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Re: Various questions from a new player I believe the maximum batch size is now 50. However, you might waste your time slightly by still doing 19 at a time, but you don't waste much time for your character, as the time it takes used to be 2 minutes per cut, and I don't think that's changed, so the wasted character time is the time it takes to pick up an additional batch of cuts and typing equipment.

Also note that a larger batch increases the risk of having to abandon the task (with all progress lost) due to cold, frostbite, or interrupting hostiles.

February 15, 2020, 08:48:34 AM
Re: Various questions from a new player I don't think the amount of wood affects the chances. I use 3 twigs for cooking and one cutting of branches for lighting a warming fire (so I can cut more while being heated by the newly lit one).

I don't know about heated cabins: I never heat mine (the stove is for looks only, and smoking/cooking is done in the "sauna"), and all perishables not kept in the character inventory are stored in the cellar (as soon as one is built, which is a very high priority task, and certainly built before a cabin has been built).

February 15, 2020, 01:34:55 PM
Re: Tracks covered and decayed by snowfall and rain One thing to look out for, though: The "animal lost in forest cover" quest is painful enough as it is (or, rather, too painful), and if care isn't taken to ensure the tracks are refreshed during the time the character is fruitlessly searching through the other parts of the search area, the tracks may well be gone by the time the PC stumbles upon the right world tile (and happens to see the correct part of that tile).

Another tedious quest that may be become even worse is the robber one, where you typically find the footprints, but don't actually see the robbers themselves.

Note that I definitely like the idea of track decay itself, so it's a matter of looking out for side effects that can be foreseen.

February 20, 2020, 09:04:58 AM
Re: Various questions from a new player Questions first:
Wet clothes do not exist. If you get into cold water you warm up faster with your clothes than without them, and I assume the fire effect is combined with the clothing effect to warm you up.

I don't think clumsy hands (or other parts) due to cold affects crafting.

Dogs on ice are in circumstantial danger. If you use a craft to get out on the water (smashing ice to go forward), the dog is in no danger, nor is it swimming in ice cold water while traveling by craft.
While you are on land the "normal" animal rules seem to apply. Normal traveling along the shore with the dog falling through occasionally is probably not dangerous, but traveling around a single tile lake is, because the dog tried to move towards you, which means further out on the ice. I've lost a dog due to this.

Fighting Njerps and robber while on a craft and they're in water occasionally leads to them going unconscious and dying, with no bleeding accounting for the death. I think it's cold rather than drowning.
The concept of cold as such probably applies only to the PC, but the combination of cold and water applies to NPCs as well (the villagers keep drowning in the village "well" bug has mostly been fixed, but not entirely, I believe).

What would I do?
- Best option: Go a short distance to the homestead to pick up a punt, return, and smash the ice to get to the carcass.
- Usual option: I don't think I wouldn't risk it with a wolf, but usually do with an elk (it sounds like a wolf is light enough that you're guaranteed to fall through): Prepare a fire on the shore. drop all carried equipment and then lie down. Crawl out on the ice (UrW takes position, and weight into consideration, and skis also allow you to move on thinner ice safely, although I assume it doesn't combine with prone), and retreat if it sounds like it's going to break. When reaching the carcass, pull it towards the character, crawl backwards, pull, crawl,... until reaching the shore (with the carcass still lying on the ice). Rest, as the fatigue tends to be very high (I've had cases where I had to retreat, rest up, and then continue to pull the rest of the way). Skin only when fully rested.

February 22, 2020, 12:31:11 PM
Re: Traps setup I misunderstood the "can I make something for humans" as being actively targeting them, yes, but I also provided the answer for getting them to detect and avoid traps (trap arrays and traps being part of trap fences).

I didn't answer the distance question as I don't know the answer...

February 22, 2020, 12:35:01 PM
Re: Is it viable to use a pack of dogs for taking down Njerpez and robbers? I've never tried it, typically having a single dog. Dogs have the definite advantage that they don't fire at the other party members in their backs, but at the same time the disadvantage of not having much in the way of armor. Thus, I'd expect it to work with a sufficiently large pack, but also that you'd have a significant turn over, and deplete the world of dogs to buy.
Also note that the number of locations you can attack a character from is limited, so a pack of dogs will definitely get in your character's way (and no, you CAN'T shoot over their heads).

February 22, 2020, 10:12:38 PM
Re: Is it viable to use a pack of dogs for taking down Njerpez and robbers?
Hm, maybe it's time for some dog armor :P Thanks for the answers. Can armor be modded for dogs?
Given that modders have failed to find a way to mod containers for animals, I doubt it. Also, I'm rather sure they didn't use armor on dogs in Iron Age Finland.

February 23, 2020, 02:12:18 PM
Re: Various questions from a new player - You can't craft fine clothing, because clothing is crafted using the Common skill which has a fixed skill rating that's not sufficient to produce fine result.
- I have to correct marginoferror regarding javelins: You can indeed craft fine ones, but to do that you have to buy fine staves for your input material, as you can't make better than decent ones yourself, because the starting material is for staves is always decent, and the result quality can't exceed that.
- I'd expect the protective value of leather to follow that of the corresponding hide (apart from the cold protection, of course), but haven't got any data to back that up.

When crafting, input material can either influence the quality of the output, or explicitly be exempted from doing that, causing the result to instead be based on the other input materials (and other factors, such as tool impact, skill, penalties, etc). You'd have to look at each recipe to determine which input affects the result.

February 25, 2020, 08:45:32 AM
Re: Advanced Adventures problem
I cant proceed with advanced adventures because my bow skill is already 100 >:( Not sure how i feel about that.
Is there any way to skip forward from archery challenge.
If I remember correctly, you can proceed by successfully meeting the requirements for increasing the skill (which wouldn't actually increase it further, as it's a the maximum, but would trigger the completion of the task). Expect 500 or so attempts, and don't be surprised if it takes 1000 or more, though.

February 25, 2020, 01:28:36 PM
Re: Raft left on strategic map Something you may want to look at: Auto zoom in on homestead entry. If your homestead has walls on a river/lake tile the issue in could possibly be triggered by that (I avoid building too close to water as you can't zoom in/out when on foot when there's no ice). May well be a red herring, though.

If it's the condition above, disabling auto zoom in will probably cause the issue to go away (i.e. for you).

February 26, 2020, 05:16:45 PM