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Topics - Aerotinge

Pages: [1]
As you see there, right half of shutter tlie shows a high-lighted green ground, not moss covered ground nor normal ground(two o'clock position)
It seems that right half of shutter tlie is not rendered correctly.

Opened door:
Same as what has been written above. Inside a opened door frame, it renders a high-lighted green ground.

Not really a problem of gameplay, but a little problem of immersive.

General Discussion / Njeperz, who are they and why?
« on: March 27, 2019, 03:17:25 PM »
Njeperz the red is a common topic for UrW players.
When it comes to Njeperz, people oftens mapping them to east slavic people.
I have a question that UrW is base on the iron age in Finland(Sápmi, in precisely), which is C1st~C5th. AD.(From C4th BC., If we count in Findless Age)
But east slavic people (Ilmen tribes then) was not waging war against Sápmi people until High Middle Ages IIRC.
However, germanic tribes like Saxon did lots "migration". It can be inferred migration not only happen in western Europe but north Scandinavia.
(Even in Findless Age, there was warlike Jastorf culture in C6th~C3th BC. in southern Scandinavia & north Germany.)

In Finnish, "Sima"(mead) is from Proto-Germanic *saima-.
"raha"(money) is from early Proto-Germanic "*skrahā"(squirrel skin).
In UrW timeframe we're all witness of this loanword adopted from Proto-Germanic.
Moreover, in-game item "Njerpeziläis Scimitar" have a *-äis word-final, which is similar to German word. (probably)

If he looks red, swims like a robber, and quacks from east, shall it be communist slav?
BTW Polish "Niemiec"(German;foreigner, literally "one who mute(won't speak our language)")
make me think of Nje-perz. 8)

Mod Releases / Njerpeziläis Jerk jerky and more
« on: March 27, 2019, 11:38:06 AM »
Hi, my first mod here. Pick&copy code you want and paste them in your biy_.../diy_...
Code: [Select]
[SUBMENU_START:utility article]This allow you "dry" dead Njerpez for dog food.
Since all of my dogs is barking starving all day, I made this.
Code: [Select]
.Jerk jerky. "Pike" [effort:2] [phys:arms] *COOKERY* (8) /120/ \11d\ %0% |-2| [noquality]
{Cutting weapon}
{*dead njerpez *} 'Human carcass in inventory' (1) [remove] [name:Jerk %s jerky] [naming:last word]
{[TILE:Inside of a building]} +'A place for dry-aging'
{Knife} <Hunting knife>
{Tying equipment} [remove]
Standing for 12 days, Your dogs will love this stale, even spoil jerky.
WARNING:Thou shalt not consume this jerky. It's for doggy only.

And I want my fishing net repaired as cloth did. Here we go.
Code: [Select]
.Repair Net. "Net" [effort:3] [phys:arms] -R- *FISHING* /120/ %0% |-2|
{* Net} (1) [remove]
{Knife} <Fisher's knife>
{Wooden stake} (2) [remove]
{Cord} #1# [remove]
Input is a net beyond usable condition. Output is a usable, same quality net.

I need some ropes right now. How about untie a loop snare?
Code: [Select]
.Untie loop snare. "Rope" [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *TRAPPING* /15/ %0% |-2| [noquality] [patch]
{loop snare} [remove] [patchwise]
Code: [Select]
[SUBMENU_END:utility article]
 Make your own sauna room

A sauna stove
Code: [Select]
.Sauna stove. "Sauna stove" -U- [effort:3] [phys:arms,stance,one-armed] *BUILDING* /240/ %50% [indoors]
{Stone} (35) [ground] [remove]

And a sauna scoop
Code: [Select]
.Sauna scoop. [effort:2] [phys:arms] *CARPENTRY* /120/ %10%  [noquality]
{Block of wood} [remove]
{Axe} <Handaxe> 'An axe for rough cutting'
{Axe} <Carving axe> 'An axe for carving' [optional]
{Knife} <Small Knife> 'A knife for shaping'

And here's my little yard. Cute forest reindeer doe, isn't she?

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