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Messages - jonottawa

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General Discussion / Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts?
« on: December 23, 2020, 04:05:44 AM »
Hi trowftd. I appreciate your questions, but it was never my intent to derail this thread and I've only been replying because OP has been asking me questions. I will reply privately.

Bug reports / Re: De-hair rotted within 24 hours or less
« on: December 22, 2020, 10:29:25 PM »
Challenge accepted. Let me know where I can download the file from.

General Discussion / Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts?
« on: December 22, 2020, 10:13:26 PM »
Under ordinary circumstances, I would never try to micro-manage (as opposed to offering a big picture/broad strokes perspective, which was my intent with my initial brief post) somebody else's life (especially not a stranger's,) but you're asking, so here's my answer:

I suppose the job opportunity is as good an example as any ...

If you had said "I didn't take the job because their anti-traditional corporate values were incompatible with mine" then I could see myself making the same choice. But that doesn't seem to have entered into it at all.

I might have said something like:

I will take this job because my skillset matches perfectly with the required skillset. I'll earn a healthy income and be able to save up some money. If I work at this job for 3 years, a number of good things might reasonably be expected to happen with any luck:

My skills as a programmer might improve.
With my higher social status, I might attract a delightful mate who I will happily grow old with.
My time management, self-discipline and project management skills might improve.
I might develop valuable professional relationships which will increase the likelihood of success should I pursue my dream of developing a video game after my stint with the company ends.
I will be setting a good example for my son and fulfilling my traditional role as a provider, increasing my sense of well-being in the process.

Or, if I pursue this opportunity for 3 months and I'm miserable, or things just aren't working out, I can always quit.

Now, what I hear you implying (correct me if I'm wrong about that) is that working for other people is incompatible with the 'traditionalist life.' If that's true, I couldn't disagree more.

Tribes are groups of people working together towards a common goal. Not everyone is the chief. And not every chief starts out as a chief. This Atlas Shrugged notion that every man is an island and must be an individualist is very ANTI-traditional.

Now, is it possible that in your mid-40's (guessing?) you will spontaneously will yourself into creating a great video game by yourself, when you're struggling to pay the bills? I suppose it's possible. And I sincerely hope it happens. But I think that desired outcome would have been far more likely if you had taken and worked at the programmer job first. I hope you prove me wrong.

General Discussion / Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts?
« on: December 22, 2020, 07:16:15 PM »
I must admit that this, again, leaves me somewhat confused. It would be interesting to hear what makes you guess that I can't relate to the traditional virtues you listed?
I would guess that for any number of reasons but maybe the main 2 are:

1) You live in a nation that has been heavily indoctrinated with anti-traditional, globalist values and so as a subset of that population, it's reasonable to guess that you have been successfully indoctrinated as well. (If I reach into a jar of jelly beans, 90% of which are black and 10% of which are red, and pulled out a jelly bean at random, I would guess that I held a black jelly bean. Of course my guess would not always be correct.)

2) You would be making different choices if your values were similar to mine.

But I hope that the point of those 2 short paragraphs was clear: I think a purpose-driven life, in alignment with the purpose our forefathers had, might be a solution for someone who struggles with depression in spite of having undergone 20+ years of therapy but that if you have found a different solution that is working, then that's wonderful news and I would encourage you to keep doing whatever that is. And if I have misread the situation and am wrong, and your values are similar to mine, then I'm absolutely delighted to be wrong about that.

Bug reports / Re: De-hair rotted within 24 hours or less
« on: December 21, 2020, 06:02:29 PM »
It is proving a bit too finicking on the fur tanning of large hides. Did something get changed?

Tuukka caught an elk in a pit trap right outside his smoke house. Between the tanning, butchering and smoking phases it took a day or two to do all those chores. The hide skin and clean was the very first step. The butchering had to be done to get the animal fat. The hide from this same kill had been cleaned and on first tanning step (where you apply the fat).

When Tuukka woke up the next day that hide is now rotten.

Its apparently our choice now to either get a skin or a hide not both. This doesn't get much better than having the elk caught on the same wilderness tile as your house and yet the hide rotted.
I've never seen this issue. The issue I've seen ONLY pertains to LEATHER rotting (while it soaks) ahead of schedule. Processing a single elk (fur/meat) shouldn't be an issue if one focuses solely on that task and hits the timers in a logical order.

Bug reports / Re: De-hair rotted within 24 hours or less
« on: December 21, 2020, 05:48:59 PM »
Yes, there is definitely a bug/feature around leather rotting before it is scheduled for the next step in the tanning process but I had thought it was because I traveled too far away. I have lost a few bear leathers that way.

General Discussion / Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts?
« on: December 21, 2020, 04:26:32 PM »
I'm a traditionalist. I believe that men need a purpose and that purpose for millennia has been to provide for one's wife and children and to defend one's tribe/nation, while trying to set a good example for the next generation and practicing the religious faith of one's people.

I'm guessing you can't relate to that, and that's fine. If what you're doing is working for you, then by all means keep doing it.

"Therapy doesn't cure depression."

"Where does that come from? ... I have more than 20 years of experience with different methods of therapy."

Asked and answered.

I'm glad to hear your friend is helping you for free. (Though out of respect for her ability to attract paying customers, you might not want to share that info around too much.) If my contribution here has been nothing more than to allay potential concerns that any donations to this campaign might end up lining the pockets of an e-girl, it has been worthwhile. As for why I assumed you were lonely, it's because you complained of depression, and most single men in their 40's who barely make ends meet aren't getting much female companionship. If you're the exception, kudos to you.

General Discussion / Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts?
« on: December 21, 2020, 06:30:31 AM »
My take, for what it's worth, as someone who doesn't know you:

I'd have taken that job in a heartbeat. Income, responsibility, self-respect, possibly meeting the future mother of your children ... That's what most men need.

Therapy doesn't cure depression. It makes it worse because you spend hours dwelling on your problems ad infinitum. This hypno-gal seems like she might be exploiting your loneliness and her going rate seems awfully high for someone who is having trouble paying the bills.

If you're not obsessed with a game concept that you MUST bring to fruition, you probably shouldn't. The process shouldn't be: My dream is to be an indie game developer, now what game should I develop? The process should be: This game that doesn't exist yet is the most amazing idea I've ever had and I cannot rest until I bring it into reality.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Stay becomes a charge
« on: April 25, 2020, 10:14:02 PM »
That's what you get for hiring a hunter named Leeroy.

Suggestions / Re: Pause for spacebar when you fall through the ice
« on: April 23, 2020, 07:28:54 PM »
On topic, I agree with the suggestion, though. Was it careless? Yes. But falling through the ice happens to almost everyone at some point and given how big of a crisis that usually is, it should pause the game for a spacebar press (assuming that wouldn't be particularly challenging to code.)

Suggestions / Re: Pause for spacebar when you fall through the ice
« on: April 23, 2020, 07:23:27 PM »
So you're doing a series about a character and you're going back to a save every time he dies?

I'd rather follow a character who started in summer with custom-very easy than to follow a character who goes back to a save every time he dies. At least there's SOME risk involved in the former case, whereas your character is immortal for as long as you decide you want him to be.

At least you're honest about it, though. And maybe others see it differently.

Gameplay questions / Re: Combat system
« on: April 23, 2020, 01:17:37 AM »
My guess is you were exhausted by the time the boy killed you (if you mean it was a child, then you were attacking a settlement?) and you weren't wearing an iron spectacle helm. Plus what Tom said. You should use the weapon you're most skilled in. If that's axe, then use a battleaxe. If that's spear, then throw javelins and then melee with a spear. If that's sword, then use a battlesword.

You should use shift-A before you willingly engage in mortal combat to make sure you don't have any glaring defensive vulnerabilities (other than your eyes, which are an omnipresent and unavoidable glaring defensive vulnerability.)

I haven't thrown a javelin at a reindeer or an elk in years ... well okay, it just seems like years.

Javelins and spears are for Njerpez. Why would I ruin a perfectly good reindeer skin with one?

Anyway, you do your playstyle and I'll do mine.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: April 21, 2020, 05:46:43 PM »
Question re: Warfare task in Advanced Adventures tutorial:

Spoiler: show
So, I just completed this task by killing a random Njerp on the map. Here's how the task reads:

"Njerpez warriors, foreigners from the east, have been making raids in this region. Your next task is to find their camp and kill all of them. When you find the camp you can make plans for how and when to attack them. You'd better be prepared and properly armed too. Wandering Njerpez warriors are encountered from time to time, but in the wilderness the conflicts are easier to avoid. In their camp you can expect to find numerous warriors so hiding and sneaking could be a very useful tactic."

Is this working as intended that just killing 1 stray Njerp completes this task, or is it intended that you go to Njerp territory and kill everyone in a Njerp settlement? Did Njerp 'camps' used to spawn across the whole map, because I've never seen one. I'd like to complete this task as it was intended.

Suggestions / Coudes or Coudières or Couters or Cowters?
« on: April 20, 2020, 11:35:18 PM »
I'm curious how much thought was given to naming this item. My understanding is that coudes is just the french word for elbows and that one of the other 3 words might be more appropriate to describe a piece of armor made from iron designed to protect the elbows. But I could be wrong, I often am.

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