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Re: Making sleeping more safe. I agree with JP_Finn when it comes to the PC waking up by itself, but I'd expect real world dogs to make a racket when they detect the predator (because it's recognized as a predator, and so is a threat, not wait until it attacks).
June 23, 2021, 08:19:00 AM
Re: Combat AI Improvement: AI should utilise its one-sided ranged attack capability Unless things have changed recently, NPCs don't know how to use thrown weapons. They stupidly pick them up loading themselves down, and can use javelins as melee weapons, but that's it.

From a tactical point of view, if I had a lousy spear skill and the enemy had injured me with thrown javelins, I'd hesitate to give them back for a new attempt, especially if the opponent has decent armor. I could consider throwing the javelin and hope the enemy would spend time picking it up while I closed the distance, though (or, more likely, try to get away from the enemy as quickly as possible, in which case throwing the javelin would mean reduced weight and a possible diversion).

June 29, 2021, 09:24:05 AM
Re: Runaway Slave scenario - running away success rate It was a while since I played that scenario, but I'm not aware of any major changes.

The success rate is lousy, maybe 5% or so (but still 5 times 1%). The tactic I've use has been to immediately hide and go prone to try to sneak away, and then run when detected (with the crawling hopefully gaining a few precious tiles of distance). When out of sight, hide again and try to sneak away. I've seen that some people have been able to crawl away into a building and hide there until night time to slip away, but haven't done that myself.

It can be noted that with a bit of a head start, you do have some chance to get away because the Njerps tend to be weighted down by equipment and thus tire quickly, and they are also in total disregard of the risks of friendly fire (just like companions...), and so happily fire their arrows into the backs of the melee fighters chasing you (but obviously it's better if they don't get in a position to fire at all).

Fighting to escape seems to be a lost proposition. In a number of cases I've killed them slowly after escaping by whittling away at them with hit and run tactics with missiles (typically rocks) in the dead of night (early on to get some equipment and food, and later to finish them off after having gotten up to a basic level of subsistence). Each kill can give you some equipment (a precious axe, or bow and arrows for exhaust and kill tactics).

July 02, 2021, 10:16:58 AM
Re: Runaway Slave scenario - running away success rate I generally invest all my skill points in weapon related skills, as they are hard to train and training takes a lot of time. I definitely didn't invest in stealth. However, it might be worth it for this particular scenario.

Given the low success rate with the scenario, I didn't invest much into the characters, but just generated them, slapped on the point, and proceeded to their (almost) inevitable failure, rinse, repeat...

Running when detected and hope their higher load will slow them down faster than the PC, plus the hope that the archers are at the other end of the camp are probably the biggest factors that can lead to success. This would imply a high speed is important (if you reroll you character characteristics).

July 02, 2021, 02:46:42 PM
Re: Runaway Slave scenario - running away success rate Congratulations on your escape! Use your newfound freedom wisely...

Weatherlore takes time to master, but it's technically easy: Whenever you need to wait to catch your breath, check the weather and examine the unknown plants you've brought for that purpose (i.e. herb lore training). Start each morning with a check of the weather, and repeat before each meal. The uses I have for it is to determine whether it's a good time to try to perform a particular weather dependent quest, as well as to determine whether I should build a shelter while traveling or gaze at the stars during the night. It could also be used to try to decide whether traveling on ice might remain safe, but I want larger safety margins than that. A rather limited use currently, but I expect it to expand eventually when things like snow storms become a thing.

I agree carpentry is very slow to increase, and there's no real in-game reason to perform the grinding required, which is a pity.

I don't engage in the throwing of weapons not intended for it as a training method, both because it's boring and because it doesn't sit well with me from a role playing perspective (while, on the other hand, I strike captured animals to death with the shaft of spears to both train the spear skill and to preserve the skin of the animal, and, even less realistic, use disabled Njerps for bow target practice, aiming for the limbs to get as much training out of them as possible. Not exactly consistent from an RP perspective).

July 02, 2021, 06:46:31 PM
Re: Runaway Slave scenario - running away success rate I've actually managed to get Weatherlore up to 100%, although that was in my longest living character (about 10 years), who, ironically, died a month before my intended retirement date. Most of the characters I manage to keep alive for some time increase Weatherlore a fair bit, though.
July 03, 2021, 09:58:54 AM
Re: Iron Age Common Names: ideas for next UrW Character Those are Scandinavian names (as listed), not Finnish ones, and so may only apply to a very limited extent to Islander characters. Note that the Finnish cultural roots have very little in common with the Scandinavian ones, with Scandinavia being dominated by Indo-European migration, while Finland was (re)populated by Uralic peoples using Finnish-Ugric languages.

A problem with many of the names UrW gives to people is that they look, on the surface, as they're local variations of Christian names, which shouldn't have reached Finland at that time. Note that I'm neither Finnish nor knowledgeable about Finnish, so there may well have been preexisting local names that happen to look similar to Christian ones.

July 03, 2021, 02:35:38 PM
Re: Cold weather in midsummer. [3.70b] It appears you're experience the same issue as has been reported earlier when playing migrated characters There's a work around for the issue at the end of that thread.
July 04, 2021, 06:37:31 PM
Re: Beta how do i bait fishing rod/hook? I think I was asked about bait the single time I tried to fish (I used a piece of fat, which, disappointingly, was lost after an event less fishing session: I'd hoped it would work as in real life, i.e. no bite = no loss of bait, with the possibility of losing the bait during a failed session).
July 11, 2021, 11:54:35 PM
Re: Beavers. And guilt. If you're able to process them all into food and skin you're excused by me, but if you're letting several carcasses just rot you're not. Depending on the situation, skin might be more important than food, in which case you may allow some of the meat to go to waste. However, just processing the skin of 6 beavers will be a race against time, so I'd consider turning to drugs to keep awake.
August 22, 2021, 02:46:08 PM