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Messages - WajMan

Pages: [1]
Gameplay questions / Re: Is trading for food the easy way out?
« on: October 28, 2021, 10:07:36 PM »
Forgot to answer the main question.

Trading for food in early game is viable option. Crafting or wood cutting are tasks that produce goods (unless rough) for food bartering. Angling for few hours, a day, might yield a pike. Twisting birchbark to a rope, will produce goods to barter for food.

Exactly this mate. Gamble with my fishing skill and equipment, or guarantee a full belly with the strategy of - make javelins->buy yarn->make arrows->buy food.

Definately feels like an easy option that will be much harder if they balance yarn prices (which, for the work involved in textilecraft, they probably should), but it's great while learning the systems.

Gameplay questions / Re: Is trading for food the easy way out?
« on: October 28, 2021, 04:16:20 PM »
Ahh yeah not needing bait sounds like the dream!! I'll have to look into it, I've bought a decent rod and hook and some nets, but have yet to make the move to a rapids tile.

My experience fishing amounted to something I named "The Javelin Trap" in which I slowly starved to death while catching just enough fish to keep active fishing, not ideal haha. That was early days and I've since learnt the benefit of trapping so perhaps that would switch things up.

Gameplay questions / Is trading for food the easy way out?
« on: October 28, 2021, 01:03:56 PM »

Is trading for food cheesy or how you're expected to survive until you get traps etc. established?

Obviously every playstyle is valid, but I want to know whether I'm using a crutch because I suck at hunting and should just improve haha.

Suggestions / Firepit
« on: October 26, 2021, 09:33:15 PM »
Use several stones to create a more permanent outdoor firepit.

Benefits - Fire lasts longer, embers last longer, another 'building' to flesh out an early game camp.

Potential small buff to cooking on a firepit rather than on open flame. When weather begins to impact firemaking, perhaps a firepit would help resist those effects.

Suggestions / Re: Fishing bait - Worms, guts, and groundbait
« on: October 25, 2021, 04:28:25 PM »
Yeah that would be great, +1 to that suggestion!

Obviously there's the realism side, but also from the gameplay I reckon it's really satisfying to have the different 'professions' assist one another. Use every part of the animal eh!

Suggestions / Fishing bait - Worms, guts, and groundbait
« on: October 25, 2021, 05:13:40 AM »
Great game, brutally rewarding.

I would imagine this is planned but if not,  digging for worms or reaching into trees for grubs etc. for bait would be much appreciated. Similarly using guts from butchery would be another realistic suggestion to improve the hunter-gatherer symbiosis.

Another potentially interesting addition would be the option to throw groundbait into fishing water. Pushing offcuts or specifically crafted bait into the water would increase likelihood of catching specific fish for a certain time, likely limited by type of groundbait and type of water.

Again, a great game, excited to see where it goes.

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