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Messages - PALU

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Lots of other animals drown in the same manner in the game (but it's a lot harder to recover them, and I mostly detect them when finding bone "floating" in the water when passing by during the summer).

It does happen in real life, but the rate in the game is probably much higher than that.

How to kill humans: Ambush and Hit and Run (NOT run: walk!)
- Attack from long range and lure a single enemy towards you.
- As soon as the enemy runs towards you, back away walking. The purpose is to get the enemy to run itself into the ground and become incredibly slow.
- Once the enemy is sufficiently slowed down, kill it with arrows from a short distance, and make sure to maintain a distance.
- Make sure you have no fatigue when starting the engagement and also drop everything you don't need during the fight beforehand (water skin, food, etc.). Never attack while injured, as that causes additional penalties.
- Heavy armor is very helpful if the enemy manages to catch up despite your back pedaling, but you're doomed if you try to run wearing it. Also note that it's not a guarantee: an enemy can always get a lucky hit.
- It's usually better to try to move away even when the enemy manages to catch up with you, as attacking racks up fatigue.
- You can use the cover of darkness for surprise attacks. It CAN work to be lightly equipped and run away into the darkness, but you run a significant risk of getting hit by an arrow.
- Enemies wielding bows are extra dangerous as they can fire at you as long as they have arrows. Tiring them out can impair their aim, but you still run the risk of a lucky one shot kill.
- Shields and heavy armor can help against bow wielding enemies. You'd basically have to weather their attacks until they're out of arrows. Also don't be surprised if they are able to pick up one of your arrows and fire it back. Flee if injured (NOT running in your heavy armor!) and come back when healed.
- Using water craft can allow you to tire out enemies on the shore, and lying down on your craft with a shield at the maximum range can allow you to get the enemies to expend their arrows with the lowest risk (but it's never risk free).
- Getting injured and ganged up upon is a death sentence. Run them out of breath and take them on one at a time and leave when injured.

The above applies when you are the one attacking in a controlled manner. For a robber quest I'd suggest recruiting twice as many henchmen as the scouted number of robbers, and then you'd have to try to take things from there. It used to be suicide to equip henchmen with bows (they shot you and your other henchmen in the back more often than they hit enemies), but that's supposed to be fixed. However, consider whether you should really take the risk of this quest. I haven't for quite some time.

Before actually performing the robber quest with henchmen, it's best to locate them alone quipped with spare garbage equipment you can afford to lose, give up and let them take whatever they want, be told to get lost, leave, recruit your posse and equip your character with the good stuff, and then return. However, you should really have consider whether to take on this quest at all.

There is one situation where running may be useful: when you encounter robbers/njerps at a distance it can work to run away and escape to the overmap. However, if you fail, you'll be tired and facing enemies...

Gameplay questions / Re: Leaving dogs alone with a pile of meat?
« on: August 22, 2024, 10:13:26 AM »
And a starving hunting dog can eat from the prey, damaging the fur, if role playing and role playing decency isn't enough incentive.

Suggestions / Re: Pre-generate remains of dead animals
« on: August 20, 2024, 09:01:01 AM »
Drowned animals "existed" in the world and drowned when failing to get out of the cold water.
The feathers result from birds being taken by predators, and sometimes you can find remains of animals taken by predators, which can give you a small meal if you're not too squeamish to act as a scavenger.

Bug reports / Re: Stackable Items not stacking
« on: August 18, 2024, 07:45:10 AM »
No. Archaic units don't have higher resolution (pounds are half the weight of kg, but inches are twice as long as cm, so some units are smaller and some are bigger). There's a setting where you can select the number of digits (or, rather, decimals) the UI uses to display values.

Bug reports / Re: Stackable Items not stacking
« on: August 17, 2024, 10:56:10 AM »
Furs only stack if they're of the same size and the same season variety. I suspect you'd see them having different weights if you displayed measurements with the highest resolution.

When it comes to arrows I'm guessing they come from different sources, such as being generic ones purchased versus one constructed using different recipes. That's just a guess, though.

Personally I find weight to be the biggest restriction when it comes to hauling stuff around. When faced with stack restrictions (such as e.g. hauling loot from a robber quest and using beasts of burden to haul it), I use the fact that the player has a higher stack limit than beasts (and vehicles), so the large heavy stacks go onto the stack limited carriers, while the many small light ones are carried by the PC. Basically, I load stacks onto carriers in weight orders, starting with the heaviest stacks first and have the PC pick up the remainder (although it's best to keep at least one stack slot free on water crafts to allow for the need to drop a weapon or paddle.

Suggestions / Re: Herblore- getting plants identified in villages
« on: August 12, 2024, 08:31:25 AM »
It seems you've missed that you can train your herb lore skill by repeatedly trying to identify plants (without eating them). In fact, herb lore is the skill that's the easiest to train to its maximum level, because you can keep on trying until you get there.

Suggestions / Re: [yield:num] improvements
« on: August 10, 2024, 03:10:04 PM »
The situation is somewhat similar to the smoking situation prior to the rework of cords.
The ideal solution is probably a length wise implementation, but as this would be a longer term solution, I'd suggest the information wouldn't only say how many <X> a <Y> would yield, but also that excess material would be lost.
If that is considered hard to understand and no brief alternative could be found, I'd suggest having the crafting section of the encyclopedia say something along the lines of "Some recipes can produce multiple items from a single source item, but without the ability to return a partially used source item if crafting of fewer items is performed. In those cases crafting will warn the player with this text "...".

Thus, something like
"One slender tree trunk can yield 3 blunt arrows, with excess material being lost."
If possible, I'd also try to get the maximum count to be a multiple of the yield, i.e. 3 in the case of arrows to reinforce that you'd ideally craft multiples.

A possible alternative might be to use the damage system to indicate consumption, but I'd guess it isn't a trivial amount of work either.

A preemtive question: Are you updating the punt quest to specify and require a particular kind of tree trunk, or are you updating the fulfillment test to check against any type of trunk?
I would probably go towards a specific kind of tree, given that the quest giver is rather particular in the request, so a species restriction would seem reasonable.

Asked because it's the kind of thing that can break as a result of splitting trunks up while still easy to miss the dependency.

Gameplay questions / Re: Is someone stealing my poop?
« on: May 23, 2024, 07:55:22 AM »
Animals in traps die eventually, so you can't keep it.

Gameplay questions / Re: Will robbers etc steal low quality items?
« on: May 22, 2024, 08:44:22 AM »
I've had robbers not take low value low quality items. Like Plotinus, I gear up in a beggar outfit (low quality clothing and weapons) when looking for robbers, so I'm not losing anything important if they do take something.

In my remote island starts I've managed to train up swimming to 100 (or very close to it) and do island hopping swimming until I've reached inhabited islands where you've got the resources to make a paddle (this was when it was outright impossible to make a paddle with a stone axe).
I'm not saying I haven't failed (starvation early on is a huge risk), but I've never been stuck until winter (but note that there are only a small number of days when the water is warm enough for long distance swimming). Ice during the winter wouldn't help either, because I've started far out in the archipelago where there's open water between the islands.

Also, if you do such a start, start your swimming training as early as possible, even if it means you get chilled down. You need all the training you can get so you're ready when it's warm enough.

Also note that you can swim with a small amount of clothing and carry a small amount of items without suffering a penalty.

It would be plural if the responder refers to fish hooks, but singular if it referred to the order/task/job/mission.

Changing it to plural wouldn't hurt, though.

A tangent regarding the lead developer's name from someone who doesn't know Finnish but has a slight idea of how Finnish works:
- The name is Sami, and I would "translate" it into English spelling as "Sammi".
- The Saami is a people related to the Finns. They're spread, as a people, over the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. They also used to live on the northern part of the Kola peninsula, but I don't know if they've been exterminated, forcibly relocated, or remnants still remain there.  Their name is pronounced with a long "a".

Yes, I think a separate space for mods would be quite useful.

When mod functionality gets implemented into the game, mods ought to phase the mod version(s) out, and it would be useful if the mods then contained "translation" recipes for a transition period. Mod maintainers have limited amount of time available, though, so what's desirable might not be what's reasonable at all times.

Mostly it's up to the mod maintainers to adapt to the changes in the game, but a mod space seems like a reasonable game support (when "resources" are available to provide it).

I don't think it would hurt for the developers to look at mods occasionally to get some additional perspective on intended new functionality. Not as "this is how it has to be", but rather to provide aspects they may not have thought of. Also, a proper implementation would not be restricted by the same constraints mods have. However, the developers obviously have to manage their time, and looking at mods may well end up in the "no time for this now" bucket constantly.

Gameplay questions / Re: Bears during winter
« on: March 13, 2024, 08:45:33 AM »
UrW bears don't hibernate currently.

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