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Rattle of death Got to say, learnt something new today. There's rattle of death, although there's no rattlesnakes in the North.

And the hare got away.

Also, Rattle of Death would be amazing name for a (death/black) metal band.

July 15, 2022, 11:46:08 PM
Re: Rattle of death They’re handy prompts. I’ve also utilized predator treed squirrels to walk to the aggroing predator, and then whack them on the noggin. Then get the squirrel in a tree. Usually a fox, but at least once got a glutton like that.

Which reminds me to write a suggestion to amend weasel, pine-marten… lynx, bear (maybe others I forget about) behavior to climb in to trees to escape and to go to try to kill roosting birds and get squirrels.
Also mangled birds should still yield feathers, even if the skin itself is useless.

July 17, 2022, 02:15:14 AM
Zooming in, inserted on thin ice During freezing of lakes, character zooming in, facing water (lake, river, sea) gets often inserted on thin ice.
Zooming in to similar location during open water will insert the character on land.
This during period when Wilderness map travel over waterways is blocked.

see attached

July 18, 2022, 01:23:19 AM
Re: Sacrilege! Camp 4 cleared (also counted towards Warfare task), 9 Njerpez killed, lost 1 of 2 dogs  :'(
Took few weeks, got wounded to 12% on the initial kiting, killed 3 Njerpez on that run.
Other 6 and dog died on 2nd run, just receiving 5% and 3% wounds.

Got another camp on the map. Then it might be time to start whittling at their villages.
Broke ~dozen fine arrows and 2 fine broadheads.
Below the weapons looted (also 9lbs habergeon and 11lbs lamellar hauberk, couple iron helms, shovel)

July 22, 2022, 07:44:19 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Finished building sauna at homestead. Next summer, after planting: either a barn or remote hunting cabin to complement the three locations with kotas.
Cleared Njerpez camp #4. 2 small Kota. Only yield 16 ragged reindeer hides for another 4x4 
3 Log buildings. Might take them down and rebuild to my own. Other camps have their cabins up. (Checking if camps stop spawning, so far looks like no effect. 5 spawned camps, 4 cleared and standing)

On homeward journey, traded most of the loot for winter lynx, -Arctic fox, -wolf and -beaver hides. And another dog and a big one too.

July 22, 2022, 10:31:58 PM
Re: Season's Kekri greetings
So Kekri means goat.  Am I going to regret it if I ask what pukki means?

Pukki translates to ‘billy goat’

November 13, 2022, 06:00:54 AM
Re: Technical question related to Agriculture 1. Not too big as is 9x14=126 tiles, x10 for 1260 possible stacks. BUT! If you have fences, traps shelter, you’re going to get nagged.

2. Yes. The game loads wilderness/zoomed out map and all 8 surrounding tiles. You’re going to hit item/stack limit. You should leave two zoomed out tiles between farm and cabin. So farm is at least 3rd wilderness tile away.

3. I don’t recall seeing that in release notes.

November 19, 2022, 12:10:12 AM
Re: That's how you think the weather will be like I use weatherlore often. When wandering in the summer, it check if it’s going to rain; so do I need to prepare post spruce or not.
In winter I check if it’s getting colder; stay close to cabin or if it’s bearable to go check trap sites at days trekking. Failing to check for that has got couple times too close for comfort of freezing to death.

And also to pass couple minutes, especially when waiting for food to be done cooking.

December 13, 2022, 06:15:33 PM
Re: Need another hand with Wooden biulding Visually it’s nicer to have bigger room on the north side, then smaller room butting against that without separate northern wall. The isometric view has some height on the wall sections, so there’s no visible gap.
Smaller room on north side works too, but the ‘inside corner’ inside the bigger room won’t have notched log graphic and looks bit odd.

If the building is joined west—east, then those rooms will have a visible gap.
As for smoking, as long as there’s wall, door, or shutter on all sides and corners AND ceiling&floor built, it’s ‘closed space’.
Building a cellar indoors will remove the ceiling&floor structure and that space needs to be separate (door, walls) from smoking room.
Doorway itself isn’t ‘closed space’ for smoking check.

December 13, 2022, 06:26:05 PM
Re: The UrW Anti-RSI Campaign group. ARSI, for short. Galgana, PALU and Tinker already covered all but one part.
It a character’s archery is already relatively high, one can always obtain a crossbow and use that for the skill increase.

January 28, 2023, 05:03:08 PM