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Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
The toughest squirrel I've encountered.

Shall we call it a... wait for it... R.O.U.S. (Rodent of Unusual Strength)?
I don't think they exist.  ;)

December 22, 2017, 10:37:27 PM
Re: Huge big seasons greetings -- plus winter sales and late year releases Looks somewhere around 75 feet (23 meters), maybe a bit more since I don't know how tall you are.
Very nice looking tree... beautiful, in fact.
 :) :D

December 22, 2017, 11:01:43 PM
Re: Mik Early next morning, he catches 3 perch with his ugly fishing rod, then fashions a bunch of arrow shafts from a board for the rest of the day. He sleeps without any dreams and wakes in the wee hours.

It's about 5 weeks until the middle of winter. There is still not much snow, so he heads out for a bit of exploring to eastward.

It's still early morning when from a hilltop he spots a man about 800 paces ahead toward the east. Mik drops his fur overcoat, water, and other stuff, then goes to investigate. Sneaking through the forest he sees one of the foreign enemy scouts, well armed with spear, axe, and bow. The man is unaware of Mik and lays down to rest, his head on a tree trunk.

Mik decides to drop his bow and sneak up with mace and shield. The man must be drunk or very confident in his safety because he doesn't wake up as Mik raises his mace to smash his skull. The man dies without waking... the 12th Njerpezit to fall.

December 23, 2017, 07:42:00 PM
Re: Mik The weather is bitterly cold now. The fire on which he burns the Njerpezit's body in honor of Kalma keeps him nice and warm. On the trip back home carrying the dead man's equipment, Mik thinks he should wear warmer clothing when venturing out now. Perhaps tomorrow he will do that... now he still has time to go adventuring eastward as originally planned this morning.

Having traveled further east than ever, he meets some traders but makes no trades with them. Then the land becomes a bit mountainous. From a small peak, he sees a figure and descends to see who it might be. Nobody is found in the woods below and no tracks in the snow. Perhaps it was a spirit?

The light is failing so Mik makes a shelter for the night. He sacrifices one of his dried bear cuts to appease the spirit, if it was one, and also mouths rituals requesting the forest spirit to allow him to sleep there and to keep him safe through the night.

Mik wakes early, having slept well in the shelter.

December 25, 2017, 01:56:33 AM
Re: 3.50b2 ram milk  ::)
Did someone just assume the gender of that member of the Caprinae family?

December 25, 2017, 08:47:38 PM
Re: 3.50b2 ram milk  :o    T. M. I.  :o
December 26, 2017, 05:02:41 AM
Re: Mik I don't really have much advice worth giving you on the snares. Usually my characters' snares seem to work pretty well, and they usually have under 25 skill. The snares vary in quality from normal to poor.

1. The traps are set in areas where birds have been observed, but mostly in random locations.
2. Some are baited with berries and some are not baited at all.
3. Some are placed in berry bush tiles and these seem to work best when the berries are ready for picking.
4. Typically, they kick & reset their traps every week or so, and I think that helps.

December 26, 2017, 05:18:47 AM
Re: Mik Moving on back toward the west in the morning, Mik shoots a squirrel out of a tree with a blunt arrow. After walking all day, he has seen no other animals or persons. A fallen tree in a frozen mire will be his heat for the night after he begins tanning the squirrel hide.

Still a bit uneasy after yesterday's "spirit" sighting, Mik decides to sacrifice the squirrel meat rather than eat it.

December 26, 2017, 04:58:01 PM
Throwing (key command) Can we get "1" and "2" keys (after hitting "t") mapped to throwing weapons that are already wielded?
This would be quicker and also intuitive, rather than having to pick the weapon from the list.

December 27, 2017, 08:44:42 PM
Re: Mik Another day of travel brings him back home, and he checks all his traps, which are empty.

While eating and looking out the kota door flap, Mik sees the badger. This is a good time to venture onto the ice and maybe get a shot at the little trap thief. Carrying only light gear, he's halfway across the ice and it seems safe, so he goes to check on his north-shore shelter.

No more sign of the sneaky badger, only lots of fresh tracks. This is starting to dig at Mik's pride as a hunter.

December 27, 2017, 10:35:09 PM