UnReal World > Gameplay questions

Is it a bug if I walked to free, uninjured hare and kicked it?

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A big hare walked over, turned it's back and began staring at the sea.

I just walked behind it. Save available.

Today I had very similar thing with reindeer. It started approaching me while I was standing still (I was not hiding) and I was able to strike it with my javelin in the skull at point blank range.

What I was doing before is that I managed to split reindeers on a road. I noticed before that reindeers that run away eventually try to meet up with others. While in the forest it would be impossible for me to keep up this state, on the road it was quite easy to scare them off. My guess is that maybe after some time their behavior changed and one of them tried to push its luck.

With reindeer its likely the flocking algorithm.

Here I haven't zoomed for ages. I just walked around and this stoopid feather cushion never lifted wings. It's moving about but like it was blind or smth.
Spoiler: About to smear a grouse • show

If you try walking to the (same tile as the) animal. Will you get blocked, or will the critter move over like villager? Or will you share the tile, if so can you just pick up the food for later processing?

If I remember correctly, they'll flee. Had a newly started character a number of years ago who bumped into something small, probably a bird, when it was pitch black, missing the chance to attack it.


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