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Re: Vegan characters? I prepare my farming area during the first winter (with my characters starting in "spring"). This is done by cutting the trees and moving the trunks (you don't have to do that, as you can burn the trees, but it's easier to prepare the soil with no trees around to spread fire in an unplanned manner). My farm "plots" are currently 9*9 tiles (in theory you can then harvest everything by moving up and down the plot three times, covering 3 columns on each pass, but in practice I harvest each tile as soon as it ripens).

Once the trees have been cleared away I prepare the future farming area with rows of 3 branches so a plot has 5 rows of tiles with branches, and make sure I've got branches available to put 3 branches on each of the remaining tiles. When the soils finally becomes free of frost so you can work the soil, I set all the branches in a row on fire (and lighting a fire adjacent to a tile on fire is much easier than the first one). Once the last (9:th) tile is set on fire the fire on the first one has died down, and I go back to the first one to prepare it, and then go through the rest of the row. In a typical day I can do 2-3 rows, depending on the preparation time RNG. Once all the 5 rows have been prepared, I place branches on the remaining 4 column and repeat the process.
The reason I don't cover the whole area with branches is that fire can spread spontaneously, and that would lead to ash that I can't work before it disappears.

As mentioned, various animals can eat your crops, badgers can cause significant damage, for instance, so I enclose the farm plot area with a fence (in my case with bear traps, but that's definitely not required), to keep large animals like elks and reindeer out, and then line the inside with small traps (light lever traps or snares) to keep birds out (which causes you to catch some of those. I suspect there's a lesser risk of damage to the bird with a snare than a lever trap, so if you plan on releasing the birds (and hares, etc.) you might want to go for snares.

Note that preparing a large number of fields is a LOT of work. I'm overproducing with 12 9*9 plots and working on scaling back (but most of it is yarrow, which has a fairly low yield), and I think that's more or less a full time job for 2-3 months (and you need to eat during that time, so food stocks are needed).
In terms of crops, I'd plant turnips early on, because they provide good volumes even with a poor skill. but I'm shifting over to broad beans for the bulk production.
You've probably realized it yourself, but you probably want at least one bulk crop, at least one herb crop, and at least one cereal crop (barley is more nutritious than rye, but rye provides a higher yield). Depending on how much you value role playing, you may have multiple crops for variation.

Unfortunately, mushrooms and berries aren't really worth the effort in the current UrW system: when my characters have had to make do with only berries they were just slowing their descent into starvation, although you may still pick them for role playing reasons (and if you use a mod to allow you to dry them you can get much better nutrition concentration levels).

November 10, 2018, 03:03:04 PM
Re: Grandmaster bowman never hitting target. Why? This is the first time I see a claim that leashed animals affect your skills. A well trained dog shouldn't affect the skills, but a poorly trained one certainly could.

When fighting Njerps I have the dog leashed and fire arrows at the enemy, as I don't want the dog (or my character) to get hurt, and I usually manage to keep the distance to kill the enemy without getting in danger.

November 11, 2018, 10:28:30 AM
Re: Defense of Cattle? And dogs don't die of starvation in UrW either, but giving them food is good role playing.
November 13, 2018, 12:03:12 AM
Re: Secret Female Quests I assume they are waiting for Bedlam to come and do the cooking for them  :P
November 14, 2018, 08:43:29 PM
Re: Save companions from accidental death in body piles And if you're holding off and are unlucky, the robber wakes up before Tuomo and kills him... It probably applies to the situation where you want to stop Toumo from bleeding out, where I suspect the game may either apply the remedy to the enemy (I've never tried to do that, so I don't know if it's possible) or claim that the enemy can't be healed as he's an enemy/not bleeding.

A related (but far less dire) situation is when hauling logs with a cow. When zooming in to a map tile, the dog and the cow both occupy the tile directly to the east of my character, and it's sort of random whether the dog's or the cow's inventory is the one that's available (no, you can't push the log onto the dog. It's too heavy, or: the dog isn't carrying anything). an also happen when traveling with companions.
It's possible to work around the issue by shifting around so there's only a single critter in the tile in the hauling case, of course.

November 14, 2018, 08:51:58 PM
Re: Receiving failed quests again? I don't believe the quests themselves can be gotten again, but you've learned how to perform the rituals, so you should be able to perform them when you feel like it (and you're not supposed to catch the Forest Maid: you should read the description).
November 28, 2018, 12:23:29 AM
Re: Craftable punts ? And what should the limitations be ? I think the crucial issue is the crafting time. Currently UrW supports pausing and resuming of only a rather small number of tasks, but once pausing/resuming has been generalized, this kind of time consuming tasks would be reasonably possible to implement.
I don't think there's any need for a specific tool restriction, as the standard effects of using poorer tools should be cause enough of an incentive to get appropriate tools.

November 30, 2018, 11:12:38 PM
Re: Craftable punts ? And what should the limitations be ? The game contains a quest where you're tasked with providing a log for the construction of a punt (for the quest giver, not for your character), so I think it's safe to assume it's intended to be a dugout craft.
December 01, 2018, 10:00:23 AM
Re: Are the Northern Lights visible in Finland? Yes they can appear in Finland. As usual, it's more frequent in the north than in the south.
December 18, 2018, 09:54:07 AM
Re: Allow humans to recognize baited traps And what bait do you use for Njerps? Axes? It would make sense only edibles are considered bait when it comes to detection. I don't believe Njerps take edibles at all.
December 21, 2018, 11:17:08 AM