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Messages - Tinker

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Gameplay questions / Re: Bloodloss
« on: April 22, 2021, 10:26:23 AM »
I reached a similar conclusion, the bloodloss meter is possibly the measure of how close you are to suffering some effects, while the bar is not full there is less chance of fainting or whatever.

I am playing a HHA scenario and with 65% injuries, most severe, I am concentrating on healing despite starvation growing. Even though the bloodloss bar is full I quite often mange to bleed more when treating wounds and still did not notice any ill effects.

Bloodloss recovery does not seem to be connected to anything other than time, recovering from bloodloss seemed the same with 60% starvation as it was later when I was well fed, though I have not been short of water so that could make a difference.

Gameplay questions / Re: 1 arrow = 15 feet cord
« on: April 22, 2021, 10:06:18 AM »
Whilst it would seem obvious that when making anything involving tying equipment that you would cut 1 from the 15 and leaves yourself with 14 it does not work that way and you do need to cut the cord to length first.

I understand your frustration, I am similarly frustrated at times. I use BAC mod to save my sanity, and with a stone axe I can fell trees but not make boards. With your traps, have you baited them? I quite often place a trap on a fruit bush a few days before it is ripe. My current new character had to wait 3 weeks before catching anything in a trap, then three at once and two more the next day, everying does seem to take a long time.

Gameplay questions / Bloodloss
« on: April 21, 2021, 01:02:57 PM »
So just what is bloodloss? I know that you can lose blood from wounds, such as opening a wound when treating it, and you can get messages like 'you are bleeding to death.'
There is a bloodloss indicator on the UI but no scale or other indication of what it is telling me. Stats like injury, fatigue, starvation and load carried all have malus points but bloodloss does not, as if there is no penalty for not having any blood left. I recently had a case of bloodloss when treating a severe wound in my leg, I stopped the bleeding immediately and the bloodloss indicator was full, there were no ill effects that I could tell. I then treated seven minor wounds with no problem then I tried treating a severe cut in my eye which also started bleeding, again I stopped it. The bloodloss indicator on the UI did not change as it was already full and there seemed to be no ill effects to losing 200% of my blood. Over the following days the level on the UI slowly dropped to about 50%.

So I am left wondering what the indicator means, what are the effects, if any, of bloodloss and what causes to blood to be regenerated?

My medical training tells me that the should be some slight fatigue and reduced coordination as you approach 30%, dramatically rising as you get towards 40% followed by unconsciousness. Making new blood relies on being well fed and plenty of water. (irl it is a bit more complex but urw does not model vitamins and trace elements)

Mod Releases / Re: [3.63] URWSSSelector v1.0.0
« on: December 06, 2020, 10:03:52 AM »
I will ask my usual question, what about Linux users?

General Discussion / Re: "The Challenge"
« on: August 22, 2020, 11:40:04 AM »
I assume from your post that you have not tried the challenge, or you got a really lucky start.

It is difficult to fish, even with high skill, without tools. In a dozen or so starts I never had high fishing skills and only once did I find any water within two days, and that seemed to have no fish.

Stealing clothes from a village would help with warmth but I have never found a village in any of my starts.

Modding / Re: Modding limitations?
« on: August 22, 2020, 11:23:21 AM »
As you claim to be a game dev, then the easiest course to get the game you want is to create your own. With unity, godot or even unreal engine available for free you can make your own open or closed source game fairly quickly, one person could have a proof of concept game within a month and an alpha test version within a year.

If you are young enough to want to work in game dev then you would also have something to add to a CV. I am well past have to work but I am creating my own version of urw, with a different name, not in Finland and using nothing from the urw code or assets, just for the pleasure of doing it and playing it. I am not even sure if I will release it, maybe the source will be open on gitlab, but maybe it will never get finished as I have so many other projects on the go.

Gameplay questions / Re: Roleplaying
« on: June 29, 2020, 10:44:40 AM »
Looks like I play my role differently than most other people.

I start in a remote area, as far away from cultural regions and villages as I can. The first few weeks or months are spent exploring the area I am claiming as home, I build a couple of shelters at good hunting or fishing spots and build up a supply of food and skins and scout for a suitable site for a homestead.

I never make any offerings or perform any rituals and as I almost never see anyone I never do quests and never talk to strangers anyway. Once I have build a stock of weapons and armour I attack any trespassers, my land is not your land.

The first winter is the time to collect building materials for my homestead, maybe start building it, and I set traplines around the build site. I tend to spend one day on the homestead work, one on checking traplines, one day I travel to my remote shelters to collect stores and one day making or repairing tools, weapons clothes and armour.

The wiki guide was abandoned shortly after it was started, for various reasons. The link does not work from there and it points to an older version of BAC.
Easiest way to download it to use Brygun's latest link, the post above yours or more generally from the first post of this topic, which always points to the latest version.

General Discussion / Re: Does BAC reduce realism?
« on: May 20, 2020, 10:40:01 AM »
My 2 cents. BAC is the single best improvement to URW, it makes many thing more 'real', I never play without it.

Admittedly I have never got into metal production so cannot comment on the balance/realism of this part. You do have the option of not using any bits you do not think are accurate enough.

It is possible that the first working on iron was done by a single guy trying to make iron better than bronze. Making a steel arrow head could be done by one person, making lots of them would need more people.

Cold smoking. There are a few requirements, fist the temperature needs to be below about 30 for the whole process, meat should be cured or salted for a couple of days first. Meat is then hung in a cold smokehouse and smoke is fed into it for 8 to 16 hours, the meat is then left for a month to completely dry.

Hot smoking. Here the temperature needs to be about 70 for the whole process but the process only takes about 16 hours. Hot smoked meat is usually eaten fresh from the smokers as the process does not do much to prolong preservation.

Warm smoking. As the name implies it is somewhere between hot and cold but for preservation the meat needs to be cured first.

Gameplay questions / Re: Multiplayer - what are your opinions?
« on: May 15, 2020, 10:05:50 AM »
Even if it did work in some way I would never play it, I do not entrust my pleasure to some others persons schedule.

The BAC user guide never really got started, nobody was interested in adding info, Some pages were deleted by an anonymous admin despite Sami saying it was for us users to add stuff.

Gameplay questions / Re: Problems with rituals
« on: April 13, 2020, 10:50:32 AM »
My point was that just because some people believe something to be it does not make it true. The egyptians had to perform a ritual every evening to get the sun to return the next morning. They believed the sun returned because of their ritual, we of course, know better, but they probably felt good about their influence with Ra and possibly this made their life feel better.

I have studied comparative religion and superstition for about 30 years, the main conclusion I have reached is that most people, throughout history and alive now, are to stupid to understand the realities of life and death and fill their minds spiritual nonsense so they can cope. Being over 70 now I am quite looking forward to the end although I am quite interested in the current mindless panic worldwide, hopefully 7 billion will die and thus save the planet, though the survivors will probably all have invented rituals that they swear saved then.

As I said I will play without rituals and see if I can get a character to outlast me.

Gameplay questions / Re: Problems with rituals
« on: April 12, 2020, 10:40:28 AM »
It seems from the replies that I can play as a real person in an unreal world with no major problems, thanks for the replies.

Many of the rituals seem illogical, why would sheep running over a fishing net be good?I would suggest it would damage the net and make it worse. I have tried several times throwing my fishing rod into the sea, which seems the wrong thing to do, but I usually get a message that I missed, even though it is there floating in the sea. Further on fishing, I cannot make any sense out of the throw the first fish caught back after the beginning of open water season. When is open water season, I usually live by the sea and fish all winter, if I catch 6 or 7 fish at a time which one was first?  One the one occasion I tried the ritual the fish floated at sea for weeks before I rafted out to it and picked it up, still fresh.

At least I know that most people think I should have no problems playing my way so I will persist.

Gameplay questions / Problems with rituals
« on: April 11, 2020, 11:22:22 AM »
I am having problems with the whole F4 thing, this is not a game problem but a problem with my philosophy of life.

My view is you are born, you stuggle in various ways to live then you die, no afterlife, rebirth, gods or such like. I have difficulty with suspension of disbelief in a game that is supposed to emulate life. I can cope with magic and supernatural beasts in fantasy games as they are not like life at all. I can also accept that so called 'primitive' races would invent explanations of a spiritual nature to explain things the do not understand, such rituals etc. may appear to work to them but would of course not do anything. At best they may make the person better at a task because they think some spirit is helping them though in fact any benefit is their better concentration or just luck.

I have forced myself to try playing using the rituals I know and have played the same character without using rituals at all, there seems to be very little difference, at least in 6 months of playing. The main difference is I feel better about my character when I play without using rituals, especially with some of the illogical ones.

My question is basically, is it possible to play long term with using rituals? Or does it get more complicated with years of playing while ignoring the F4 button?

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