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Re: Forest spirit is acting weird When you sacrifice to the forest spirits some silver is used, resulting in the item getting damaged. Eventually the last bit is sacrificed, at which point the item is lost.

I haven't gotten anything useful of of the forest spirit, apart from a useless ritual (useless in the sense that the required geographic feature isn't present anywhere near).

August 06, 2020, 10:31:30 AM
Re: Who were "Njerpez" ? Well, the only real world culture that remotely behaves like the Nerjpezit are some of the Andamanian tribes of Andaman islands (in the Indian Ocean) that attack anyone entering their islands at sight, but they're probably xenophobic because of past experience with foreigners, and aren't invading others and attacking them. You might possibly make some connection between the Nerjps and some of the former extremely blood thirsty middle American cultures when it comes to warfare.
Regardless, as it currently stands, the Njerps are basically inhuman creatures that either attack or flee, but with which you can't have any peaceful interaction, little less than rabid dogs that have to be eliminated for your own protection. Personally I'd like if they were given a little human touch, with occasional non hostile interactions, and defeated Njerps pleading for mercy (and actually leaving, most of the time if show mercy [without returning with a whole war band the next year]).

August 09, 2020, 03:17:28 PM
Re: What will happen when using watercraft with hired companions? They have succeeded to swim over in all my attempts (although they haven't been many: I generally avoid crossing water with companions). There have been some reports on the forum about failures to make it, though.
August 18, 2020, 07:52:35 AM
Re: What will happen when using watercraft with hired companions? To my knowledge it should work on both. My knowledge is a few years old, though. I'd recommend taking a backup of your save folder and delete the original and restore the copy if things go wrong, though.
August 18, 2020, 02:51:38 PM
Re: Any way I can find the npc/ npc's body in wilderness? A couple of years ago I had several cased of encountering former hirelings on the map months or years after they left. In those cases, I encountered the groups on the map (I think I saw them on the overland map and went to investigate). They were heading in the general direction of their home villages (they were recruited from a lot of different villages and had participated in robber busting expeditions).

As I recall, they were just out in the middle of a mire roughly along the line between my homestead and their villages.

Don't think this is helpful to actually help you to locate them, but it might provide some background, at least.
Also, don't dismiss hirelings when inside your homestead if it is blocked off with traps or similar obstacles, and they may have trouble realizing they can get through those (NPCs can negotiate such obstacles, but the path finding might not create such paths).

August 19, 2020, 08:26:28 AM
Re: [3.63] Sliver ring won't be consumed in sacrifice for forest spirits Yes, this sacrifice should result in the silver (not sliver) item being damaged each time, and eventually destroyed.
October 08, 2020, 09:48:20 AM
Re: Torch Holder The problem there is the short life time of torches. You barely have time to set them before they go out.

I think a better option would be something that burns for longer (and with less smoke, although that's not modeled), akin to candles or oil lamps, but I don't know what was in use during the period.

October 09, 2020, 09:19:48 AM
Re: How to make new items appear in settlements? Traders do carry masterworks items, but yes, they're not that common.

Items are gradually replaced over time, but I don't know if there are replacement timers, or if a random set of items are removed and a random set of items are added (in which case an item might disappear the next cycle, or it might take decades).
Items are definitely placed in at least two groups, as seeds and agricultural produce follow the natural yearly cycle, while the manufactured items don't. Item replacement is slow enough that you can mark villages that have desirable items, work to get the means to buy them, and have a good chance to actually find the items still remaining in the village. Thus, if game calendar time is the important factor, traveling wide (in particular to Driik) will get stuff a lot faster than waiting for goods replacement. Foreign traders are good in that groups travel through and then disappear, so each new group will have a new set of goods, although their item selection is limited to what can be called "weapons" and armor. Don't expect to find carving axes in their inventory, but ordinary axes (primarily for felling trees) are somehow sufficiently much weapons for them to be carried (at least that's my reasoning for why their selection is the way it is). Foreign traders also carry jewelry (high value per unit of weight).

October 10, 2020, 12:05:37 AM
Re: Finding my arrows It does work for me, changing both the inventory and image on the ground. I've got no idea why it won't work for you.

I've made my arrows yellow-orange, leaving the tip and tail with their original color. I've also recolored my javelin. It's a color that tends to be visible even when behind trees, although it matches some mushrooms.

October 11, 2020, 06:37:23 PM
Re: Location, Location, Location It seems setting a lot of traps in a short time can lower your standing with the spirits (training trap setting by setting and releasing traps), but I don't think it matters where the traps are set. In fact, trap fences are effective because the traps are in a limited area (connected by fences).
October 11, 2020, 10:58:53 PM