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Messages - Bert Preast

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My Finnish cousins always came visiting bearing gifts of cloudberry liquor and cloudberry schnapps.  These were gratefully received!

Yeah what Palu said, but I would add:  dogs.

About ten dogs, and keep them leashed.  They act as a meatshield to soak up enemy arrows, and also deal with anyone who gets close enough to be a melee threat.  Pay attention to contour lines, only shoot at enemies on the same level as you or higher, as shooting at anyone on a lower level will probably hit your own dogs. 

Bug reports / Re: [3.84.2] Drying fish out of season
« on: July 16, 2024, 06:40:20 PM »
I think for now drying depends only on the time of year rather than what the weather is actually doing.  Here's a link to the calendar where you can see the dates:

General Discussion / Re: My first entry: The Challenge!
« on: April 30, 2024, 04:51:45 PM »
Welcome to an Unreal World of pain, suffering, starvation and shivering!  Unless you've already played a fair bit and know what you're doing, you're doomed.  Even if you do know what you're about, bad luck may still doom you.  Gotta love it  :)

Gameplay questions / Re: Can not make shovel haft
« on: April 03, 2024, 02:56:17 AM »
I don't think the BAC mod has been updated yet to cope with the new hafting mechanism; so for now you have to choose between BAC and having hafting, arrow making, and a few other things not working, or playing without the mod for now.

I'm in the same situation!

Gameplay questions / Re: Water Folk dont visit
« on: March 02, 2024, 11:30:59 PM »
Thank you Palu, all that was needed was to return to the quest giver.

Gameplay questions / Re: Water Folk dont visit
« on: March 02, 2024, 12:54:30 AM »
Just done this quest, but I am not sure I completed it.  I was holding down the waiting key when the water spirit appeared, and by the time I realised he was there he had already dived under the water.  I do have "You feel strong presence of the spirits" in my message log, but I have now waited a day and in the F2 quest log it still says that the quest was assigned 31 days ago, and expires in 59 days.  The quest shows in black rather than the green of completed quests.

Will it complete when the timer finishes, or have I cocked things up and should look to try it again?

Bug reports / Dried fat can be used for tanning
« on: January 29, 2024, 06:02:48 PM »
I took an elk and de-haired the fur as I need leather, and at some point while waiting for the de-hairing to finish I have absent-mindedly dried the fat to eat.  The elk fat was still preparing but I had a large lump of dried grey seal fat ready in my cellar so I tried using that, and it worked.  I am no tanner, but I suspect dried fat would not work so this may be a bug?

To hunt the seal, you must become the seal...

Persistence hunting with Andrew Ucles:

This guy is great, have a look at his channel; who doesn't like to see an Australian getting bitten, clawed, stung and generally fecked right up in the name of science?  He hunts animals equipped with nothing but a pair of grotty old shorts and trainers.  This gets him hurt quite a lot, but he is never downhearted!

Guides and tutorials / Re: A guide for the aspiring hunter
« on: January 04, 2024, 03:20:45 PM »
You make a good case, I admit I have perhaps not given the crossbow a fair trial!  If one is hunting big game, it is probably a decent choice between bow or crossbow.  I should learn to spend some time with a weapon before I dismiss it!

I understand they are weighted to spawn more around their own territory and in the south east in general.  They used to pop up all over the map, but that was changed to improve game balance.  A wandering Njerp is easy riches for a combat orientated character, but lethal for anyone else.  Now, if you want to encounter them you have to head into their lands or near their borders - like the Kaumo lands.

I have committed Njerpocide.  All villages and camps wiped out as far as I can tell (new camps were popping up until the last village was razed so it is possible that I've missed one or more).  I continued play for a couple of years and based myself in the former Njerp lands, and have not seen any wanderers.  So yeah, I think they stop spawning.  I kinda miss the little red fellas now!

I sometimes found wandering Njerps within a few tiles of a camp, and if I killed them the camp had fewer warriors in it than the usual when I attacked it.  It seems that some wandering Njerps are wandering around in twos or threes close to camps, and others are wandering the wilderness and spawn at random - now weighted towards spawning near Njerp territory rather than all over the world as was previously the case.

Off-topic / Re: Best music to listen while playing UrW
« on: December 24, 2023, 03:40:28 AM »
My iron-age Finn likes a bit of techno.  Nosebleed techno:

Suggestions / Re: [3.82] Loop snares have to be crafted one by one
« on: November 27, 2023, 05:33:27 PM »
That's more a suggestion than a bug!  Maybe post it in the Suggestions Forum?  It would be great if you could add it to this thread:

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