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Re: Dont understand how trapping fence works A fence keeps large animals (elks, reindeer, bear) from passing through the tile with a fence (although bears can smash fences if trying to get at prey), forcing them to go around to either side. Wolves can jump fences, but unless there's prey, they go around. "Going around" a trap fence means going through the gap, where your trap is (one of multiple traps, typically).

Blocking off a passage (such as e.g. an isthmus) ought to be the most effective trap fence, but even a line in the middle of nowhere should catch things occasionally. The longer the fence, the more wildlife you reroute, so the more you catch.

I used to surround a single tile lake with a trap fence, and that worked well. Currently I've surrounded my farm plot area with one, and it catches things occasionally, but I complement that with active hunting.

September 09, 2018, 02:53:37 PM
Re: Trying to smoke meat No, I use 16 branches. The only thing I can think of is if the building is incomplete, i.e. doesn't have floor/roof everywhere, missing some wall, or a door. I've never tried with an incomplete building, though.
September 16, 2018, 06:00:53 PM
Re: Trying to smoke meat The gap is there because there is no wall on that tile. I walked your character onto the tile. Thus, you need to get yourself another 6 logs to plug that hole. The wall section to the south of the hole looks like it partially covers the hole, but is actually located on the tile to the south of it.
September 17, 2018, 02:41:24 PM
Re: Add pickaxe There isn't much color variation in wood (at least not those that would have been available in Finland at the time), although there are some slight ones, so it would be a matter of hue rather than color, and would increase item count (not to mention having to deal with displaying mixing of wood in items such as walls, fences, and doors). Brightly colored trees are nice in games not rooted in realism.
Mining is not thought to have been practiced in the area at the time. The somewhat more advanced Vikings used bog iron, not mining from mines, so there's no reason to assume the iron age Finns used mines.

September 18, 2018, 08:57:11 AM
Re: Where the heck are the axes? It sounds like you're very unlucky. As far as I know all cultures have all axes, but the Driik have more of just about everything, while the Northern tribes tend to be relatively poor.
Getting all axes typically requires some travel, and getting masterworks quality for all requires a fair bit (often a lot) of it. Note, however, that you only *need* one axe (that isn't a stone axe), but it takes a lot of time to use unsuitable tools, and the quality suffers as well (not that it matters initially, as starting characters typically suck at the corresponding skills). A hand axe and a woodsman's axe will cover the basics, though, and Njerpezit have been known to *donate* such tools. Apart from villages and donations, foreign traders can carry some tool axes, but you need the only currency they take for that to work out. Finally, you can sometimes trade for items villagers carry, although they usually aren't interested.

September 25, 2018, 11:00:26 PM
Re: Where the heck are the axes? You don't get Njerps to "donate" things by entering Njerpezit territory, but rather by engaging the lone Njerp raiders out in you part of the world. Actual warfare against the Njerps is an outlier in the game and not something you're expected to do (I've tried it once, and my character eventually died, as expected).

There are essentially two ways to engage Njerp raiders: See them on the overland map and seek them out to engage them, and stumble into them and get drawn down to the zoomed-in map. In the latter case you can sometimes withdraw, and sometimes you're forced to fight. You can, of course, chose to attack a Njerp rather than withdraw if you have that option. Combat is dangerous, though. Regardless, I'd rather engage a Njerp than a bear (I basically never engage bears if I can avoid it).

September 26, 2018, 10:46:03 AM
Re: Which skill affects trap creation quality? Yes, it seems there is a fixed chance for a skill to increase, which means you can get lucky and get an increase at the first attempt, or get unlucky and have to spend over 600 (has happened to me at 80+ skill levels for dodge and block).
September 26, 2018, 08:29:49 PM
Re: Where the heck are the axes? Congratulations!

A woodsman's axe is, in my view, the best one if you only have one, and it's definitely good enough to use to build a settlement. Sure, the other axes are useful to do things faster and better, but my first choice would be a woodsman's axe and the second a hand axe (although I'd be happy to find a carving axe instead).

September 27, 2018, 12:43:34 PM
Re: Take it or leave it - Forest Reindeer Meat An elk kill is basically a three day full time job. Skinning and butchering takes half a day or so, while cleaning the skin and tan the first step takes the rest. The next day the second tanning stage is done with smoking/drying meat taking up the bulk of the time, while the whole third day is spent banging on the skin. Thus, an elk caught in a trap means you will have to reschedule your activities.

And yes, animals and companions can be loaded by pushing stuff onto them. A normal sized dog is capable of carrying 65 cuts of meat, while a big one can take 90 or 95 (I don't remember which). I use my character's dog to carry meat back from a kill.
You can also load a log onto a cow by pushing it, and then unload it by 'G'etting it. A big cow isn't strong enough for a trunk, but a big bull is.

October 01, 2018, 08:18:31 AM
Re: Is it possible to add mods on existing save files? You can typically add and remove mods in an existing game. I'm not aware of any kind of modding that's not compatible, but that doesn't mean that's impossible. Items created with removed recipes will continue to exist, for instance, and the "same" item created with two different recipes and given different properties will exist in parallel with the same name and their original properties.
October 04, 2018, 02:35:18 PM