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Re: Wall with shutter?, and other questions... The wall with shutter is a display glitch, but it's annoying when you know about it, and confusing when you don't.

The Njerps were likely a coincident. Njerp camps are incredibly rare (not counting the starting scenario when you start in one).

I believe you can take back things carried by NPCs, but not things equipped. NPCs can be hired with food, but may require weapons as well (and, at times, a big stack of weapons...). I suspect other things can be used as well, but I haven't tried.

I believe you can run and anything leashed will move at your speed (I think that's true for an unconscious dog as well).

As mentioned, the PC, NPCs and animals gradually heal if they don't die from the injury (apparently children don't heal yet, according to a bug report). The PC can starve to death but animals don't (dogs can bark in hunger forever, apparently). Trapped animals deteriorate and die, however, so you can't use traps as live meat  larders.

October 05, 2018, 09:51:00 AM
Making location of bird thief quest traps a little bit easier The Bird Thief quest can be a real pain when the target area is coniferous, as visibility is poor to start with, and there's a significant risk of the traps being obscured for the player by trees on top of that. The description talks about human footprints, so it would make sense to actually have human footprints in the area, similar to how the Wounded Adventurer quest has animal footprints (but the human wouldn't remain in the area, obviously). I don't know how hard this is to implement, though.
October 05, 2018, 08:45:28 PM
Re: Ski exploit? The usage of two ski sticks is a rather modern thing. In the old days a single pole was used, and I suspect it would be similar to using a sesta with a raft (and I suspect you'd usually use two hands rather than one). As indicated, you'd use a single Northern spear as the single ski pole. Now, in UrW you can still have a javelin in the other hand and throw it (at the target) to free up that hand for dual wielded spear usage.

Somewhere on this forum there's a link to a discussion of old time skiing, including some depictions from, I think, the 16:th century where a single pole was used both to one side (like a paddle or sesta) and between the legs.

October 08, 2018, 11:54:07 AM
Re: Best way to the kill trapped animal to preserve the skin. Since I'm a bit of a cheater, I usually use blunt attacks aimed at the head with a spear. For dangerous animals caught in traps (bears, wolves in particular, but also gluttons and lynx to some extent) I stand two tiles away and pelt them with rocks/stones or blunt arrows, aiming for the head.

Once an animal is unconscious I whack it over the skull with blunt spear attacks (I get a little more training out of it than when killing quickly with a pointed spear attack through the skull). For bears and wolves I continue my attacks from a safe distance, although it will harm the skin more (ranged attacks aren't guaranteed to hit the skull).

Attacks to the neck somehow damages the skin, but larger animals can take more abuse before their skins are damaged.

October 11, 2018, 10:46:19 PM
Re: Healing others? It's your fault for getting a companion with a ranged weapon. Never do that. As you've seen they fire at the enemy while being completely oblivious of friendlies being in the line of fire or even blocking it completely. I'm not even sure the ranged companions I've hired before I wised up have a total enemy damage count that's higher than that inflicted on allies, and they've definitely killed allies.
October 17, 2018, 06:39:52 PM
Re: Not receiving reward/training upon completion of Adventurer's Woodman's Axe. These quest rewards are quite valuable in the vanilla game, as skill leveling is extremely slow. Having the rewards lose much of their values is the cost of using such a mod. An axe is of very little value except very early in the game, and you lose out on the role playing aspect (should you care about it) by keeping the axe.

UrW is brutally punishing when it comes to penalties, and fighting is dangerous at the best of times, so attacking anything that's likely to fight back with a 40% skill penalty due to injuries, plus whatever penalty you have from encumbrance, is not a wise move.

October 19, 2018, 09:06:04 AM
Re: Gaining fisherman's luck The way I did it with a character that had that ritual was to have the punt on the ground next to water, the paddle in hand, and move backwards onto the punt, and then further backwards out into the water (the paddle in hand and punt underneath should cause you to launch the punt (and you) out onto the water backwards.
November 02, 2018, 03:37:39 PM
Re: The song of robbers "Loot and mayhem makes my day,
Robbing strangers is the way!
When we are done with our toils,
Home to Kaumo with the spoils."  :P

November 06, 2018, 09:13:52 PM
Re: "Make" trees and animal kids You're looking for a different kind of game... UrW is based on reality with the magic based on actual historical beliefs regarding the magic. In addition there are a few things that are unrealistic because of imperfections in the simulation and concessions made for playability.

One of the imperfections of the simulation is that slash-and-burn farming exhausts the soil in a few years, so the farm plots have to be moved, which eventually leads to a need to move the homestead/village. However, I think soil depletion is one of the things that is intended to be implemented.

November 08, 2018, 01:53:04 PM
Re: Can someone create pickaxe mod?
... UrW doesn't have pickaxe for mining stones and iron (the game is in iron age so this could be available), we can't repair weapons, tools, armors and so on. ...
Wrong. Iron age does not imply iron mines [or pickaxes]. The cultures in the area used bog iron as their source of iron, not mines dug into rock. If I understand it correctly, smiths at the time were highly regarded craftsmen making their living out of crafting iron items for customers: smithing wasn't something everyone were doing on the side, but more or less one of the first real professions. Even so, they were probably not able to create sophisticated armor or weapons (those were imported, which is what the foreign traders represent), but they should have been able to produce tools and basic weapons. So yes, first you character is an apprentice full time for 5-10 years (probably starting at age 10-12 or so), before they'd be able to open up their own shop (smithing all day long, and no adventuring).

November 08, 2018, 02:06:25 PM