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Re: Adventurer Gear Being a warrior wouldn’t require expensive equipment. Many people already carry axes, knives, spears, bow&arrows. Place an emphasis on the NPC creation for these types to have a decent to expert skill in at least one type of weapon AND have them carry that. After checking “preferred and accessible weapons” for their given culture.
E.g. Owl-tribe warrior to spawn likely with northern bow, not flail. Kiesseläinen maybe with an axe. Islander with a knife, axe (they’re carpentry oriented) or spear, they do have access to angon. Koivulainen might spawn with flail as skill, but shouldn’t have actual flail, only grain flail. And so on.

June 22, 2021, 11:21:46 PM
Re: Making sleeping more safe. “I can't wait for improved lynx behaviour as well as easier-waking-up PCs (in this case, by the time I woke up, it was already too late and the lynx was already harming the reindeer). I should wake up when it's approaching in the first place to have a chance to defend.”

I’m with you waiting for lynx behavior tune-up; they’re ... overtly aggressive.
Especially with your mentioned entourage of sizable dog pack.

One thing I disagree with, is the last sentence: “wake up when it’s approaching...”
Lynx hunt by sneaking upon their prey. If a human, however animalistic, could wake up to lynxes soft paws on the stalking approach: lynxes would have starved to death trying to catch hares or deer with hearing that’s orders of magnitude more astute than any humans’.

If your character has good relations with the forest spirits; it could be justified to have him/her wake up with eerie/suspicious feeling.

June 23, 2021, 06:33:10 AM
Re: We're getting closer and closer to new release I bet Lifetimers wouldn’t mind some beta-testing  ;D
Or even the community as a whole.

Ja ei muuta ku poppoo talkoisiin!

June 23, 2021, 06:44:47 AM
Re: Urw100b Does it crash with any prompts? Does the logs show anything?

As the original is  from early 90s, you’ll need to set dosbox to 386 or 486DX, 586/Pentium at most 4MB up to 32MB RAM. And DOS6.22.

July 01, 2021, 09:10:10 PM
Re: vitamins Last time know, only excess vitamin C gets filtered out (via urination), which also isn’t implemented in the game. Adding the need to obtain vitamins would also require liver and other organs.
I think it’d be annoying rather than deepening the immersion/simulation.
The hunger bar and thirst bar are already more precise data than any real person knows about their own nourishment.

July 21, 2021, 05:26:13 PM
Re: Version 3.70 beta now available on Steam, and for Lifetimers —Snip—
If you paid USD20.00 you probably are not a lifetimer this is based on my assumption that it never was that cheap to become a lifetimer but do check your emails just to confirm the amount you paid years ago - assuming you still have the emails from the purchase day...

I’m pretty sure I paid only 30FMK. Finnish marks, which had exchange rate of 5.94596 FMK to 1 EUR... yeah, I think I paid (originally) just bit under 6EUR for lifetime supporter. Although it was ~23 years ago. It could’ve well been 60FMK  ;D
I’ve since donated more to the Elks.

August 01, 2021, 08:52:32 PM
Re: [not a bug - solved] I'm unable to use the F[number] keys on macOS Write a start up Apple script by adding the Fn key toggle:
Code: [Select]
--Check if GUI Scripting is Enabled
tell application "System Events"
    if not UI elements enabled then
        set UI elements enabled to true
    end if
end tell
--Enable/Disable "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" option in Keyboard & Mouse Preference pane and close System Preferences
tell application "System Events"
    tell application "System Preferences"
        reveal anchor "keyboardTab" of pane ""
    end tell
    click checkbox 1 of tab group 1 of window 1 of application process "System Preferences"
end tell
if application "System Preferences" is running then
    tell application "System Preferences" to quit
end if

And then start the game:
Code: [Select]

open application “UrW”

And then after the application exits, run the top part of script again, this time toggling the Fn off, which is exactly the same.

DISCLAIMER: I’m not on my Mac to actually test or post the whole script “turnkey” style.
IF I remember, I’ll see if can make it so...
DISCLAIMER 2: switching between apps while the game is running, the Fn controls will be inverse, e.g. volume up / down would require holding down Fn, then pressing F11/F12 (or what ever the keys are for volume control)

September 15, 2021, 10:15:22 PM
Re: Putting Out Fires The post was on old version, back in February. Kicking fences doesn’t work anymore.
September 17, 2021, 09:48:07 PM
Re: Tips, Tricks, FAQs I’ve experienced robbers pulling items from adjacent tiles. But I’ve not witnessed random woodsmen, traders pulling items.
September 25, 2021, 11:58:13 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
Just finished my cabin, and while proudly admiring it I noticed for the first time the address:

Appopera, or "Gapingrear".


Hopefully that’ll scare robbers from approaching...

September 26, 2021, 08:19:04 PM