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Re: What are you eating today? Mate, we did something similar, the thing is that I have to look in the dictionary for all the ingredients :D So it's eggs, vegetables, cheese, things like pepper, salt, chilly, etc.

Bon apetit.

June 04, 2020, 06:37:06 PM
3.63 New fire mechanics Quick question about this:
"In the previous versions smoking succeeded if the room was heated once, and the process required no further maintenance. Now the heating must be maintained through the whole process."

If you leave your base for far away lands, do you still need to maintain heat? Or because the tile isn't processed properly since you are not around, you don't.


July 09, 2020, 10:58:31 AM
Re: Off to holidays! Have fun and enjoy the summer. Hunt some beer,  play a dear  :-* Redaction footnote: not bears or a deer.
August 01, 2020, 11:21:06 PM