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Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Saw a badger shaped figure on small lake next to me on a way to cabin from trap lines.
Boy was I surprised to see dead badger and a squirrel running away once I took a look around...  :o

Spoiler: show
It was a rotting badger carcass and the squirrel just happened to be milling around!  ;D

August 25, 2023, 12:44:21 AM
Re: Is there a shortcut key for picking up and wielding an item at the same time? Yes!

Ctrl+your pickup key (, ; g)

August 31, 2023, 04:30:43 PM
Re: Would it be okay if the game was in other languages? This topic comes up every few months. The game is in UnReal English. There are several phrases that don't easily translate to other languages.
Some of the phrases have... dubious... grammar in English, at best, but for a "born in north" person, the "Been worse" from a villager: makes perfect sense.

From previous replies from Sami: almost all of the syntax from text feedback is hard coded. There's no "insert alternate language translations here" option in the code. In other words, to have UnReal World in other language: good 90% of any text feedback of the game would need to be re-written.
For a 2 person Dev team: that'd put ANY new versions/bug squishing/community feedback (Suggestions) on hard halt for several years.

(I recall translation offers for Danish, Finnish, Russian, and unless I'm losing it, also Korean, in last 6-7 years... the game/code itself isn't written for localization.)

September 06, 2023, 08:36:14 AM
Re: Pine Bark Eating Supporting article, in Finnish only sorry: Pettu
September 08, 2023, 07:34:42 AM
Baits for trappers and fisherfolks. If you're annoyed by lack of bait day after you caught a pike and roasted it, here's some help, just cut some bait pieces first, then roast the rest.
Also lets you cut up vegetables for trapping bait, as you can use 1 turnip for multiple fishing attempts, but whole turnip is used when baiting a loop snare for hares. you can use other vegetables like lake reed roots and bog beans too.
3rd one is a bit a of a bonus from Suggestions thread where Ezhe had a valid concern not being able to use seeds from container as bird trap bait.

All baits have been tested and found to work as expected.

Copy the code and insert it in to a diy_xyz.txt of choice and copy jp-seed.png in to \truetile\ (or /truetile/ depending on O/S)

Code: [Select]
.Cut fish bait. (4) "Perch" [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] *COOKERY* /5/ |-2| [noquality] [patch:5]
{Raw fish} #1# [remove] [ask_num] [name:%s chunk] [patchwise]

.Cut veg bait. (8) "Turnip" [effort:1] [phys:hands,arms] *COOKERY* /5/ |-2| [noquality] [patch:5]
{Vegetables} #0.7# [remove] [ask_num] [name:%s bait] [patchwise]

.Seed bait. (10) "Rye" [effort:0] [phys:hands] *COMMON* /1/ |-2| [noquality]
{Seeds} #0.25# [remove] [name:%s bait]
[tilegfx:jp_seed] // Graphic by Enormous Elk, originally sorrel seeds

September 14, 2023, 10:12:13 PM
Re: [3.80] Community Mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and More!
I had the same error with the dipnet, it didn't seem to cause any further problems so you can safely ignore it.  Rudy explained what the cause was:

"The issue with the dipnet I know what is causing it. The original dipnet recipe, which I inherited so to speak, was meant to act as a fishing pole as well (the idea being that you could scoop fish). The problem started occurring with the changes to fishing poles requiring hooks to be added to them. I may have to change the dipnet so that it only works for iron ore, and not for fishing, in order to avoid that error."

I suppose that as we are due to get nets to scoop fish in the next update, the dipnet could be used exclusively for ore, or retired entirely and use the upcoming "lippo" net for scooping ore as well as fish.

.Dip net. "Fishing rod" produces the error and a Dip net with no hook
Changing the base item to
.Dip net. "Fishing rod with bone hook" causes the recipe to not pass craft recipe parsing. So not shown.
One could change the base item to trident, and set attack values to -1. And type to tool(Might get too many large fish)
Or we can wait few days/a week and we'll likely get the lippo.

September 20, 2023, 10:56:13 PM
Re: No reach? Listed in dev.plans under Health, combat, injuries.
October 07, 2023, 11:30:34 PM
Re: Telling villagers about companion's death in order to be able to hire again This suggestion ties in to one of mine about burial

I think it’d make sense for people to be wary about joining someone who gets their posse killed every time and not a person would be willing to join them. But if one companion gets killed and others make it back home, possibly with some wealth: it’d make sense for word to spread that “it’s risky, but might be worth it”

October 12, 2023, 05:50:34 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? That’s rough.
Incase you don’t know: swimming skill is your maximum fatigue before drowning.
If you have 0 skill, the game lets you practice to 4 fatigue. If swimming nude, carrying nothing. Not hurt.
If you have encumbrance, the fatigue grows logarithmic.

Picking up those javelins likely pushed your total close or over you swimming skill.

October 13, 2023, 04:54:46 AM
Re: You are from: Moron Heath There’s plenty of vulgar names around Finland.

Rated teen:
Spoiler: show
Some on the map, and some in local knowledge. My first apartment, after moving out, is known in the town as “mulkkulinna” or about translated ‘cock castle’. (Not the rooster kind) you won’t find that on a map.

I recall hiking and fishing the Savukoski wilderness and there a place called “vittukeinon peskihaara” or “female genitalia method’s reindeer skirts’ split” and it was, likely still is, on the map.

December 08, 2023, 02:00:01 AM