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Re: [Edited] Collection of spelling/grammar/punctuation issues Slight deviation from the purpose of the thread, but related to the previous post.
While it's true a rope *can* be used for smoking/drying, it's a gross waste of resources as I assume ropes are consumed in the same way as cords are (I've never tried). Thus, if modifying the description, I'd probably do it along the following lines:
"tying equipment, like a cord, which you can make yourself. A rope would work as well, but it is not recommended as the tying equipment is destroyed by the process.".

October 02, 2017, 10:03:43 AM
Re: Poems of the Fallen Njerpez fallen

He was a starving redshirt,
oh, a Njerpez do I mean
Hanging 'round my island's outskirts
Unaware that he'd been seen

So I took my fine broadhead
and my longbow in my hands
By nightfall would he be dead
His stain cleansed off my lands

He was a starving redshirt,
oh, a Njerpez did I mean
He bled out on the frozen dirt
Where he's ever since been

October 03, 2017, 07:02:40 PM
Wounded or starving dogs refusing to attack on command Let's announce just one small but significant upcoming addition....

 - added: wounded or starving dogs may refuse to attack on command

        If your dog is seriously wounded or starving it may refuse to attack on command. Even the suffering dogs still defend
        their masters and themselves from charging predators and enemies, but are just reluctant to act as war dogs who always
        run after a given target completely despite of their own condition. This addition may encourage you to keep your dogs
        more safe and better fed from now on.

This is an upcoming feature, not functional in the current version 3.40.

October 04, 2017, 02:21:40 PM
Re: Anachronistic swords
I absolutely agree. I avoid swords completely because of this :(

Broadsword, bastard sword and battlesword definitely need to be reviewed. I would also check that the two-handed battleaxe is accurate. Is that supposed to be the Dane axe? From what I recall it weights too much for that. To have a glaive would be interesting, although the Kaumo spear is already close to that. No halberds though.

This is a good article on Viking swords. Seems like Viking swords never arrived to anything close to the "bastard sword" (very rarely up to 100cm, but more commonly less than 90cm) but I'm not sure about other cultures.
Mwa. Battleaxe could be a Dane axe, weight-wise, albeit somewhat on the heavy side. It's 4lbs in-game and a Dane axe averaged 2-4lbs, from what I can find. Certainly not as off as the swords are, at least. (Even if 3lbs or so might be a bit more realistic)

October 06, 2017, 10:13:13 AM
Re: Anachronistic swords
It seems that every so often, a topic appears about anachronistic elements in URW.  To my mind, the creators have already addressed this issue adequately.  They have stated that URW is a fantasy game, and takes place in a fantasy world which is close to 9th-11th century Finland, but not identical.  I think this makes sense.  After all, the game already has spells and mystical spirits.  Surely longer and heavier swords does not stretch the imagination any further?

For the record, I was also fine with the "anachronistic" armor choices, but I don't mind them being gone, either.

Sami has made efforts to remove all the anachronistic armors, like ring and plate armor. He made efforts to change the battleaxe from the double headed fantasy axe to something akin to the Dane Axe. It's clear that his design vision, on equipment at least, is meant to be grounded in reality. With mostly everything in place, the sword category stand out like a sore thumb and seems to be the inconsistency in the game. It just feels very out of place now that everything else has been corrected.

I wouldn't have made this suggestion if ring armor and plate armor and double headed axes still existed in this game. This suggestion was simply made to maintain that consistency.

October 06, 2017, 11:04:49 PM
Re: Poems of the Fallen Pardon the anachronistic Shakespearian format, and not exactly fallen, but unfortunate.

The Lay of the Sexy Fisherman

He came to the town
With perches to sell
(A big cod as well)
And threw his catch down.

The men-folk all stared
And women they squealed
At muscles revealed
And all the flesh bared.

As naked as born
His arse in the draft
His clothes had he torn
For making a raft.

October 12, 2017, 01:38:33 PM
Re: Harassment by a seal Ha.  I did as you suggested and went crazy with traps, leaving three or four in every single place he left tracks... and I GOT THE SON OF A BITCH.  Beating him to death with a club while he barked in panic was disturbingly satisfying.  And then on my way back home triumphantly hauling 150 pounds of meat and 25 pounds of fat, I came across a second one stuck in another trap.  Turns out there were two of them.  Seal jerky for the foreseeable future...
October 14, 2017, 09:12:56 PM
Forget seals, anyone know good strategies for hunting beavers? I never seem to see them in the winter, can't track them in the summer (at least maybe without very high tracking skill) to see where they like to land.  Meat doesn't work as bait.  Lumber doesn't work as bait (yes, I've tried).  Do vegetables?  Does anyone know which traps can take them?  Small deadfall?  Light lever?  Is there a good way to attack them without completely ruining the hide?  Blunt arrows?
October 14, 2017, 09:42:42 PM
Re: Wild Animals in Villages Wolf AI seems to be deliberately designed to be creepy.  I woke up one morning to find my shelter completely surrounded by wolf tracks.  It had explored the whole area while I slept, then quietly slunk away before morning, not having touched a thing.  Freaked out, I surrounded my shelter with fences and traps.

Do you like my wolf fur boots?  They're new.

October 15, 2017, 12:28:02 AM
Re: Partially constructed trap fence eats spikes Aye, I've also noticed this. Doesn't happen when the partial construction gets a good way in, from what I can tell. Just when the construction is (almost) immediately halted due to being ready to drop (not sure if the same would happen if starting construction at 99% fatigue, would have to test). Deconstructing the partially built fence does return the stakes, though, so that works as work-around: if it tries to consume more stakes, ESC out, deconstruct and rebuild.
October 15, 2017, 02:04:47 AM