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Re: Allow dogs to fetch prey floating on water Arf! Arf!

December 31, 2018, 03:48:00 AM
Recipe command [LOCK] There are times in recipes, especially more complex build, where tools should be locked from use until the recipe times expire. Then they are available for use again.

Right now we can say items need to be available at the start but no way of stopping them from being used for something else while the main recipe "cooks".

For example in canoe building heavy stones are left inside to get the birch bark to form. Those stones shouldnt be taken out until days later.

Pots for instance should often be [LOCK] until their food finishes their cooking time.

Clamps for major wood projects should be place for hours. After that the clamps can be used for something else.

December 31, 2018, 03:51:19 AM
Re: Whittling away @Iago.Hach

Brygun of the BAC mod here.

I had envisioned deocrated boards long, long ago. Im going to take a look at your whittling now to see if it can fit into the BAC menus.

Let me know if you have any objections to this.

January 02, 2019, 10:00:43 PM
Re: Traditional Lyrics for tradinonal topic game There is some interesting music here. Im only a few in. Its nice to see the different culture representation.
January 09, 2019, 06:00:03 PM
Re: Modding in valuable metals (Gold, Silver, Copper) for trade. There videos on youtube from "Thegn Thrand" for sure on testing bronze weapons. There may also be some from Schollagladitoria and Shadiversity.

Bronze can get a sharp edge yet the edge on the softer metal is more frail. Since it doesn't need to be heated as high to smith bronze weapons also tend to bend during the impact levels of combat.

UrW deals with weapon breakage by reducing quality factors of weapons.

We dont have a way of, afaik, to tell the game to accelerate the rate of decay of the weapon. For example parrying with a bronze sword vs an iron Nerjpez scimitar is going to wear out the bronze faster.

I would therefore suggest considering giving bronze weapons either or both:
- a penalty to crafting so they tend to come out "rough" and thus closer to broken
- reduced weapon impact stats,  1 -2 points off to estimate the average reduced state


There was overlaps of iron and bronze. At that time the availability and skills in iron were rare. In UrW the iron availability is very much there.


In terms of making the bronze with its lower heating points you may consider leaving out the bloomery. You could check on bronze making to see if they needed charcoal with its higher burns or if they could use just wood. Likewie with a bellows.

Copper smelting may have been discovered from large and long lasting hearth fires (cooking and heating a home) being able to melt the green copper out of malachite rocks.


Remember that Bronze needs copper and tin. So you should source in tin somehow.

January 22, 2019, 10:10:02 PM
Re: How come I can burn down forests while it's raining?
I was trying to burn down the forest when it started raining.

I bet you swear it was for agriculture!  ;)

January 24, 2019, 02:25:30 AM
Re: Flora Spoilage If you do something in cooking you can get the spoilage to be changed. There is a dried mushroom recipe that was merged into the BAC project.

As for in the flora creation for a "raw" mushroom I haven't heard of it.

You may already have the wiki pages. For reference they are:

The wiki Modding page is

Modding plants is

but a text search for "spoil" didnt find anything

Im inclined to think its not a controllable parameter at this point.

February 10, 2019, 01:52:50 AM
Make {Cord} a valid recipe Brygun of the BAC here

During recent tests for tech levels within the BAC mod I found that having


as a recipe item didn't work.

I was hoping to access our various mod built things that use "Cord" as a base object.

There is in the BAC things like "split spruce twigs" which IMHO are good enough for tying up meat and low quality loop snares. I had hoped to use {*cord} for things with cord in their name to be a better quality tech level.

For that to happen, at the lower tech level, I had needed {Cord} to accept items with the cord base object.

I don't think this is a bug as there isn't a problem with the vanilla game. So I've put this in the suggestion forums.

February 17, 2019, 03:08:07 AM
Re: Draken Harald HÃ¥rfagre I recall an re-enactor friend looking at pictures of modern day viking sailors...

"those in modern clothes look cold. those in traditional outfits look warm"

May 17, 2019, 02:39:35 AM
Re: Working with tree nails
Pretty cool video!  Thanks!
I guess it would be possible to bore out holes for wooden nails using a knife... is that meant to be the idea?  or is it more like tenon joints?  Perhaps an expert on Finnish/Scandinavian woodworking could clarify.  Or one of the developers.

Knife cut holes tend to be very sloped as most knives go from a sharp point to whatever width. Actually making a drill or auger takes about a simliar amount of metal but rather than putting a knife handle on it you extend it as a wood rod farther back. Then this rod  you connect to a cross bar to generate the turning force.

Found out about that research the BAC items for Medieval Drill and Auger.

From the BAC discussion with weblinks:

// Auger
// Used to pre-drill holes before using nails
// or wooden pegs. Expected only for large construction
// or joining thick pieces like in boat building
// Differs from drill in that the auger makes finger or thumb
// diameter holes such as for structural wooden pegs
// A carving axe or knife would would do in for most boards
// if you can access both sides. If the board is already in
// place you might use an auger to drill from the open side
// all the way across and then into the other wood.
// Presented as one recipe
// Weblinks:

.Crossbar Auger. "Sesta" [effort: 3] [phys:arms,hands] *CARPENTRY*  /6h/
{*billet} (2) [ground] [remove] '+for rod length'
{*steel billet} (1) [ground] [remove] '+cutting end'
{*billet} (1) [ground] [remove] '+for reinforcement band'
{*forge*}          [noquality]      'Forge or furnace'
{Charcoal}    (8)    [remove] [noquality] [ground]
{Bellows} [ground]
{*anvil*}      [ground]   'Anvil nearby'
{*hammer}                  'Hammer'
{Staff} (1)       [remove] [noquality]   '+shaft, crossbar and swivel head'
{Axe} <Carving axe> '+cut staff, shape wood'
{Knife} <Draw knife>        '+for fine shaping'
{Whetstone}           [noquality]   '+for final sharpening'
[PRICE: 80]
//Price is mostly for the iron

// Medieval Bow drill
// For making tiny holes in hard or thick objects.
// Example holes in steel plates to make lamellar
// or pilot holes for nails in thick objects.
// Differs from auger in that this drill makes tiny holes
// Possible addition for a pump cord drill
// it would use 1 iron billet for rod and 1 steel billet cutter
// also use a {*cord} and {Staff} mabye {Block}
// Makes thin holes like pre-drills for long iron nails
// possible use in clinkered punt
// Weblink
// Note: the name Medieval Drill is used so that it doesn't
// get picked up in *bow *cord or other recipes

.Medieval drill. "Sesta" [effort: 3] [phys:arms,hands] *CARPENTRY*  /4h/
{Wooden stake} (1) '+for central shaft'
{Block of wood} (1) '+for flywheel'
{*iron billet} [remove] [ground] '+for drill shaft'
{*steel billet} [remove] [ground] '+for drill cutting head'
{*cord} [remove] '+for the twisting string'
{Branch} {1} [noquality] '+for bow holding string'
{*forge*}          [noquality]      'Forge or furnace'
{Charcoal}    (4)    [remove] [noquality] [ground]
{Bellows} [ground]
{*anvil*}      [ground]   'Anvil nearby'
{*hammer}                  'Hammer'
{Axe} <Carving axe> '+cut staff, shape wood'
{Knife} <Small knife>        '+for fine shaping'
{Whetstone}           [noquality]   '+for final sharpening'
[PRICE: 60]
[PRICE: 50]
//Price is mostly for the iron

May 17, 2019, 02:43:16 AM