death of your hired help might be considered to be on the robbers, not you, but if you took your hired hand to hunt robbers, that's a different matter entirely). It would probably be difficult to implement the explanation bit for anything but the robber quest, though.

October 12, 2023, 10:32:35 AM