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Messages - Nicolina04

Pages: [1]
Gameplay questions / Re: 1 arrow = 15 feet cord
« on: April 22, 2021, 11:50:09 AM »
Ah! So it wasn't a design choice so much as something that just hadn't been gotten around to. Okay, cool. Thanks!

Gameplay questions / Re: 1 arrow = 15 feet cord
« on: April 22, 2021, 11:03:53 AM »
Hmmm. That's really confusing, especially since making ropes uses partial hides. Sounds like a very strange design choice. Is there a mod that changes that, making it consistent with the rest of the game, by any chance? Or something that will warn me when I try?

Yeah, I'm finding that if the RNG gods don't love you enough to give you an axe, you're quite stuck. I can't catch a larger kill because I can't dig a pit trap without a shovel (tried with the wooden one and was told it'd take too long), or create a stone axe or use any traps involving cords (because I lost my fifteen feet to a single rough arrow). I'm not sure what I can bait birds with, as i'm in summer and so it is not berry season yet.

I've upped my trap count to ~30 traps across eight locations, but still have only caught one bird in the last two months. I'm placing traps along waterways and/or amongst berries (but obviously the berries aren't ripe yet). I've run into one elk, and promptly lost her in a forest. I've still not run into any squirrels!

Gameplay questions / 1 arrow = 15 feet cord
« on: April 22, 2021, 08:26:50 AM »
I went to create 1 arrow, and was asked for 1 foot of cord. I offered the recipe my 15 feet of cord, and it used all 15 feet. Is this intended behaviour? Do i have to split up the cord first?

It's proving quite frustrating as I'm finding it impossible to get anything worth trading (I don't have an axe to cut down trees, and all attempts at staves etc. are rough) so I'm relying on active fishing to survive and have spent the last ten ingame days trying to find something for the 'kill' task, and set up nearly fifteen traps across six different locations but caught no birds.

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