Topic: It's a longish post...  (Read 5434 times)


« on: November 26, 2022, 11:52:22 PM »
This time I'll tell a little story. But It is posted it in the General topics section, right?
Why? Cause I don't gather people over a good fire and break the silence with the poetry a story-telling voice shall summon people around, and by doing so, craft a song of words that deliver a story along with many keys that can float slowly
as a winded insect for those who have the sensibiltity of recepting and catching them as you please, 'cause those will - or have -
Already unlock knowledge that escape reason and move forward the chest holding those human hearts that beat for the beyond
within the Unreal World.

*Breathes deeper*
*Starts the post*

This happent when Unreal World was harder to play but easier in its deepths.
That fisherman, away from any Early dangers: Counting Starvation, Fights, Bandits, Fearless Animals, and more, like poisons.
He was happy when finally could understand each variaty of fishes the Sea Guardians have to handle for him.
Soon enough began to exchange some greater catches for a more steady livelyhood.
Water was like its place in life. Swimming in it was a pleasure, cleaning all of its body and more.
Fishing actively was another great pleasure, with each catch beeing a story itself.

Nets started to multiply. And this is a methaphor and also literal.
I've even had to send some files of the Unreal World game's files in the computer to the Staff, to the admins, the creators.
Because the character knew his fishing skills, Knew how to row trough lakes and rivers, And knew every one of the nets.
The story of each net, the way each net were dispossal, and the way each net were "worning-out".

I was really into this character, as I was always really into every-one-of-them.
So that day, The Chara pulled out the three nets. But OH! surprise! The inventory marked 4 nets when in land cleaning them and making them prepared for next fishing day.
Then I reminded Sami once said (this is not literal): something like, no need to roleplay when the game is glitching or failing some how (hard code or whatever it is).
So that net wasn't something to roleplay. Something was not right in-game, so it had to be fixed. Imagine pullin out tree nets and when in the shore, preparing to have supper and sleep, there's .... 1, just one only net, oh G! THIS HAS TO BE FIXED! lol

Anyhow, that's the background. The real deal was the land. The land!

What this character was of positive over water, it had in negative over land.
The forest slowly began to close its gates for him. Making it difficult to walk or move over.
Night after night something kept the character dreaming and waking up, all at the same time, with weird noises, bad premonitions,
And getting the character, at the end, affraid of the shadows, and affraid even of the smallest trees.
This hostility was overlooked at the early stages. But when the character realized that no general sacrifice was accepted, He noticed it wasn't a good sign.
Everytime the fisherman placed a fish over the ground in a respectful act to the nature itself, The nature gave him back a dark mirror. A rejection. A returning of a sacrifice that was not only not aceppted, but furthermore, insulting.

Nowhadays, my imagination would lead the character to have some sort of visit to a guide, to a healer, to try to find out what's the matter within. Back in those days, it took me long enough to understand.

The fisherman slowly built its homestead. Got always enough food to repel the first great danger (starvation) and manage to keep off the rest of them, fierce animals, weather, warriors, etc. He would trade with some near villages. People began to be okay with his existece around that part of the no man's land. He was a frequent guest for those villages and for those roads. Roads that would serpent through valleys, small mountains and yes... rivers and their courses.
But the fisherman was not the same. As the Forest Spirit rejected, time after time, his offerings, he began to feel out of his mind.
The nightmares were now unbearable. His restless eyes were blacker day after day...

I don't actually remember how this character ended its jouney.
Some jouneys' ends are... absurd. Or even bizarre.
Some where "The character quit living ..." kind of ancestors resumeé.
But even if other journey's ends were epic, or easier to remember. It doesn't matter how this fisherman died.

What the real point of this character life was to learn something.
Unreal World is a world of mistery. Why is that it is misterious in its core?
Well, These folks weren't US.
And when I say US, I say everyone that is nowhadays here. With a keyboard, and a game called Unreal World in their computer.

I know now, that when you kill an animal you've gotta perform a "spell".
What's the spell about? Well, put some of its meat in the ground. DONE. okay?

Well, in fact, when you kill an animal, you kill the animal that keeps you warm in your sleep. That its fur will allow you to suffer less during harsh snowy and windy days. You kill the animal that will give you the very power of to be fed. An animal that could in a future tranforms the bones to hooks, or its feathers on a very flighing arrow that goes through the air in a perfect blow, climbing out the sky to reach a certain fate several, several feets away.
Those animals are not our slaughterhouses factories o' today. So carrying a bear teeth would mean something more than the persuit to easier "small game hunting". I know sometimes I ask a lot to a PC-Game. But there comes the roleplay along.
That fisherman were doing a ritual, performing it all with deep respect and diligence. But the meat of those animals (small, fishes, maybe a whole pike as bigger thing) the meat was already cook, roasted. So... the soul that should be returned to the earth, was not able to do so. You don't cook the part of the animal that goes back for its eternity. That's the mistake, that's the ignorance spoiling the fisherman happyness and glorious smile when the small hours arrive, and the morning birds began to sing to a new borning day-sun.

When the woods and the dirt were darker the most, He tried to sleep over the shore, on the surface of the water.
But it was just too late. The water spirit would have embrace him, with tenderness, loving hold over his suffering.
But was too late, because the fisherman weren't sleeping in the waves and in the raft for the beauty of it, an its call.
He went to sleep there, because the spirit of the world, the one of the woods, and the earth itself were expelling him for his offenses.

If you've reached these last lines, well, hope it wasn't a tedious task. And after all, maybe I'll just get out of the camp-fire.
Regards! and good experiences!

« Last Edit: April 05, 2023, 03:16:12 AM by Bakkat »
"When All the rivers get poisoned....
...Then we'll realize"

Bert Preast

« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2022, 12:34:21 AM »
Tio, me parece que has comido demasiadas setas de noaidi  :o

You are right though, the Unreal World is all about making peace with the forests and the lakes  :)


« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2022, 07:56:39 PM »
Todavía no pongo pie sobre lo espiritual. He comido muchas naodi's. Pero increíblemente nunca tuve contacto con el mundo espiritual, ni siquiera el espíritu del bosque cuando tenés que encontrarlo enterrando algún item de plata... Soy muy lento. Hace años que los progresos son pequeños. Pero no me apura tal cosa.

Thanks for reading, and replying! It's just a point of view.
"When All the rivers get poisoned....
...Then we'll realize"


« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2022, 09:37:15 AM »
I expected some culmination at the end.

In such cases I usually ask electrical spirits. :)


« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2022, 12:12:20 AM »
I expected some culmination at the end.

In such cases I usually ask electrical spirits. :)
Not sure what is that
Electrical spirit, though, sounds promising @werepacman
« Last Edit: December 13, 2022, 05:25:17 PM by Bakkat »
"When All the rivers get poisoned....
...Then we'll realize"

