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Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll The game was in a recommendation list on r/dwarffortress for someone looking for games like df adventurer mode.
I tried it... and goodbye df...

Just knowing that this game was out there since 1992 and I haven't been aware of it makes me feel sick.

May 11, 2021, 11:51:20 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority
For starters I'd love the marriage thing even just for the fact of having someone always with me, I don't really care if she would help me or not. Will liven up my cabin. Anything else comes as a bonus.

That's like my real life...

April 19, 2022, 05:45:49 PM
A big thank you to the Enormous Elk team Greetings everyone,

I just felt like sharing this story and at the same time, give my thanks to the Enormous Elk team for creating this masterpiece of a game.

I have accidentally stumbled upon this game many years ago, when I was just a kid, perhaps 12 or 13 years old. Considering that I had no income to speak of, and I came from a country that paying money for video games was a luxury that not many could afford (Romania) at that time, the model adopted by this studio in which they would offer a older version of their game for free, with the possibility to donate, was a blessing and a breath of fresh air.

I have many fond memories and cool stories with this little game, and with each update, and as I grew older, I would find myself returning to Unreal World in order to check what cool features have been implemented.

Now, 15 years later, I return once more. Older, with a family of my own, a job and a new house, to repay the debt that I have owned for granting me the pleasure of playing this game.

Bought a official copy off steam, and started a new campaign, and all I can say is that the nostalgia of it all hit me hard, as well as the random wolf that decided to attack me from behind my character while butchering another wolf.

Once again, a big thank you to the Enormous Elk team, and a big thank you for the business model you follow. You managed to make my childhood a little bit more brighter.


December 23, 2022, 01:41:35 AM
Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll I don't remember exactly when I heard of Unreal World specifically, I think I was looking at other roguelikes after playing a bunch of Dorf Fort and Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead when I came across it. As soon as I read the description, not only was I super excited about the gameplay but I remembered reading Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. In it, the perspective character in the modern day, Randy I think, talks about either playing or programming a game which is exactly the same as Unreal World, and was clearly a reference to it. I was incredibly excited that it was a real game, installed it and fell in love immediately
December 25, 2022, 12:57:48 AM
Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll @LuchyMane

Gotta love a post that merges URW and Neal Stephenson. Nice taste in both lit and games. Haven't read Criptonomicon yet, though (took on Snow Crash to begin with).

I was browsing a roguelike curator when I found out about this game. I wanted to find a game that introduced me to a different experience, something that would enrich my worldview. And URW doesn't disappoint. Posts like yours, the devs logs, the in-game entries, all of these are living proof of it.

January 02, 2023, 10:07:16 PM
Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll I believe I discovered it when I was reading and browsing various sites about Finnish prehistory on the interwebs, sometime in 2020
November 10, 2023, 03:37:58 PM
Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll I was always interested in survival games. I aspired to play games that were "realistic". After a lot of googling around I found this game. I am a fan of old graphics/retro games and the graphics for this game are perfect!
December 24, 2023, 01:12:03 AM