UnReal World > Not bugs

[not a bug] menudef odd behaviour on a Tablet


I recently got a Win 10 Tablet. Installed steam. Installed Unreal via steam as a local file (not streaming)

Using Boudia's mod which has a menudef_Boudia and menudef_Raincloth. So 2 menudef files.

Also using my mode with a menudef. Minor change from the usual A for added to G to not overlap with Boudia using A for barkware.

So here's the thing. As far as I can tell if I have my menudef as a 3rd file it won't load. If I copy my code lines into Boudia's as an extra line then the entry loads. I can delete my menudef file. That leaves menudef_merged (was Boudia) and menudef_Raincloth

As far as I can tell the game only loads two additional menudef files.

Not sure if this is an error in my file naming, the game or wierd tablet magic.

Privateer setup a mega menu mod. Does that work loading many menu_def files?

 Just tested real quick with 4 menudef files, each only contained one menu but it did appear to read from all four files to create menus.

Windows 10 (on laptop)


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