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Re: Remove some armor and weapons.
Good discussion and suggestions, MHB and Plasmator94. Nice food for thoughts, and we'll be exploring all this along with blacksmith coding.

I just add a little remark here that in our opinion (too) many metal goods, swords especially, should be far more a rare than they currently are.
All the blacksmiths will produce culturally related items to the level of their expertise, and it's likely that (at least some) blacksmith NPCs are able to produce swords too.
In the long run the villages actually should get rid of valuable goods lying around in storehouses and available for trade, and eg. swords had to be ordered from a capable blacksmith or traded from (foreign) traders. This sort of rarity, however, is hard to accept by many players. As well, as the fact that not just anyone can forge themselves an usable sword, or even a knife.

Sorry for my late reply. I totally agree about the (historically true) fact that there were not so much steel weapons at the time, or at least a sword. Get your hand on everyday steel tools like a knife (in early medieval scandinavia, for example, but as well in other places, a free man , the "Bondi", have always to carry his knife, because was the simbol of a free person) or a axe was quite easy, but get a sword... only a very rich warrior would have a sword, and probably, most of the time, a sword with poor metal. I don't know so much about finland, but in scandinavia, frankish swords were the most precious and were often ordered from great warriors (see the story of the legendary Ulfhbert).

About the fact that not everybody could be a blacksmith and know how to work with iron... that true, but I think in a game like URW, it's ok if someone want to be "the blacksmith" instead of the hunter, the carpenter or the potter... A lot of people here maked mod with smithing. But I see your point and I understand it :)

Anyway I get a try with all this stuff in this topic, and I've tried to make some historical weapons of the time, each one with their own slightly different attack value

From left to right: Bearded axe (skeggox), rus pick-axe, Norman sword, Skramasax (plain sword without guard and pommel), baltic sword, viking sword, and rus saber (there where a lot of straight sabers in rus armies, other than curved sabers)

I hope all this stuff can be good food for your development! Thanks again for your work guys, I love this game!

March 16, 2023, 06:21:35 PM
Gathering suggestions about rituals Hello everybody, I'm working on my mod and I want to expand much more the possible rituals, and I'd like to hear some suggestions about possible rituals to add. At the moment, I writed the code of those rituals:

- Bury a corpse and cover with stones
- Midsommer and midwinter rituals ---> sacrifice a cow (summer) or a pig (winter)
- Bury dead's ashes ---> Burn the body for ashes, then pour an amphora with those ashes and bury it
- Items: shaman drum, bone flute, bells (meaby ritual masks? I know in finland they use mask for some festivals)

March 17, 2023, 09:45:04 AM