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Re: How do you play My game experience is recent and short. I found that hunting without a dog is frequently a waste of time, so, I became a trapper and settled near some rapids.  I have two small trap fences near small lakes, a couple dozen snares, mostly near my settlement, 6 heavy deadfalls which I've found good for bears, elk, and even a wolf once. My fence/deadly stake traps around my settlement have seen but 3 small marauding animals so I guess the rapids is not favored by wildlife in general. I have 2 or 3 dogs, depending on njerp luck, and a bull that's usually carrying my best furs, hoping to find traders with something I can use, and heavy armor that I pop on when I see a fight coming. I've traveled a lot, visited all but the Seal and Njerp areas, and have acquired many prized tools and weapons. I've put up a 2nd settlement with a cabin and a barn on a small island but have not yet used it much. I'm presently midway through my 2nd winter.
November 06, 2018, 02:00:53 AM
Re: Can someone create pickaxe mod?
... UrW doesn't have pickaxe for mining stones and iron (the game is in iron age so this could be available), we can't repair weapons, tools, armors and so on. ...
Wrong. Iron age does not imply iron mines [or pickaxes]. The cultures in the area used bog iron as their source of iron, not mines dug into rock. If I understand it correctly, smiths at the time were highly regarded craftsmen making their living out of crafting iron items for customers: smithing wasn't something everyone were doing on the side, but more or less one of the first real professions. Even so, they were probably not able to create sophisticated armor or weapons (those were imported, which is what the foreign traders represent), but they should have been able to produce tools and basic weapons. So yes, first you character is an apprentice full time for 5-10 years (probably starting at age 10-12 or so), before they'd be able to open up their own shop (smithing all day long, and no adventuring).

November 08, 2018, 02:06:25 PM
Re: How do you play In my current playtrough I have a homestead,
it has the main building in the center, wich is mostly storage now, to the east a farmfield with 2 extra cabins, one is a smokehouse in summer, sauna in winter and the second is a small cabin with bed and fireplace.
to the south exit of the main building is the sheep pen, 3 female sheep and one ram called "bo".

to the north exit there is the cow pen, with 2 female cows and one very large bull called "barry"

to hunt/guard, I have two dogs, a male and a female.

my activety depends mostly on the seasons.
in spring it is mostly planting crops, trapping small game.

when planting is done, it usually turns to summer, this is when I do most of my hunting, its the weather for it.

when harvest season comes, that is what I do. usually berries are also abundant so I collect those to and dry most for winter.

during the whole warm period, I milk those 3 sheep and 2 cows, every day. all of em. I store the milk in 4 large barrels I made and those are plenty to last till next year.

if my meat stores are high and I find myself bored, i'll go for a walk and collect whatever usefull stuff I find. usually mushrooms, stones, rocks, wood. big bull barry has no problem dragging a full tree trunk.

so I get meat in summer, plants in fall, stones and wood and milk the entire time. by winter i'll be sitting on a pile of raw materials, vegtables, healing herbs, hemp leaves, wood, etc etc.

so in winter. I process it all. I make linen from my hemp, I make clothes from my furs and trade them, I make new arrows from the bones I hunted, etc etc. allwhile sitting in front of the fireplace, eating goulash and berries, drinking milk. making arrows butt naked in the middle of winter.

November 26, 2018, 06:59:03 PM
Re: Whittling away So, a year passed and I thought on writing a minimod on this idea  :)

I thought in using generic terms, so artifact or figurine could be an animal, person or anything you like.

Here it is, hope it is what you guys were thinking:

November 29, 2018, 04:19:36 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I have made pot!!!!

- Novrus

My stalwart inspiration for a self assigned creative writing has finally  made a cooking pot! Along the way he had to travel from his homeland, work for seeds, make fields, build traps, stockpile materials before the ice, make a house, harvest crops, make a smithy, build tools and now he has made a pot!

Wooo! About a 6 month journey to get here.

FYI the journal is long which I hope you will enjoy. I started a  little over 2 weeks ago and it has surpassed 30,000 words.

November 30, 2018, 11:15:26 PM
Re: Craftable punts ? And what should the limitations be ? Ye old Brygun here, once again travelling the Unreal World and forums.

The base game punts we see in the vanilla game are/were/taken-to-be leather skin over wood frame.

Purchasing one was a big deal as the only other vanilla watercraft was rafts which you really can't portage with. Or if you do are greatly burdened. The punt was something you could carry in lieu of a pair of grain sacks leaving you quite well armed, dressed and with trade goods.

Trimming down the weight of treetrunks slightly could be taken to be removing excess branches or other bits but I don't see it as a huge difference from 1200 to 1500. I still can't bench press it.

There was an old mod which had a recipe for making a leather punt. I think it was Rain or Endive but Im not sure. I have been meaning to look that up.

There is no evidence of Iron Age Finland using birch bark canoes but as I am Canadian have a lot of imagery regarding canoes. There is a birch-bark canoe in my mod. Each major step takes a precious menu line which are limited in number.

IIRC the self sufficency mod had a recipe for a dugout canoe. Due to their ease of making just about wherever mankind was someone at some point made a dug out canoe.

There is evidence of the era and geography having leather skin boats and dug out canoes.

Bouidda and thus Nyxz have a "punt" that appears to be built up of boards. That to me seems to be a clinker built boat.

There is evidence of clinker built boats being used by the Anglos and Scandanavians in the 600s. I was watching a documentary on that today actually.

I don't think the punt we see is a clinker boat it is however the only vanilla graphic we have.

IIRC the game code is linked that the weight of the watercraft x N is how much it can carry. So limiting the raft to 1200 may have been needed for that. I would rather the carry load wasn't dependent on the craft weight. The leather punt has a light structure for a large displacement while a dugout canoe is very tough keeping structural weight with comparatively less load capacity.

I've been thinking rewriting or finding the old leather punt recipe too.

December 02, 2018, 01:36:05 AM
Re: Craftable punts ? And what should the limitations be ? Sorry for the many posts.

Found on the old forums the dugout canoe recipe from Endive's Self Sufficiency who in turn credited thefinn

This recipe is quite old and doesn't take advantage of new commands added to the game.

.Rough Dugout Hull. "Tree Trunk" *TIMBERCRAFT* /4h/
{Tree Trunk} [ground] [remove] [noquality]
{Axe}<Broad axe>

.Burned-out Dugout Hull. "Tree Trunk" *TIMBERCRAFT* /3h/  \12h\
{Rough Dugout Hull} [ground] [remove]
{Fire} [ground]
{Shovel} '+for moving hot coals'

.Dugout Canoe. "Punt" *TIMBERCRAFT* /5h/  |1|
{Burned-out Dugout Hull} [ground] [remove]
{Axe}<Carving axe>


December 02, 2018, 01:47:59 AM
Re: Craftable punts ? And what should the limitations be ? There's actually a video of making an UnReal World -style punt. The footage is from 1936, so they're making a somewhat more modern version than the simple punt used in UrW. I'd assume UrW punt comes without those extra added boards to the sides, which they start attaching at 4:09 in the video.
December 02, 2018, 03:35:34 PM
How badgers escape And you thought you had problems catching badgers. Trying keeping one in a pen:

December 07, 2018, 05:27:34 PM
Re: Best way to preserve berries long-term ? Here's the dried berries from my NjerpCookery mod:

Code: [Select]
.Dried berries.  (4)   *COOKERY* /10/ \6d\  %30% :151: 
{Berries}   #8#     [remove] [roast] [name:dried %s] [optional]
{Board} '+to lay out the berries in the sun'

You can paste into your cookery_glossary.txt to try it out. The berries in the first entry are marked [optional] which I feel makes it a lot more versatile in gameplay because it's not often that you have the full 8lbs of berries the recipe calls for, but making smaller batches was annoying me when I did have larger amounts of berries amasssed, because of how many keypresses it was. This way seems to be a nice compromise that no longer feels annoying, to me.

Note that you can make dried berries outta literally nothing with this recipe because of how [optional] works, it will take any amount including 0 berries. But if you do that, you quickly find out the joke will be on you, since dried berries made of thin air will have 0 nutrition value  ;D

December 13, 2018, 04:14:03 AM