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Re: [3.61] GFX Bug on skill encyclopedia
I reported this last version for the increasing skill point glitch, but I think you may have overlooked it. Just a minor bug: - Regular - After 3 "-" keys - After 6 "-" keys

Yeah, the encylopedia hotspot entry still gets darker and darker if you keep pressing and pressing.
I took a note of that also earlier, but other priorities came along and this was lost in the pile of to-dos. Will take care of it at some point.

December 19, 2019, 03:22:00 PM
Winter greetings, sales and releases The time has come to enter the holidays.
Thank you for 2019 fellow adventures, and we'll be seeing you again after yet another winter solstice.
The fresh version 3.61 seems to be running smoothly ...aaaand Winter Sale on Steam has begun, in case you want to give it a shot.
We will release 3.61 also on the homepage at the turn of the year.

With this picture we wish best of the season to all of you!
Cheers, and happy holidays!

Sami (creator) and Erkka (co-designer) prepared to chase away the darkness and welcome the nearing winter solstice :)

December 21, 2019, 07:32:50 PM
Re: [Lore Question] Cultural differences?
It's huge topic in detail, but there's something put down in game encyclopedia for each in-game culture.
But if you're looking for historical details and research then some web searches for "iron age finland" may get you going, or I can recommend a book or two.

Opportunity for Amazon store with your recommendations for XX % return if you are going to recommend them anyway.

;D Hehe. I believe the book (I shall soon mention) is there as well, but I'll I encourage people to find it elsewhere.

December 29, 2019, 01:57:45 PM
Re: [Lore Question] Cultural differences?
I would appreciate a book recommendation or two for a beginner :)

In English you could try find "Finnish Folk Culture" by Ilmar Talve. It cover many, many, many aspects of...well...Finnish folk culture, and even though it's not about iron-age per se you'll get a picture of archaic and age-old traditions.

December 29, 2019, 02:00:14 PM
3.61 released (on the homepage) and a happy new year! On my behalf this decade ends with release of version 3.61 out to public on the homepage. Standalone installers are available now. If you're new to this version find your way to downloads section and be sure also to view changelog there as a lot has changed in 3.60 and 3.61.

We wish you a happy new year! (...and happy new version for those who only now get to try it out.)

I'll keep hibernating for a little while, although may occasionally reply to a post or two, but getting back on track for real with coding will have to wait until mid-january.

See you in 2020 - that's yet another decade for UnReal World development as well.

December 31, 2019, 05:27:07 PM
Start-of-the-year post 2020, here we go! I hope everyone is doing alright.
For me, the last year started with a broken shoulder and the winter was pretty much over before I recovered up to healthy coding condition. This year starts better, with no serious injuries, and wrestling with bugs reported during my lengthened holiday season has been going on for a good while.
   The winter hasn't been much of a winter, though. We barely have snow, it's been a very few minus degree periods during the midwinter and the thin ice cover on the lakes lakes keep thawing and freezing. I've longed to go for skiing the whole winter, but that hasn't been possible. Bummer.
   But here we go, starting up a new year of game development. Minor bugfix updates to be expected first. Stay tuned.
And if you're up to sharing your own start of the year feelings feel free to drop a few lines. Cheers!

January 27, 2020, 08:30:41 PM
Re: In the forest cover quest: tracks in the ice and locked out of wilderness map This seems to happen everytime. Animals in the forest cover just doesn't want to follow the player onto zoomed out map.
It's not about terrain, but adding NPC animal ownership (dogs for wandering NPCs) seem to have messed up things here.
Luckily I've managed to narrow things down to point where fix is just around the corner.

January 27, 2020, 08:44:15 PM
Re: Start-of-the-year post
  We're having a similar winter here in Michigan. It didn't really freeze until well into December and we're still having most days with high temperatures above freezing and nightly lows only just below freezing. Not much snow either.
  I'm working on clearing the invasive Asian Bittersweet vines from my property... a Herculean job I can only do in the winter because I seem to be allergic to them during the growing seasons.
  Oh, and your Ugri Archer videos inspired me to take up archery starting about 3 months ago! Using my father's bow made for him in the 1950's which is still in very good condition. I'm really enjoying target shooting in my barn, which is a 17 yard distance, and I manage to average 60-70% hits on a letter-size paper, shooting 48 arrows 2-4 times per week.
  Would it be a bother if I emailed you occasionally about archery?

Alright! Nice to hear peoples thoughts and things.

I wouldn't be bothered at all to talk about archery (too) by e-mail. I do occasional trad.archery instruction anyway, so remote talks is just an extension of that.  Nice to hear that Ugri Archer videos can be an inspiration.

January 28, 2020, 10:52:00 AM
Re: Skin disappearing after skinning is interrupted by fatigue near the end This one is now found & fixed. It's related to map loading, which also happens when the character wakes up from sleep.
So, until the patch is out be sure to be rested, and skin carcasses with one go.

Fixed - persists in 3.61.

February 02, 2020, 11:29:31 AM
Re: [3.61, Windows] Village dogs attacking Indeed. That's something we didn't consider, and interesting.
Villagers probably should calm down their dogs if they decide the fight is over. Gotta think how to go about with it.
Are their dogs obedient enough to calm down with verbal command, or should the NPCs be near the dogs to calm them down.
In reality it also might be that a dog having witnessed his master being seriously attacked would never accept the attacker's presence again.
Lots of things to consider here.

February 02, 2020, 11:45:17 AM