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Re: Creation of Mass From Nothing
In the same area, yarn is much heavier than the fibres that go into making it! :)

Gravity causes that.  It's the spinning, you see?

I'll get my coat.

December 15, 2022, 08:59:38 PM
Re: Bert's slightly interesting and marginally relevant documentaries Happy People is great, as is anything involving Werner Herzog  :)

This bloke goes elk hunting with a flintlock, and he suffers for his art: 

December 15, 2022, 10:19:58 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Karma in the Unreal World:

A bug duplicated my masterwork battleaxe.  I neglected to make a bug report as I had no idea how or when it had happened.

I just walked drunkenly into the water and dropped my stuff.  My masterwork battleaxe, gone forever due to a typo and a moment's inattention.  But karma had already given me a spare  8)

In another example of you reap what you sow:

I planted 8 peas a few months ago.  I have just harvested 8 peas  :-[

December 18, 2022, 06:50:05 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I just raised an army of seven brave men and three dogs, and went to attack a Njerp camp.  Four sides of the camp were coniferous forest or thicket, so I decided on an assault from the heathland to the south.  Being lazy I went right up on the overland map then zoomed on an adjacent tile, then the bloody dogs started barking.  I had forgotten to feed them.

Surprise lost, ten Njerps came streaming through the trees at us.  My little army was bow heavy, as I had intended to sneak up and take them on in the open area of their camp.  The trees were riddled with arrows, and even a Njerp or two took some hits.  I was impressed with the new AI for bowmen, I didn't see any friendly fire from either my lads or the Njerps.  Mind, things were a little hectic to check so it might have happened.

I loosed off a few broadheads, dropping one Njerp and wounding another.  It was all too confused now, so I drew my battleaxe and launched into the fray.  I chopped one guy's arm off at the elbow then finished him, but one of his mates had got behind and absolutely ganked me with a spear in my back.  The lights went out; and when I came to some moments later I realised he had speared me in the throat while I was down, and I was bleeding out fast.  I let the dogs loose and managed to stop the bleeding as the fighting roared around me. 

I staggered up again and rallied the troops, finishing the last few Njerps.  I have named the camp Ilmari-Tommi, in honour of the two fine warriors who fell in its taking.  We built a fine pyre and cremated their remains.  The Njerps we shall leave for the crows.  My wounds are too grave to continue the campaign, I have dismissed the surviving men as I must return home to heal.  Let the Njerps know - I will return!   

December 26, 2022, 11:57:04 PM
Re: [Outdated][3.71][3.63][3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.4b Night is still around now and then, so it can't hurt to give him a POKE.

If you don't want to wait though, Rudy has done a cheat engine for 3.72 here:

December 27, 2022, 09:38:08 PM
Re: [3.72#1 Windows 10 Steam] Dog names causing sound effects? It is a rather endearing bug  :)
December 30, 2022, 09:08:36 PM
Improve stone tools a little I am currently playing as a neolithic hunter in the far north east, using only stone tools.  It looks like despite my 98% hideworking skill, the best I can get is a harsh fur or leather.

I understand that the stone knife and axe are supposed to be used in only the most desperate situations; but it would be nice to see them upgraded, or even a "knapped stone" version of each - much harder to make but almost as good as their metal counterparts.

Here's a recent paper on stone tools in neolithic Finland, if anyone is interested!

EDIT:  I forgot to mention the enormous difference between butchering with a stone knife as opposed to any metal knife.  I admit to not having done the sums, but it seems a stone knife gets you less than a quarter of the yield you get with metal knives.  Make the stone knife butchery yield less and take longer, yes - but surely not by such a drastic amount?

EDIT 2:  The disparity is even more pronounced chopping firewood with a stone axe.  With Timbercraft skill at 92%, it takes over eight hours to make around 22 firewood from a block.

January 03, 2023, 07:45:01 PM
Re: "RPG" stat mod I don't wish to put a downer on anything, but this seems like a lot of work for what could be accomplished with a simple spreadsheet that people could download and fill out as they play. 

If you do want to make it, I suggest rarity should be a factor in assigning experience tokens to kills - a snake or polecat is a much harder kill to get than an elk, for example.  Not in the number of axe blows required of course, but in the time invested to find or trap one!

I would also add triple experience for killing anything for the first time.  Maybe replace "significant trade" for "traded masterwork item", too.

January 04, 2023, 06:06:44 PM
Re: does shutter cause a heat loss? I don't know about kotas, but shutters in wooden buildings don't seem to cause any loss of heat.

What they do do, however, is wake you up more often by hearing some rustle or thinking you caught some movement.  Shutters allow you to see and shoot out, but too many may not be a good idea.  I once had my cabin attacked by robbers, and they filled me with arrows on three sides while I was only shooting back out of one. 

January 05, 2023, 06:30:44 PM
Re: [3.72] Community Bod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and More! Bug in LoydettyTarvike() function. Report!

Just had this message appear while crafting a dipnet from this mod.  It doesn't seem to have crashed anything, and I made the dipnet successfully.

Running Windows 10 and Steam 3.72#1

"Report" was in big scary red letters, so am reporting!  Save available.

January 25, 2023, 08:02:52 PM