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Messages - jonottawa

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I believe these two issues are unrelated.
But that what you do in villages, arranging their stuff so heavily, sounds quite bad for your characters reputation. Don't the villagers notify you constantly to come barter?
It's also not considered that characters would do this kind of village item arranging - which in fact is initiating trades constantly, over and over again - and it's possible that your character pushes some limits that we thought nobody would. For the sake of everything, this tactic isn't advised.
I tend to pick everything up at once if I can carry it all, so I don't see it as initiating trades constantly. It's just one giant trade that I decided not to finalize. Now if I dilly and dally, then they do the thing where they chase me down and demand I pay, but (mostly for that reason) I don't dilly and dally. They give me the message where they shout at me to come trade with them when I'm finished choosing things. Then I drop it all and when I talk to them they act as though I never picked anything up. Sometimes some of the things I dropped will still say (taken) (even though they're sitting on the floor of a village building) but they don't chase me when I leave town and they don't get grumpy with me the next time I'm in town.

I've only ever had one village get grumpy with me and that's when they were convinced I had a bag of peas of theirs that I'd already dropped. I picked it up and dropped it a few times and that didn't solve the problem. I should have just paid for it, but I took the relationship hit instead by clicking 'take what's yours' (even though it was on the ground, not in my inventory.)

I certainly don't see my behavior as cheesy or exploity. If a stranger wanting to trade rolled into town and said 'Bring me your furs, your weapons and your clothing so that I can see what you have to trade for my knives, my delicious dried cuts and my fine winter reindeer furs,' I think the local populace would have been happy to oblige. Lacking that mechanic, gathering the stuff myself merely prevents hours of repetitive tedium (it's tedious enough to keep track of dozens of village contents even WITH my method.) I understand that there used to be shops in the game, but you got rid of them (I assume due to realism concerns?) But I think my scenario is a reasonably realistic approximation of how things might have played out.

Not to worry, just follow the advice given earlier "if it starts to happen again just .zip the character and send it to me again, and I'll adjust some more."

So save your progress as it is now, and send it over and I'll take a look. Pause the playing until you get reply back from me.
I feel like your time is surely better spent working on the next release than repairing my games. I'll send them over, but if you're fairly confident that the next release will fully address the issue, then I'm probably better off just not playing until then. Especially since your last repair only gave me maybe 4 or 5 hours of restored gameplay before the problem reappeared.

I downloaded 7-Zip, it can create a file either with the extension .7z or with .zip. The .7z file seems about 25% smaller. Is that what you'd prefer to receive? I'll just send you the .zip for now since I know you'll be able to work with that one.

This has to me too in the past. i'm also a player that does a lot on the zoomed in map, sometimes i'll build a house about 10 world map tiles away from a village that you can get to the village by following a path like "go south and whenever you hit a tree go east until you can go south again", and then visit the village once a week. I usually keep the goods I'm interested in buying in a pile in one of the buildings, and then if the building was one of those 2x1 buildings then i'd drop all my stuff too on top of it to do crafting or whatever and then when i picked up all my stuff i would notice that all the stuff was mine, so my hypothesis was that I was picking them up too much and dropping them and that reset it, but maybe that was a red herring.  I'll try to submit a save next time it happens to me.
I suppose it's possible that the map maintenance issue and the 'free stuff' issue are completely unrelated because I almost always, upon first visiting a village, even if I'm not there to trade, pick up everything I might want at some point (weapons, clothing and furs mainly) and drop them in a pile, usually in an otherwise-empty building. I 'create my own store', in essence, because running around finding out what a village has to offer is a tedious task that I'd rather not have to perform more than once per village. I find it hard to imagine that that would mess up the game somehow, but who knows?

Edit: What I don't do is the 2nd part, dropping my OWN stuff, or crafting in a village. I have the perhaps misplaced idea that a villager might lay claim (finders keepers) to something I drop in the village and my stuff stays in my pack (unless it gets magicked out by a trade, anyway) when I'm in or near a village.

And the trade bug HAS returned. Everything I picked up in the latest village is free for the taking, including lots of expensive stuff, bronze jewelry, mail leggings, a battleaxe, etc.

It's funny, some people will probably try to copy my playstyle just to trigger that bug, and for me it makes the game unplayable, sigh.

Anyway, I hope the next version of the game truly fixes it. It's hard to invest dozens of hours in a character and then have to stop playing it and start over not because you were foolish/reckless or because the RNG gods were exceptionally unkind, but because you explored the map too much.

It's still a lovely game either way. Thanks for making it.

But just keep zooming, there's nothing bad with that, and it's the ultimate and challenging way to explore the game.
Unfortunately, now I'm experiencing the same problem (map maintenance on every zoom out and zoom in, I haven't investigated if the trade bug has resurfaced as well,) in the new game I started. I don't seem to play the game the same way as everybody else does, apparently.

1st Edit: Guess I'll go back to the game you fixed.

2nd Edit: The game you fixed now does map maintenance on every zoom out and zoom in. I'm going to keep playing it for a while just to see if the trade bug returns.

Is map maintenance designed merely to limit the amount of hard drive space that the character takes up? I'd happily take up 20 or 30 gigs if it means I can explore the map freely.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 27, 2020, 08:04:15 PM »
So far, on fine javelins, the limiting factor seems to be ordinary slender tree trunks, which seem to prevent you from making fine staves. I've noticed that there are (at least) 2 different types of logs, even though they're both called log. Can someone with really high timbercraft confirm that there is only 1 type of slender tree trunk? I've never seen them divide into groups.

Of course it's possible that even with a fine staff, you can't craft a fine javelin. The one time I tried, I created a regular javelin. And there was no failure message like there is with fur when you downgrade something. But maybe that failure message ONLY shows up in the case of fur?

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 27, 2020, 07:57:10 PM »
Small pointy things, knives, absolutely help you get out of broken ice, I can't remember where but I've seen a post where Sami mentioned it. And ya like you I would have started a fire, dropped all my gear except for knives for less weight and crawled out to the wolf. On a side note I'm more like to risk it for a wolf over an elk. Generally once established I have a good food stock pile and I am more interested in high value pelts.
I knew the ice wouldn't hold me, so crawling didn't make sense in this case. I wanted ALL of the ice to break, though, being unable to pull myself up onto the ice was the ONLY way I felt like I might die if I had a fire already built. I mainly dropped things so it would be easier to swim and I wasn't sure if the game didn't make you lose things in the water if you were at risk of drowning.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 25, 2020, 12:13:51 PM »
- You can't craft fine clothing, because clothing is crafted using the Common skill which has a fixed skill rating that's not sufficient to produce fine result.
Aren't cords crafted using the Common skill?
As for fine staves, my Timbercraft is at 68, so when it hits 70 I'll test that myself.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 25, 2020, 02:17:19 AM »
More questions:

Can the player craft 'fine' clothing? Can the player craft 'fine' javelins? Is there any gameplay difference between fine cord and inferior cord (does fine cord tend to create better tasting dried cuts for example?) or does it only matter if you were to want to trade it? Has anyone done a fairly recent analysis of all of the damage protection profiles for various furs and leathers? Is there a crafting difference between winter fur and non-winter fur of the same animal type? I'd heard/read somewhere that winter bear fur is the best fur to make clothing out of, is that generally true? Is bear leather also the best leather? I can't imagine there's such a thing as 'winter leather', but just in case, is there?

If I put my dog on a 100 foot leash and tie him to a tree, will he use that 100 feet or will he stay within 1 hex of the tree?

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 22, 2020, 12:01:19 PM »
I had a bit of an interesting dilemma yesterday. A wolf had fallen through the ice and drowned about 8 tiles offshore. I was weary. It was a few degrees below freezing. I'll tell you what I did, but what would YOU have done? (FWIW this character has 100% swimming.)

Spoiler: show
I found a slender trunk and 3 branches and set a fire. I removed my clothes, dropped everything, and went in after the wolf. I went about 3 tiles (falling through the ice each tile) and then came back to the fire. (In hindsight, I think I should have just bitten the bullet and gone all the way for the wolf on the first go.) Once I got back to cold I went back in, went all the way to the wolf and brought it back. By the time I got back next to the fire I was just Numbingly Cold so I thought I was fine. I thought I'd warm more quickly next to the fire without my clothes on, so I just started skinning the wolf. I'm almost positive that I briefly dipped to Freezing while I was skinning the wolf, before I slowly warmed up and by the time I finished skinning it I was only up to Bitterly Cold. I ended up with a harsh skin (yuck.)

My adventure suggested a few more questions:

Does the concept of 'wet clothes' exist in the game? Do you warm more quickly next to a robust fire if you aren't wearing anything or if you're wearing furs? (I think I know the answer to that now.) Is there a (hidden) crafting penalty if you start a crafting job while Cold, Numbingly Cold, or Bitterly Cold? How about if the game says 'Your hand feels cold.'?

My dog also has a tendency to wander out onto any nearby ice and fall through (multiple times.) Is he at any risk of drowning or freezing? Does the concept of cold only apply to the player? Or to all NPC humans as well? Or to all creatures in the game?

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 15, 2020, 06:31:41 PM »
I intend to compile these answers in the OP at some point, along with all of the questions (at least the ones that get answered (in a seemingly knowledgeable way.)) But for now I'll keep asking:

Does it matter which weapon is in the 1 slot and which weapon is in the 2 slot? If you throw a javelin in the 2 slot does it have a lower hit chance or a lower damage roll than a javelin thrown from the 1 slot? If you only have a weapon in the 2 slot (say a 2-handed weapon) does the game treat it the same as if it were in the 1 slot?

Thanks for the companions discussion, I'm completely ignorant of that subject as my one companion experience ended abruptly. Do folks hire companions mainly to get them killed so they can take their stuff? Does the village care what you do with the loot of the companion who died? My understanding is that the only penalty is that the villagers won't want to join you on your adventures for a while, is there more to it than that? (I really should research this on my own first, which I haven't done, but if you want to give me a link to the info, that works too.)

If you have dark green protection on a body part, will more clothing/armour have any marginal utility to the protection of that body part or basically is armour protection capped at dark green?

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 15, 2020, 09:06:31 AM »
Another couple of questions:

Does the amount of kindling (twigs/branches) you use affect the chance that you will successfully start a fire? (I realize that the more wood you use the longer a fire will burn, but that's not what I'm asking.) So if I use 5 twigs is there just as good a chance that I will start a fire as if I use 10 twigs?

Does anything spoil in the winter in a (at least occasionally heated) cabin that wouldn't spoil outside? Either cuts of meat or skins or whatnot?

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 15, 2020, 02:39:19 AM »
So I've been wasting my time drying 19 at a time, then? I can just dry like 95 in one go if I have 50 feet of cord?

Part of the roleplay reason I used to justify the 19 for 10 feet was that I was being slow and deliberate and spreading the meat all around my cabin (to give it more air.) But if the mechanic has been fixed, that's great. I did notice that when I did 19 cuts at a time that the 19 popped in on its own, I didn't manually override, so that made it feel less greasy.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 15, 2020, 01:00:48 AM »
Another gameplay question, this time just confirming what I think I already know: My understanding is that it is impossible for a character to craft a masterwork javelin (or any other item that utilizes the Common skill to create it,) even from a masterwork staff (so it would be foolish for me to try?)

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: February 15, 2020, 12:55:41 AM »
Unless it's winter, roasting more than 20 cuts is useless, unless you plan on selling them ...

If it's winter, roasting more than a dozen or so cuts (arguably roasting any cuts at all) is useless, because you can dry them ... 90% of the meat I cook, I cook to sell since none of my characters have survived a full year yet and still have many things to buy.

I haven't heard about the new cooking system. I assume there's a thread somewhere. I assume it hasn't been implemented yet? I'm still drying in batches of 19, assuming that's the correct amount if you want to maximize your rope/cord-efficiency?

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